6th of May 2005 TIMISOARA - ROMANIA
1. Present Economic Issues of European Integration

Topics proposed:

 The Common Market; the Implementing of the Common Policy
               - The Economic Integration of the New Member States
 The Economic Growth
 The Lisbon Strategy (EU � the Most Dynamic and Competitive Economy in the World)
 Present Monetary Issues
? Romania on Its  Way to the European Currency: the New Leu, Starting with the 1st of July, 2005

Contact person: 
Prof. Alexandru BURTEA, National Bank of Romania (BNR), Timisoara [email protected]

2. Major Challenges on Political and Security Agenda of the European Union

Topics proposed:

The Treaty for Establishing a Constitution for European Union
           - The Political Integration of the New Member States
           - The Power of Demography: What Threats Regarding the Accession of Turkey � Human  Rights or Religion Concern?
           - EU as an Important Actor on External Affairs
 The Creation an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
The European Union Neighbourhood Policy
Trans-Atlantic Relationships; EU and NATO
The EU � Russia Relationship
The Special Situation of Balkans; the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe

Contact person:   
Mr. Dan MOGA, PhD, West University of Timisoara, [email protected]

3. Migration, Asylum and Human Rights at the Eastern Border of European Union

Topics proposed:

The international migration
             - Labour migration, brain-drain, East-West migration, legal and illegal migration
             - Asylum and Protection of International Refugees
             - Protection of the Rights of Migrants, Asylum Seekers, Refugees
 The external Border of the EU
             - The External Border of Romania
             - The EU Neighbourhood Policy; the Migration Camps; Moldova, Ukraine
 Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in the Activity of the Institution with Competences on Managing the Migration Phenomenon
 International Asylum and Migration versus NGOs

Contact person:
Mr. Ovidiu SIMINA, West University of Timisoara, [email protected]
Romania wil certainly be part of the European Union.
It is up to us to succeed!
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