Born on March 1, 1946 in Bukhara, Uzbekistan to Israel and Sylvia Shniffer from Poland, my mom came to Canada at the age of 2. Her father passed away when she was 5 and her mother later remarried to Alexander Bialow. She grew up in the St.Clair and Oakwood neighbourhood of Toronto, attending Oakwood Collegiate for high school. She then attended the University of Toronto completing her Psychology before finishing teacher's college. In 1965 she met Michael Jordan and the two were married in May of 1968. My mom got her first teaching job in Keswick Ontario. My parents then moved to Thornhill in 1971, and in 1975, I was born. My mom  taught grade 7 & 8 at Woodland P.S. before becoming a teacher/librarian at Henderson P.S.and later at Rosedale Heights P.S. Her career spanned almost 30 years. In 1997 she was diagnosed with cancer and after a long, extremely hard fought battle, passed away on April 18, 2002. 

Janet Jordan was the best mother a son could ever hope for. She was always there when I needed her, showed constant love and affection and was extremely supportive of everything I did. She was my role model and taught me to treat everyone with respect and dignity and have high morals and values. She was an inspiration to me and touched  everyone who knew her. I am grateful that she was able to attend my university graduation and I want her to know that she will be with me always and that I am proud to be her son.
A Tribute to Janet Jordan (My Mom)
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