Ray Milland as Sire Uri The late Ray Milland as Sire Uri, speechifying in the Carillon casino in the premiere

An early viper concept painting by Ralph McQuarrie

Early viper concept by Ralph McQuarrie

A viper model from BG An actual model viper used in the BG series. Compared to the Monogram model, there are numerous differences, but CGI vipers are inevitably based on the Monogram kit rather than the SFX team’s models.
Aren’t DVDs wonderful? Actually, the DVD of the BG premiere stinks, but it does give one the opportunity to scan the film frame by frame. Fans started to do so, and found a few frames of the viper stick grip with the buttons, usually labeled “Fire,” “Turbo,” and “IM,” labeled like this. Wha?! stick.jpg (8332 bytes)

beard.jpg (7707 bytes)

The ever-mysterious “Warrior with the Beard,” listening skeptically to Reese babbling in  Greetings From Earth. This unsung extra can be seen in a number of episodes, usually as a Galactica crewman, but sometimes in other roles as well. Watch for him, it’s as much fun as playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon (hey, can you connect the Warrior with the Beard to Kevin Bacon?! Go for it!). Boy, would I love to interview this guy!

Rick Springfield as Ensign Zac

Rick Springfield as Zac

Illustrations �1978 Universal City Studios

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