The Graves
During two trips to Scandinavia, I was able to visit five of the six graves.
Palsjo Ross
Ross Barney and Wally are buried in the Commonwealth Graves section of the Palsjo Cemetery on the outskirts of Halsingborg, Sweden Ross Conger Charlton was married and had spent time as an instructor at Trenton before being posted overseas. He is mentioned in Ted Berris' "Before the Glory" and was originally from North Bay,Ontario.
"Barney" Gordon John Lunney Barnes
"Wally"  Wolodemir Fedorchuk, from Isinger Saskatchewan. Fedorchuk Creek in Northern Saskatchewan commemorates this airman.
Keith Rainford is buried in a small churchyard south of Copenhagen, Denmark. His grave is quite diferent from the standard Commonwealth War Graves Commission type. There is a stone commemorating his parents and sister to the left of his headstone.
Robert Aubrey Thorne was standing in for "Glen" who was sick. Robert was not part of the regular crew and had already completed his tour and was awaiting transfer to a teaching position. None-the-less, he volunteered for this extra mission.