Cute Caroline Moments

Royal Albert Hall Gig

Her cute grin after JOL
Her smile at the crowds in the balconies after JOL
Her concentration on the bodhran in FNF
Caroline really getting into SY
Looking half mad jamming with Mick Fleetwood in HTTW and TTF
Beckoning Andrea to get on stage in the second part of HTTW
Her little cymbal crashes in Intimacy
The great singing in Dreams
The bashing of the cymbals before the third verse in QOH
Smiling at Andrea in Dreams
The look on her face as she begins to sing the chorus in Dreams
The closeups in Dreams
Her solo in HTTW and grins at the crowd cheering
The cute smile at Andrea in HTTW
Grinning at Mick Fleetwood's drumming in HTTW
Her cute grin as the crowd cheers and screams when Andrea introduces her in INLYA
Everyone clapping to her drumming in SY
Reaching for Andrea's hand before they bow
The tummy baring as she bows :)
After TTF, Caroline comes down from her drums and gives Mick Fleetwood the thumbs up

Unplugged Gig

The smile she gives to the crowd as they cheer her after her bodhran solo in TTF
Who can forget the infamous Caroline stuffing up on the piano at the end of Runaway!

Landsdowne Gig
Dreams vid

That gorgeous blue dress!

FNF vid

Caroline looking very sleek in black
The bodhran with "Corrs" written on it!
The hair flick (well, I think that was Caroline!)
Lounging on the couch again!

So Young vid
LTLY vid
Runaway vid
Runaway remix vid
OWIS vid

The bangs!
The sultry, no smiling look she takes on for the vid
Lounged around on the couch
How hard it must be to play the drums in a dress and still look gorgeous!
Taking photo's on the bed with the zebra skin!

WCID vid

That hat!
Carrying the bodhran around
Playing the drumkit in the middle of the road
Leaning up against the old church looking tough and then playing the bodhran!
Hiding behind Andrea and then popping out!
Lots of closeups of her and that hat!

TRT vid

Breathless Video

The gorgeous grin at Sharon
Driving a tractor
That lock of hair
The leather!

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