Out Of The Mouths Of Babes:
                         Caroline's Quotes

Jim (To Caroline, who is doing a really long radio interview): You've been
talking so long, are you planning to go solo?

Int: Any last messages for our viewers?
Caroline: Yes, buy our records, please.

Andrea: 'Tis a mighty big gate for the house.
Caroline: It's open. Go for it John, speed!

Caroline: You're actually pretty lucky to get through a show without her
[Andrea] making at least one mistake.

Int: So do you smoke or drink?
Caroline: I enjoy drinking! What are you talking about, I'm from Ireland!

Caroline (on answering 'where in Ireland are you from?'): We're from a small
town called Ire...er...(giggles)…
Jim: Ireland...a small town.

Caroline: No it's OK now. I'll just stay quiet for the rest of the interview!

Caroline: (on who is the boss when they compose the songs) The writing process
could be anybody, it could be two at a time, it could  be one of us or all
together, it's very kind of diplomatic...
Jim: ...Democratic.
Caroline: Democratic, diplomatic, oh!!!

John(on Caroline): Caroline should be a politician - ask her a question and
she'll always answer a different one! She's also very determined. She decided
last year she's play the drums. She had a boyfriend with a set, learned how to
play, and now plays on stage. She never goes out of time!

Caroline: When I was drumming with Mick Fleetwood I thought I looked half mad.  I thought I looked half crazy.
Sharon: I thought she looked half mad as well.

Interviewer: Caroline, how's that? Your big movie debut and your own sister
can't even find you.
Caroline: I can't even find me!

Caroline: I tie my hair back or wear hats.

Caroline: (Whispering) Irish coffee?
Jim: Yeah.
Caroline: Oh!
Int: You know what Irish coffee is?
Caroline: Yes! (laughing)

Caroline Corr: That tour we did in early '97, we did like 4 continents in 3 weeks. We were so jet lagged that it all canceled out. I am like an entire day behind.
Sharon Corr: Then we fly HOME and mess it all up. I don't function well when I wake up at 4 am because every force in the Universe except for my clock is telling me it's 8 am, the day before!

Interviewer: Time for another hot, hot track! Here's Caroline to tell you what we've
got next. Take it away Caroline!! (camera moves from interviewer to the girls.
Everyone is staring at each other. Looking at Caroline from the corner of their eyes.
Silence. Sharon and Caroline looking from right to left wondering which camera is
on. Andrea who's looking into the operating camera realizes what's happening and
laughs!)  Interviewer: The other one! (rest of the Corrs still don't know what's going
on till the crew in the background yell, "the other one, Caroline, the OTHER one..."
The Corrs, especially Andrea, bursts out laughing)  Caroline Corr: This is Lisa Loeb
with "I Do" (the "I Do" video is shown)

Caroline Corr: I think at the moment we kinda have to leave that out, unless you've
met somebody before we started all this, then maybe you'll keep some sort of
substantial thing going...but - there's nothing substantial in my life though!

Caroline Corr: Our parents were musicians. My mother...OUR mother. I wasn't
supposed to say 'my'! (smiles and chuckles)

Andrea Corr: Honestly, I don't know what I'm thinking sometimes, when I'm writing songs. Take Forgiven, Not Forgotten, for instance. Why would I write a line like (said cautiously) "I'll remain"? I can't even pronounce it without getting all tongue tied, and I end up having to perform it a hundred times...I can't even say it!
Caroline Corr: It's very funny really, the number of times  she's stumbled over that
Jim Corr: What line?
Caroline Corr: Oh no, you're not getting me-leave this as just Andrea's embarrassment for now!
Andrea Corr: You are too kind, dear sister!
Sharon Corr: Watch it Caroline, she knows where you live! (All collapse into helpless laughter)

Caroline Corr: (on seeing their documentary) I'm sure when I see myself I'll go 'oh
God!!'. I used to play the piano in the band, and so there's some horrendous scenes
of me playing the keyboards. We used to rehearse together constantly as if we were
about to do some major shows, even though we weren't!! I don't know what it was. I think I'll look at it and say 'oh God, I look so young' or 'my hair is really long down my back' or 'I look really stupid' ...half the time we didn't know what we were doing and the songs were so pop and so...God!! Listening back, it was horrendous!!

Andrea Corr: Well, black isn't really all that morbid is it?I just think it's a colour that
suits our looks.
Caroline Corr: Actually, I wear the nail polish to hide how grubby my nails are.

Interviewer: What is VB?
Sharon Corr: Isn't that, like, vener-no, that's a D. I pass.
Caroline Corr: Vic Bitter!
Andrea Corr: Beer. Daddy likes his VB.

Interviewer: Being in a family also puts pay to any inter band romances, so how do
these guys add that little bit of spice to their life on the road?
Jim Corr: ...that would be telling.
Caroline Corr: That's a "no-comment"!! (laughs)...that's a "no-comment"...
Andrea Corr: And do y'know why that's a "no-comment"? Because it doesn't exist,
that's why! So it's probably more intriguing not to say!!!
Jim Corr: Speak for yourself! (laugh)
Andrea Corr: Well, hey!! What were you doing...
Caroline Corr: What were you doing when I was in Ireland?!?! (laugh)

Caroline Corr: I can drive...A golf buggy!

Interviewer: OK, The Corrs live on Radio 2 ~They play INLYA acoustically~
(laughter during the song)
 Jim Corr: (in a British accent) What happened there then?
Interviewer: We don't know! That's 'I Never Loved You Anyway': the fun mix!
Andrea Corr: Without backing vocals at the end!
Caroline Corr: That was me...I didn't come in on a backing vocal.
Interviewer: I wondered because Sharon was going like this to you, sort of beckoning you on, y'know?
 Caroline Corr: Yeah, I just decided to laugh then...y'know, there was nothing I could do!

Interviewer: Which is better: men in briefs or men in boxers?
Caroline Corr: Men in boxers, definitely! I like how they shake a lot more.

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