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604,Roman Road,Bow,London,E3.
Beauty Salon
        @ Skin and Tonic

Australian Bodycare's Tea Tree Oil is one of the most exciting essential oils in the world. It is only extracted from the tree called Melaleuca alternifolia, which is indigenous to Australia and only grows in a relatively small area on the Northern Rivers region of N.S.W., Australia.

For several hundred years the Aborigines have used the antiseptic properties of Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil was named by Captain James Cook when he first visited Australia in the 18th century. In 1925 A.R. Penfold proved that 100% pure Melaleuca alternifolia oil (Tea Tree Oil) was 11 to 13 times stronger than the traditionally used antiseptic of the time called carbolic acid (phenol). Unlike phenol, Tea Tree Oil didn't burn the skin, it therefore quickly became the preferred household antiseptic in Australia. When Australia was forced into World War II, all supplies of Tea Tree Oil went to the Australian army for use in the soldiers first aid kits.

From bush cutting the natural plant by hand early this century, the production of Tea Tree Oil has been developed into cultivated and mechanised harvesting in big commercial plantations. This growth in supply has encouraged more and more companies to enter into further development of products using the properties of this amazing and useful essential oil. Australian Bodycare is one of the companies in the Tea Tree industry leading this research into the 21st century.

Australian Bodycare's Tea Tree Oil is helpful in treating many, and it seems, completely different skin and mucous membrane problems.
Most skin problems are often related to the same cause; namely an uncontrolled growth of bacteria, fungi or a virus.
By reducing and limiting this uncontrolled growth it is possible to reduce the symptoms of the disease and in many cases to treat the problem in a fast and effective way.

There are various antiseptic products on the market, (chlorhexidine, hydrogenperoxide and quartarnary ammonium compound based), but they all have limitations in effect and use.

There are five main reasons why Australian Bodycare Tea Tree Oil products should be the preferred antiseptic.
� Rapid Broad Spectrum Bactericidal Activity
Effective on bacteria, fungi and virus.
� Easy Absorption
Being lipophilic, the oil can penetrate down through the upper level of the skin to the derma (fat tissue).
� Non Irritating
Australian Bodycare Tea Tree Oil has been proved not to damage healthy tissue growth.
� Slightly Pain Relieving
Australian Bodycare Tea Tree Oil applied to wounds, insect bites will reduce irritation.
� Effective
Effective even in the presence of organic detritus (pus).

Skin and Tonic stock a wide range of Australian Bodycare products to enquire about the product range,product uses or product prices please telephone us on :- 0208-9805492 and we will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
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