Title: Empty
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Angel/Spike
Note: Written for Janet, who wanted angsty, post-A Hole in the World pr0n.
Spoilers: A Hole in the World
Timeline: Post-A Hold in the World
Summary: There was still a hole in the world, but somehow, it no longer felt so empty.

Sex, in Angel's quite vast experience, was never motionless. There were always thrusting hips, arching backs and clenching thighs.

But not this time.

Spike hadn't moved an inch after he�d entered Angel; he had instead draped himself over the brunette's chest and buried his mouth in the hollow of his throat. The mushroom-shaped head rested against his prostate, no additional pressure was given to stimulate.

For the life of him, Angel couldn't figure out why.

Why wasn't Spike moving?

In the past, whimpers would be flowing out his childe's mouth like the desperate prayers of a dying man. Those slim hips would be lifting off the bed in time with pleas for Angel to be harder, rougher and fuck him until he split in two.

Sometimes, Angel - or was it Angelus? - did exactly that. Then he�d lap up Spike's blood, roll the richly flavored liquid, sweetened by pain, on his tongue before feeding it back to its owner.

Was it because of the reversal of their usual roles in bed?

As a demon, Angelus didn't give a fuck about vampire lore, aside from the times that Darla beat him into submission. He didn't view being fucked by his beautiful boy as a loss of power; it was Spike's duty as a childe to pleasure his sire in every way possible. Angel remembered a time when a leather band prevented the blond's orgasm for hours while the older vampire fucked himself on the hard cock and enjoyed Spike's pained cries as pleasure had turned to agony. Spike was not a novice in this act; therefore there was no reason for him to hesitate as if waiting for further instructions.

Did the grief of losing Fred surpass desire? The hard length inside him was the best answer for that question.


"Shhh." Soft kisses traced his throat and tender licks swiped along his collarbone.

Suddenly, Angel didn't find the lack of movement to be a bad thing. It filled the space within that had been stretched and probed. He felt sated, full and...complete? Was this what making love felt like?

Love was the thought on Angel's mind when Spike's mouth met his and nibbled on the bottom lip asking for entrance. As their tongues entwined, outlining canines and savoring the taste, Angel found the answer to his question.

Pants echoed in the air when they parted and lunged in to sink fangs into each other's necks. Moments later, muffled shouts accompanied their orgasms.

With Spike's come still leaking out of his body, Angel wrapped his arms around the blond's slim waist and placed his hands over the heaving chest, which was rising and falling because of the intense release. He turned on his side and burrowed his nose into the crook of Spike's neck, licking the wounds clean as Spike did the same. The softened cock had slid out with the shifting in position and was nestled against the dip at the end of Angel�s spine.

Sleep fell over them like a down comforter, light and easy.

There was still a hole in the world, but somehow, it no longer felt so empty.

~ END ~
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