TITLE: That was then, this is now
DISCLAIMER: All characters from Angel and BtVS are not mine, they are Joss Whedon�s and Mutant Enemy�s. I receive no money, just my own pleasure of playing with some rather tasty men. Please do not sue the struggling student.
ARCHIVE: Here, and my own site when I eventually do something about it...Anyone else, please ask and you shall receive.
[email protected]
NOTES: This is written for Ness, cos she asked me to. Little mention of some BDSM type games, not that smutty, because I just...can't get into Angel's head to write smut from his point of view. I don't know why.

�I have no problem spanking men.�
That sentence continues to revolve around my mind, reminding me of things better left alone. Things better left unsaid, and tucked away neatly in a box labelled �Memories of Angelus: WARNING � do not disturb�. The fact that William�Spike�whatever you choose to call him, and what he choose to call himself is now gone only makes these almost bittersweet memories the harder to take. There were times when the demon wasn�t all about the slaughter of innocents. What most people don�t realise about vampires, is that we�re a pretty social bunch. We like to travel in packs, Sire and Childer, often several generations in one group. Like Darla, Drusilla, Spike and myself�no, Angelus. It was Angelus who travelled with them, not me, not the soul. Not Angel.
But it�s Angel who�s tormented now by memories I refuse to face and try my hardest to put away. Perhaps if I simply indulge them, they�ll go away. I rub my hands over my face, waiting here in this office until I can do something to save the world again. From someone who�s
paying me to keep him out of jail. He made his son a container for one of the most lethal viruses ever created, and he�s going to get off scot-free with a sneer and a raised finger at the American legal system and anyone normal and decent still around in this world. Because if he doesn�t, every human, every breathing creature in the state of California besides him, is going to die.
Things used to be so much easier. So much simpler. I killed the bad guys, saved the world and moved on to the next bad guy and the next apocalypse. Now, I�m working for the bad guys and more or less running damage control. This whole Fries situation�if this is the way things are going to be, I don�t know how I�m going to earn my redemption.

�I have no problem spanking men.�
Damn it! Fine, alright, my brain has mutinied on me, forcing me to remember. Let�s just get this flashback over with and back to the saving the world gig...

London, not long after William�s turning. Drusilla was spinning, talking to her dolls. It had been Miss Charlotte then, he remembered, Miss Edith had come later. Darla had been in a bad mood all day, sniping and hitting out at the minions and William. Drusilla had wisely kept out of her way; she may have been insane, but she wasn�t stupid enough to get in the way of her Grandsire in a foul temper. He couldn�t remember now what had finally caused Darla to snap and turn William over to him.
�If you
must behave like a child, we will treat you as one,� she said angrily. �Angelus! I have to go out, you attend to Drusilla�s mistake.�
William growled at her softly and slouched away to stand near Drusilla, who just giggled at him and played with her doll. �William�s been a naughty boy, and he shall have no cakes with his tea. Spankings! Spankings for a bad boy, with his trous down around his ankles and bent over Daddy�s knee.� She looked up at Angelus slyly, brown eyes dancing. �Because we should all be a happy family, and Grandmum�s upset by my sweet boy. William, sweet William, because the sky shall crack and the bones to wrack and the world to ruin come tumbling, tumbling down. Ring a ring a rosie, a pocket full of posies...� She danced off with her doll as Darla left in a flurry of skirts and ruffled temper. Angelus looked at William. The fledge looked back at his Grandsire, then moved back towards the door, shaking his head.
�Oh no, mate. No way on God�s green earth will I be doing anything of the sort.� Angelus smiled grimly and moved towards him. William bolted and Angelus gave chase, cornering him in one of the corridors. Gold eyes met brown and Angelus smiled, before punching William in the jaw and knocking him cold. Drusilla watched from down the hall, hugging Miss Charlotte to her chest.
�Look after him for me, Daddy. Because he�s my knight and I�m his princess, and sometimes, that�s not enough.�
�I�ll do that, Dru,� Angelus said, lifting William over his shoulder. Light, the boy was always light. Like he never ate enough as a human, and continued to not eat enough as a vampire. Dropping away his personality as William and putting on Spike, but Spike as a character was always light, and not quite there if you knew who he�d been before. As Angelus had. Drusilla clapped her hands and caught her doll before it dropped to the ground.
�Thank you, Daddy.� She turned and skipped off to her room as Angelus smiled and moved to his. William lying over his shoulder like a sacrifice. Well, he�d always enjoyed this type of thing and it was about time William learnt exactly where he stood with the elder vampires of this unruly little family. Drusilla may be too insane to discipline him, but Angelus was in no way insane enough to let William�s behaviour slide. And besides, Darla was a bitch when things like this happened. He liked to keep his Sire sweet. It made things easier for everyone.
William�or Spike as he wanted to be known�woke up slowly, hearing the crackle of flames in the fireplace. Brocade under his hands and a�what the bloody buggering hell?!  A hand on his arse?! Naked arse. Face down. Ah, shite! He went into panic mode, kicking and struggling. Angelus held him down easily and administered the first heavy smack. William yelped and bucked, the handprint showing out redly before it faded away.
�As Darla said, boyo�� Angelus purred. �You act like a child, and you�ll be treated as one.�
�Sod off, you buggering nancy shirtlifter!� William swore and wriggled, trying to get free. �OW!� Angelus smiled slightly and rubbed his hand over the second place he�d smacked harder then the first time. It continued in this vein for a while, William mouthing off and Angelus spanking his pale behind, despite quick vampire healing, to a faint pink. Eventually, William let out the first sob, humiliated and squirming to get away from Angelus�s heavy hand. Angelus grinned in amusement and shifted William over his lap slightly, before continuing the punishment.
After a few more, he stopped and smoothed his hand down the line of William�s back while the fledge tried to choke back his tears, body shuddering. �This could have been worse, you know,� he said in a thoughtful tone, running his hand over William�s back, feeling every little jerk and quiver. �Will ye behave yerself now? Apologise to Darla?�
�F-fine,� William spat, tears turning to anger. Angelus chuckled and deposited William on the floor.
�Now�� Angelus looked down at the half nude fledge, trousers tangled around his ankles and scrubbing fiercely at his blue eyes. Tear tracks smudged his pale face and Angelus sighed for a moment, caught again in the strange angular beauty of the cuckoo Drusilla had brought home. His eyes lit up and he grinned sensually. Maybe the boy wouldn�t be a complete loss after all�
I shut off the train of thought, preferring not to think about how after that Angelus claimed William for his own. Brutally and bloodily, as an elder vampire dominates a fledge. And William�William had been lost quickly behind Spike. Spike, the persona created to please Angelus, a ruthless, sadistic killer who fought and fucked like what he was, a demon. Nasty, vicious and impatient, with a quick quip to cover most situations, devoted to his �family� and totally erasing most traces of the man he had been.
Welsey enters, and I look up. Maybe they could now get on with this�and save the world again. And again. And again.
�I have no problem spanking men,� I thought to myself and cursed silently before going to do what a champion does best.
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