Title: The Nature of Forgiveness
Author: Esmeralda ([email protected])
Archive: The Nesting Place and anyone else who wants it, just let me
know :o)
Rating: NC-17 for m/m sex and blood drinking......
Warnings: Some very tiny spoilers for 'In The Dark'
Disclaimer: Nope these characters don't belong to me. If they did I'd be
too 'busy' to write
Key: * denote word emphasis. My clockwork computer won't send italics
in email messages.
Feedback: Yes please ! This is my first attempt at this fandom so any
comments would be appreciated. I'm currently working on a much longer
little PWP was just for a bit of light relief :o)
Not beta'd, so please excuse any errors...I'm afraid they're all my own :o(
(Though my friend Jo did read through it for me in her lunch break ! -
Thankyou, Jo

'The Nature of Forgiveness'

�Thou who abruptly as a knife didst come into my heart.�
~ Baudelaire. (From the poem 'Le Vampire').

Angel displayed neither surprise or concern when the figure stepped
forward out of the shadows. His greeting, as he lay aside his book, was
coolly indifferent.


By contrast his visitor seemed tense and wary.

"Angel." The blond's reply was laden with false cheer. Hands shoved firmly into his duster pockets, Spike stopped, keeping his distance from the older vampire. "So," he drawled. "About earlier..." Despite the bravado there was a nervous edge to the vampire's voice.

"Earlier ?" Angel feigned ignorance, following it with a look of exaggerated understanding. "Oh, you mean when you and your charming friend tried to torture me to death ?"

"Not to death mate !" Spike interjected quickly. "Never that." The blond looked aghast.

Angel's expression darkened. "So the 'pile of dust' comment was *what*, exactly ?"

Spike shrugged, attempting nonchalance. "I was just making chat. You know, harmless banter between mates."

"Is that what we are ?" Angel's voice had lowered dangerously. He rose fluidly and stalked toward the younger vampire. Spike twitched but held his ground. "Are we *mates* Spike ?" Angel asked, his mouth twisting into a mocking smile.

Before Spike could reply Angel sprang across the space between them, seizing Spike by the throat and throwing him up against the wall.

Spike winced, his eyes wide and slightly fearful. He removed his hands from his pockets but kept them down by his sides, making no attempt to break Angel's hold.

"Am I your *mate* Spike ?" Angel repeated, vampiric gold glittered angrily
in his dark eyes.

Spike licked his lips. "N-no.." he struggled out.

Angel moved closer, his face almost touching Spike's, his body pressed hard against the younger vampire's. "Who am I, Will ?" He nuzzled the blond's jaw lightly, then nipped at it, his fangs puncturing the flesh. Dark scarlet blood welled up. Cat-like, Angel lapped at it. "Who am I ?" he repeated softly.

Spike closed his eyes and shivered, a rush of arousal spiralling out through his cold body. "S-sire," he gasped and then moaned as Angel ground his hips against him.

"Say it again." - A harsh command.

"Sire...My sire.." Spike murmured obediently. He was already lost in the feel of the older vampire's powerful body moving rhythmically against his own.

"That's right," Angel whispered. "Your sire." He scraped his fangs along Spike's jaw, not quite hard enough to break the skin. Spike whimpered and tried to move. Angel tightened his grip around the blond's throat, Spike's eyes shot open. Angel raised his head, his eyes now completely golden - the mirror image of Spike's heated gaze.

Suddenly, Angel's lips drew back, exposing his fangs in an animalistic snarl.
"You are my childe," he hissed. "You forgot your place, Will."

Spike ducked his head as best he could, lowering his gaze. "I..I'm sorry." The words were clearly forced out, and tinged with bitterness, but no-less heartfelt for all that.

The violence faded from Angel's face. "Yes. Yes, you are...." he murmured.

Spike lifted his head up, his eyes meeting Angel's, gold upon gold.
"Forgive me ?"

Angel looked at him. "Always." He released Spike's throat, only to grab the vampire's shoulders and push him back against the wall. Ruthlessly he claimed his childe's mouth, blood and saliva mixing as his fangs tore into Spike's lips and tongue. Spike stiffened and then responded with equal fervour, his own fangs grinding against his sire's.

After several minutes of frantic kissing, Angel drew away, ignoring Spike's growl of protest. The dark haired vampire tugged impatiently at his childe's clothing, dragging the coat off his shoulders, tearing the shirt, exposing the elegant curve of Spike's pale throat. Angel shifted into his full game face and Spike tensed in readiness, his own features rippling into their true image. Throwing his head back, Angel brought it down quickly, stabbing his fangs deep into Spike's throat. The older vampire drank greedily, his body thrusting against the blond's, grinding the slender vampire into the wall.

Spike stood, his eyes half-closed, a look of total ecstasy sweeping across his face.

When Angel finally stepped back his lips were slick with blood and saliva. Spike sagged boneless, and would have fallen to the floor had Angel not supported him.

Angel stayed him with one hand, with the other the older vampire ripped his own shirt away from his throat. Their eyes met and held, channelling the desire between them. Almost roughly Angel pulled Spike forward, dragging the blond's face down to the exposed column of his neck.

Spike nuzzled at it, running his tongue along the vein, tracing the stolen blood as it travelled silently beneath the smooth skin. Angel made a low rumbling sound deep in his throat, half way between a growl and a purr. Spike smiled and continued his gentle teasing, sucking relentlessly at a spot he knew to be particularly sensitive. The level of noise increased. Without a word of warning Spike bit down hard, sinking his fangs deep into the marble white flesh. He felt Angel spasm and tense against him, hands gripping his shoulders almost painfully.

Spike bit harder, gnawing at the wound; his mouth flooded with rich, coppery heat. There was nothing on earth to replace this - the blood of his sire.

Desire exploded through him. He wound his body tighter around Angel's, pressing up against the older vampire who growled in pleasure. Spike felt his sire's strong fingers reach up to tangle through the short strands of his hair. Abruptly his head was yanked back; he came reluctantly, blood streaming from his mouth. Angel roughly dragged his childe's face level with his own, and then released him. They dived toward each other simultaneously, their mouths clashing violently. Fangs bit and tore, lips mashed, as tongues duelled to steal and lick the hot blood from one another. Their desire pounding out between them with a silent, heartless beat.

Without breaking the kiss, Angel began to move backwards, pulling Spike along with him. He dragged them both through the apartment until they tumbled gracelessly onto the bed. Clothes and boots were hurriedly shed and flung aside. Naked at last they fell upon one another, snarling and growling. Hands stroked and held, tongues and lips tasted everything with the eager desperation of lovers too long parted. Fangs tenderly grazed and then bit deep into pale skin, until soon both vampires were streaked and stained with blood. They sucked and drew upon the wounds in a near frenzy, leaving dark purple bruises and faint pinkish smears in the wake of each fresh bloody bite.

Eventually Angel manoeuvred himself on top, pinning Spike's smaller body beneath his own. The younger vampire bucked against him, hissing and growling. Angel growled back, holding his childe firmly. "Be still," he snarled. Eyes glittering, Spike obeyed.

Angel showed his approval, baring his fangs and making a soft purring noise. It had the added effect of further calming the younger vampire, who now lay completely quiescent beneath him. Once he was certain the blond wouldn't move, Angel released him.

Spike lay on his back, his arms above his head, the fingers of one hand wrapped tightly around the wrist of the other. The fragile nature of his control was betrayed by the rivulets of blood running down his arm, as his nails dug into his wrist.

The dark-haired vampire lapped at the blood, purring softly. Spike hissed and wriggled slightly. Angel raised his head and growled at him. Spike went still. Slowly, Angel moved down the younger vampire's body - sometimes licking, sometimes nuzzling, occasionally biting, his fangs sinking deep into the blond's unresisting flesh. One particularly vicious bite to Spike's belly made the younger vampire arch up, hissing. Angel raised his head slowly, fixing his childe with a glowing golden gaze.

Spike met the look with his own challenging stare. He arched up again, purposefully rubbing his flat stomach against his sire - encouraging the elder vampire to take another taste. With a snarl Angel pushed him down, following the motion through with the bite his childe had begged for - snapping and mouthing the same bloodied spot. Spike yelped and writhed as Angel fed upon him, his hands dropping to clutch convulsively at his sire's thick dark hair.

When Spike's yelps dulled to pleasured moans, Angel stopped. He kept lapping at the blood until its flow grew sluggish and then he drew back. The twin red grooves left by his fangs stood out starkly against Spike's white skin. Spike touched them curiously, delicately poking his finger into one narrow slit. He hissed. Withdrawing the bloodslicked digit he stared at it, then slowly raised it to his mouth. Angel intercepted it before it reached his lips; the older vampire sucking the scarlet finger into his own bloody maw.

Spike watched, mesmerised, as Angel fellated his finger; drawing it deep into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the tip, almost releasing it, then sucking it back in again.

The deliberate teasing was too much for the younger vampire. Growling softly, Spike tried to pull his hand away. Angel reacted instantly, clamping his jaw, sinking his fangs hard into Spike's finger. The blond froze. Angel bit down harder, ivory grating over bone, then he stopped and relaxed his jaw.

This time Spike made no attempt to pull away, waiting until Angel let the finger slip out of his lax mouth.

Spike stared at it - the neat hole and a glimpse of white bone. He purred.

Angel had already turned his attention back to the deep puncture wounds on his childe's belly, plunging his tongue first into one, and then the other. Spike murmured in wordless pleasure. Angel let his tongue trail lower, moving wetly downwards, ignoring the erection which strained to greet him. The older vampire paused to flick his tongue along the crease of a thigh. The bed shook violently as Spike's hands gripped the iron bedstead; the metal groaning as he wrenched and twisted it.

The younger vampire was clearly struggling to obey his sire's order to, 'be still'.

Angel ignored his childe's internal battle, he was busy nipping his way along the inside of one muscular thigh. He travelled as far as the knee joint, gnawed at it a little, then licked his way back down to the junction of Spike's thigh and groin. He inhaled deeply, drawing in the younger vampire's spicy scent, before burying his fangs into the sensitive flesh. Spike ground his teeth, the bedstead reverberating off the wall as tremors wracked his body. Stolen blood flowed hot against the cool skin of his thigh, Angel followed its path with his tongue, licking and sucking the sweet liquid from Spike's skin.

Suddenly, the older vampire moved - lowering his head directly between Spike's legs, first softly nuzzling then quickly drawing the velvet sac into his mouth. Spike half-shot off the bed. The harsh sound of rendering metal cut through the air as he snapped one iron bed spoke. Angel released him - only to take the hard length of his erection into his throat, swallowing him swiftly down to the root. Spike cried out, his hands leaving the bedstead to clutch at his sire's hair. Sharp teeth scraped over the sensitive head of his member. Spike whimpered and let go, sinking back onto the bed, his hands tearing blindly at the sheets.

Angel gave his childe's erection one last loving caress with his tongue and then let it slip out of his mouth. Spike groaned.

"Turn over," the older vampire hissed.

Spike heard him through the haze of his desire and scrambled to obey. He groaned again as his rigid length was pressed into the mattress by the weight of his sire's cool body. His groans became soft growls of pleasure as Angel rocked his own straining flesh against Spike's buttocks - seeking, demanding entrance. The blond pushed back, declaring his own desperate readiness, needing an end to the aching, burning pressure building up through his body.

Blood and saliva made a poor lubricant and Spike howled as Angel thrust into him, but this was no gentle joining, this was a lesson, an act to re- establish boundaries and reform long broken ties. Both vampires needed the violence of this coupling, craving it with a madness beyond their control.

Instinct guided them as Angel drove into Spike's body - harder, faster; Spike's cries echoing off the walls.

The cries faded to moans of pain and pleasure, Spike's game face contorted with agony and ecstasy combined. Angel grunted with each savage forward thrust, his hands digging brutally into his childe's slender hips.

Spike came first, his seed shooting across the bed.

Angel's howl of completion soon joined his childe's - a twin of that unearthly cry.

The older vampire stopped as he slumped forward snarling, sinking his teeth viciously into the back of Spike's neck. Spike growled, baring his own fangs.

As they both collapsed onto the bed, the growls faded into a contended purring.

Eventually, Angel moved, eliciting a soft whimper from the younger vampire. Angel licked his childe's bare shoulder soothingly.

Spike purred softly.

Angel rolled onto his back, pulling Spike across to drape over him. The older vampire stroked his childe's short hair. "Stay," he whispered.

Spike stiffened and made as if to move away. Angel growled warningly, baring his fangs. Spike lowered his head back onto his sire's chest and closed his eyes. Angel resumed stroking his childe's hair and after a moment Spike began to purr again.

"My childe." Angel murmured softly. His mouth curled up in a half smile. "Mine." There was a proprietary tone to his voice.

He closed his own eyes and joined his childe in sleep.

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