Title: Imprisonment
Author: Sweetness
Rating: R
Pairing: Angel/Spike
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss Whedon and Co.
Distribution: BTVS Inspiration, & my site (http://fanfiction.angel-buffy.com) otherwise ask.
Notes: Set during ATS season 4
In response to BTVSInspiration Challenge #30: A prank is pulled on Angel and he is pushed into a room, naked, where someone (who isn't part of the prank and isn't naked) is in.. The door is locked, and they can't break it down. There shouldn't be any replacement clothes for him, but I guess *sigh pout* he could find something to eventually cover the good parts. All else I ask is that the other person in there with him is from btvs/angel.
Feedback: Yes please :)

Angel was pissed off; he had woken up to the sound of Fred giggling. Not that hearing anyone's laughter would make him angry under normal circumstances. What had made him angry was waking up naked in the cell that he had built in the Hyperion's basement. The cell that he knew he couldn't break out of. What had really pissed him off was when he realized that he hadn't just been locked up in the cell, he had been locked up in the cell naked, and he wasn't alone. The other person in the cell was a very naked Spike. Angel quickly looked up as he heard the door for the basement close. He was going to kill his employees, but first he needed to get out of the damned cell. At the moment he couldn't really think of why he had had it built in the first place, this was the first time it had ever been used.
Angel stood up and made his way to the bars, he figured if he had some help, perhaps he might be able to get out of the cell, and then he could torture his friends and employees. Let them learn first hand why Angelus had been an evil bastard and called the Scourge of Europe. But first he would need wake up his help, Spike, why out of all the people, demons, or vampires in the world, did they have to lock him up with Spike? He walked over to Spike and kicked him in the ribs, growling slightly when the younger vampire started to wake up.

"What the hell?" Spike muttered as he slowly regained consciousness.

"It looks like he got locked down here. Help me pull the bars apart."

"And why should I help you?" Spike glared at Angel.

"Because you might call me a big pouf, but I am not and I would rather find some other way to spend my time than being locked down here, naked, and with you."

"Bloody Hell!" Spike exclaimed as he realized that Angel wasn't the only naked one.

"Yeah, now get up and help me." Angel ordered the younger vampire.

"Why should I?" Spike smirked at Angel.

"I already told you that." Angel growled.

"I seem to remember how much Angelus liked me naked." Spike said with an evil grin as he stood up and stretched like a cat. "I seem to remember when Angelus taught me all the things a Sire should and I was naked for quite a bit of it. So were you."

"Ok brain trust, first of all I am not Angelus anymore. I am Angel, I have a soul now, remember?"

"What changing your name to something more Nancy boyish and getting a soul affects your desires that much?" Spike asked as he ran his hands down his body.

"Spike." Angel growled in warning as he slid into his game face.

"Ah, there's the Angelus I know and want." Spike walked up to Angel and kissed the elder vampire hard.

"Knock it off and help me with the bars." Angel snarled as he pushed Spike away from him.

"You know you want me." Spike said as he grabbed his erection and started running his hand up and down the hard length. "Why do you deny it? Afraid of what Buffy might think?"

"Keep Buffy out of it. I want to get out of here and not play with you." Angel said.

"I'm hurt, luv." Spike walked up to Angel again and grabbed the other man's erection. "Your body says something else though."

Angel hissed as Spike began to rub his hand up and down his erection. Spike slid into game face and was about to kiss Angel again, when they both heard the door opening. Spike quickly let go of Angel and both vampires dropped their game faces, just as Lorne came down the stairs.

"Angelcakes, I am so sorry. Apparently Willow and Fred had a little too much tequila at Caritas and decided that the two of you needed to resolve your issues once and for all." Lorne approached the cell, and stopped, as he looked at the two silent, naked men. "Maybe they were right."

"Lorne if you don't open this cell right now, I will personally rip off your horns, and then�"

"Okay, okay." Lorne interrupted Angel and unlocked the cell.

"Thanks mate." Spike said as he sauntered out.

"Oh, your clothes are over there." Lorne pointed to the pile of clothes.

"Now Fred and Willow are going to get a piece of my mind." Angel growled.

"Wait a minute, I think they aren't in a receiving mood right now. Last I saw them they were both in agony with tequila hangovers."

"Fine, I will deal with them later. Spike get the hell out of my hotel and stay the hell out."

"Fine, but this isn't finished." Spike said as he went up the stairs.

** End **
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