Title: Just a Competition
Author: N-Dawg
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Rating: NC17/R - graphic f/m sex
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, I just like to play with them
Spoilers: Season 7 Buffy, set in 'Dirty Girls'
Summary: The scene everyone knew was missing from 'Dirty Girls', you know, the one where Faith and Spike start doing the hibity dibity...
Authors notes: 'Man, no more starbucks for the wannabes, they've been spazzing for like, hours.'
�Buffy, Willow just called from the hospital. The girl�s awake.�

With a final withering glare at Faith and Spike, but mostly at Faith, Buffy turned on her heel and ran back upstairs.

Faith and Spike looked at each other and grinned slightly.

�She�s jealous,� Faith drawled lazily, taking a drag on her cigarette. She stubbed it out on the wall behind her, and then threw the butt onto the ground.

�Don�t see why, she hasn�t wanted me in weeks,� Spike replied, watching the brunette Slayer out of the corner of his eye.

�Ah, but now it looks like she might lose you, and B can�t have that. She can�t lose anything, especially not to me.�

Spike looked mildly amused as he cocked an eyebrow.

�So I�m just a competition.�

�Guess so,� Faith said, stretching her arms over her head. �She knows she�ll win though, always does.�

There was a long pause, before Spike finally spoke.

�Who says she has to win, ducks?�

Faith smiled slowly and turned to face the blonde vampire.

�Well if that�s the case... how do I win?�

Spike didn�t answer, just pressed his lips to hers, tossing his cigarette to the floor. His hands worked at her pants while he continued to kiss her deeply. Faith pulled her shirt over her head, breaking them apart for a few moments, then kissed him again, kicking her boots off and lifting her hips slightly, as Spike pushed her pants down.

Spike bent slightly and licked across her neck, nipping gently, marking her. He fumbled with her bra for a moment, then pulled it off, as his fangs lengthened and dragged across the swell of her breasts, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to cause a red line to appear.

Faith made a small moan in response, while her hand slid down his chest and over his length. Spike�s hips bucked up slightly, and he moved them so he was above her, slowly rubbing his erection along her slit, causing a half sigh, half moan reaction from Faith. All the while, they were looking deep into each other�s eyes.

Spike rocked his hips against her slightly, and she reached up and kissed him softly, then her tongue trailed down to his neck and she licked over his faded Claim mark. He growled, a deep rumble in his throat, and then slid inside of her suddenly. Faith gasped and her hips thrust up slightly, as her hands clawed at Spike�s back.

�Bloody hell,� Spike moaned, his hips starting to set up a rhythm. One hand went down between them to rub her gently.

Faith tightened around him, her hips moving in time with his, and she moaned loudly as she came. Spike bit down on her shoulder, this time drawing blood as she clenched along him, prolonging his own orgasm.

They lay, sated for the moment, basking in the afterglow, and listening to the loud crashes and giggles from the Potentials, upstairs.

�I think I won,� Faith commented, breathing heavily.

�Not quite yet, luv.�

Spike grinned at her, then withdrew, before pulling her up and chaining her with the manacles that were above his bed. Faith laughed lightly and let herself be chained.

�Thought these were coz you were dangerous.�

�Am still dangerous. Just differently.�

Spike lifted her so she was on all fours and he slid a finger into her, then bent his neck and licked across her folds. Faith shivered slightly, and her hands balled into fists around the sheets as Spike darted his tongue inside of her, delving into her centre.

�Taste sweet, Slayer,� he said, then returned his mouth to its previous actions.

Faith leaned back slightly, pressing herself further against Spike�s tongue.

Spike pulled back, chuckling at the disappointed sigh he heard from the Slayer�s lips. He traced a finger around Faith�s hole, then replaced his finger with his tongue. She started in surprise, then relaxed into it as he slid a finger inside, then another, scissoring them apart. He rubbed his cock against her quim, slicking it up with the combination of both their juices, and then pressed his head against her hole.

He felt Faith tense slightly, as he started to nudge inside, then reached under her and slid a finger into her cunt, then another, moving slowly. She relaxed again and Spike nudged himself deeper, swearing the whole time about her being tight. When he was about halfway in, Faith pushed back against him, forcing him inside of her.

Spike gave her a few moments to adjust, before thrusting his hips, fingers mimicking his actions inside of her.

�God,� Faith gasped, pushing back against him.

�Nah, ducks, but close,� Spike replied, licking across her shoulder blades.

He started to move faster, feeling the Slayer contracting around him. One hand held onto her hip, bruising the skin, while his other hand continued to work inside.

Faith squeezed her eyes shut, getting used to the feeling and slowly relaxing. She threw her head back and groaned as Spike�s fingers brushed over her clit. Spike decided he liked that reaction and did it a few more times, before Faith bit her lip and came hard around his fingers.

Spike howled as he came, hips bucking frantically as he emptied his load into Faith, withdrew and collapsed in a boneless heap on the bed.

After a few moments, he reached up and unlatched the chains, letting Faith move out of the position on her knees. She turned around and lay against him, fingers tracing a pattern on his chest as her head rested on his shoulder.

�So, how�d I do?�

�You won, pet,� Spike chuckled. �You won.�
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