Title: Phoenix, Chapter Twelve
Author: Inca
Feedback: Makes me feel like hot ice and milk - [email protected]
Rating NC17
AU Liam/William
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, I just like to play with them
Spoilers: AU
Summary: Risen from the ashes, as an Angel
Authors notes: And the backstory begins ... finally ... *ahem* ...


Liam was bouncing crazily in his seat as the cab driver took them back to his apartment. The cabby repeatedly looked at him strangely in the rear vision mirror, worry in his eyes.

Will was still thinking about Wesley. Anxiety filled his face as he looked out the window at the late morning sun. He could hear Liam�s excited rambling�s on the seat beside him, could feel the pleather sinking every time he moved or bounced or jiggled.

�And then the stars were crooning to all the cats and the cats were yowling back and � the dark � wasn�t �I like it when��

Liam was very excited.

That eased the anxiety somewhat. Made it seem less important. Nothing was as important as Liam being happy.

��So then he � and it was all glowing and the� so the songs��

Will saw the frown of the cabby in the mirror but it didn�t even matter anymore. He turned to Liam who was watching him avidly and pouring out every thought in his head, bouncing on the seat and slapping his hands on his knees in a staccato beat. He had never looked so beautiful. Eyes sparkling and a little un-focused, mouth smiling, hair bouncing with his movement. He was innocent. He was everything that people should be, guileless and sweet and without a tinge of malice against anyone. Not even against the people who put him away. No one was as pure as Liam was.

�Angel?� he said, the word sounding dream-like, the world swirling away.

Liam closed his mouth with a smile and an abashed look thinking Will was going to ask him to be quiet. He grinned wickedly, his face full of dirty little promises.

�I love you.� He didn�t say it with a smile, it was a fact, as sure as the fact that the earth would spin and the sun would shine and rain would fall. As sure as the fact Liam would always be beautiful and the fact that his quirks and nuances would always make Will�s soul expand inside, and that he�d want to be part of him, to have him forever.

Liam smiled and batted his eyelashes. He leant over and brushed his fingers across Will�s cheekbones before cupping his face and kissing him, flicking his tongue inside to dance with Will�s.

They were jerked forward suddenly, Liam hitting his head against the back of the headrest.

�What the bloody hell�� He looked up out the window to see his apartment block. �Oh.�

He flicked some money at the cabby, ignoring the way he averted his eyes, and then took Liam inside, hopping into the lift with all the bags.

�Is this where you live?� Liam asked quietly, gazing up the building.


�I�m glad we�re here.�

The doors dinged open and Will led the way to his apartment, on the top floor. He only had one neighbour, and she was a consulate of some description and was never there. He opened the door and let Liam wander inside, humming quietly and swaying to his music. Will watched him, the shirt and jeans fitting his body and doing his wide shoulders, long legs and trim waist justice.

Will shuffled with the bags and locked the door. He definitely knew this song. Liam sang it a lot. He felt familiar and homey. Like this was a routine, letting Liam dance in while he watched adoringly, closing the door behind them.

His apartment was big, white and clean. A huge sunken living room took the focus as you walked in, open kitchen and dining to the left, bedroom up the back. Liam had stopped humming. He was just standing in the sunken part of the room, in front of the couch, staring around.

Will smiled, a little bashful at what Liam was looking at.

He was mesmerised by the many of his drawings hung up in frames around the room. Shiny plates of glass over birds and people and buildings. A few of his paintings from the art gallery were up as well � sunny boardwalks and kids playing near a fire hydrant the water shooting up into the air. The warm colours not matching the ultra sheike look of the furniture, but also the only thing making the apartment livable, the only thing making Will�s apartment a home, was here in the flesh now.

�Bu� you have me here ��

�I love your work.�

He turned around, shocked. �You hung them all up ��

�They remind me of you.�

Liam smiled hopefully. �All the time? You sit and eat and look at pieces of me?�

Will shrugged and watched him calmly. �You�re the best thing in my life.�

Liam bounded over to him and smothered his face with kisses. �I love you Will, love, love, love, love, like the stars love the glow, like cats love their fur, I�ll meow for you everyday until I die.�

Will laughed. �I didn�t think you�d ever see this.� He admitted. �I didn�t think anyone would.�

�I�m glad I did.�

Will�s arms wrapped around his waist. �I�m glad you did too.�

�Can we play? All day?�

Will�s cock started to wake up against the hard body smothering him. �Yes � but do you want some lunch first?�


He laughed at Liam�s eagerness. �I think we should eat.�

�I don�t have to eat.�

�Yes you do, I�ll make you a sandwich. What do you want on it?�


�I�ll make you something nice.�

He meowed in response. Will went to the kitchen hearing Liam trail along behind him. He saw a blink of red on the answering machine and his stomach froze.

�What�s wrong Daddy?� Liam asked, picking up on it.

�Nothing. Do you like cheese?� He said, turning away from the machine and walking to the fridge.

�Yes. I think I do.�

�I could make you a toasted sandwich, do you want that?�

�If you have tomato.�

�I do.�

He purred and unbuttoned two of his shirt buttons. �I�ll strip for you.� He ran his hand down the remaining buttons and flicked them slowly open. A band of skin appeared and he tickled his fingers across. Will reached out hypnotised, wanting to feel the heat of the skin and his hand was gently slapped away.

�Watch�� Liam grinned, naughtily.

He ran his hands into his hair and smoothed it back, the shirt spreading wider, revealing tightly constricted brown nipples. Will was salivating as he slipped his hand into his jeans and rubbed at the obvious bulge, his face more lust filled and enrapturing than any stripper, than any whore. He squeezed himself, his stomach clenching and head thrown back. Will lost control and pushed him onto the dining table, ripping the zipper apart and sinking his mouth onto the hard cock that bounced free.

Liam howled and Will didn�t have to do a damn thing about it, he got to listen to all the sounds because they were in his house and no one could take this moment away from them. The conference may be looking for them making phone calls to the ward, or Wesley with his disapproving eyes, but they�d have today.
He pulled Liam�s boots off and then the jeans, leaving the shirt on his shoulders, but draping open allowing Will to lean forward and bite at the nubs, feeling the body thrash around and clench his head in his fingers. He moved down to kiss across his stomach, as lightly as he could, feeling the wiry trail under his navel crinkle against his lips.

He pushed the bare legs back and hungrily licked at the balls, down to Liam�s anus, sticking his tongue inside as viciously as he could, his nose jabbing into his soft perineum, making Liam grab his ankles and pull his legs back over his chest with a scream.

Will fisted himself as he tongue fucked him, listening to the mewls and pleads, a gorgeous cacophony inside his head. He pulled back and stood up.

�Daddy�� Liam mumbled groggily, sitting up.


He headed for the bedroom and Liam slipped off the table behind him. He turned back with a raised eyebrow and lifted him, lying him flat on his back against the dark wood again. He slapped his waving cock lightly, watching Liam wince and then grin.


He sat back up in the table, tongue curled in his sex-grin and taunting in his eyes, pushing Will to the edge, seeing how far he could go. Will grabbed his legs and slid him off the table quickly. As soon as he had his bare feet on the ground he turned him, pushed him face down on the table and slapped his backside.


�Stay,� He slapped him again, not viciously, but hard enough to leave a red mark �when I tell you to. Don�t,� Again, smacking the other cheek, �be bad.� Backhanded slap with a whine to accompany it.

He pulled him up by the back of his collar and turned him around. Liam�s face was flushed, but smiling, and his cock was drooling. He reached behind and gave him another slap, harder this time, smirking at him. Liam whined and squeezed his hand around his prick.


�Yes Daddy.� He sang.

Will went into the bedroom, turning to see Liam rubbing at his backside, and found what he was looking for. He walked back to Liam, turned him around and made him bend over the table, palms flat on it. He rubbed the tip of the squeezy bottle of liquid slick up and down his crack.

�Ooohh, Daddy, the stars are in love with this��

�I�ll bet.� He squeezed the bottle and the slick glugged out, running down, tickling him.

He patted down Liam�s back, like he was stroking a big cat, and inserted the tip just inside Liam�s anus. He made a little chipmunky noise.

�Daddy?� he questioned quietly, confused.

Will squeezed and the liquid squirted into him, making him jerk and wriggle like he was being electrically shocked.

�Daddy, Daddy!�

�Good. Calm baby.� He pushed Liam back down onto the table gently.

He carefully took the tip out, not wanting to scratch him and quickly unzipped his jeans, pulling his cock out and lining it up. One hand on the root of his prick and one wrapped around Liam�s collar he slid in smoothly, groaning at the liquid around him, the clenching tightness, the collar, the squeals from the body he was penetrating, the red cheeks he was between.

�Good, so fucking good, you make me so fucking horny.�

He drew back out and slammed back in. Liam howled and wriggled for more.

�Do you like that Angel, my Angel, my pet? You like being filled hard with my cock, do you?�

He looked over his shoulder, face filled with bliss, mouth wide open and nodded, the look on his face �a virgin being spread wide open for the first time.

He drew out and slammed back in, his hips slapping against Liam�s red arse, Liam howling. He pulled out and repeated.


�You want me to fuck you hard don�t you?� He said thrusting in and out quickly, making Liam bang against the table.

�Yes, Daddy, that�s what I want � harder.�

�I�ll fuck you real good Pet�arse all hot and wet for me, � tell me how it feels�� He said with a grunt as he repeatedly penetrated the channel.

�Feels so good, like starlight, nothing can get me now, always with you and cats meowing� he rambled, and it was making Will so hard, he understood the madness now, it didn�t seem strange, it just turned him on. He always knew exactly how Liam felt. ��like mint ice and so strong inside me��

Will groaned and thrust into the willing body. �I love you Pet, you don�t even know how much I do�

�Yes� fuck me, make me purr.�

He obliged, whipping into Liam�s arse like he was possessed, and the words died out to make way for the thudding of skin and the noises he made deep in his throat and the feeling of being inside someone he loved and the sight of Liam�s hands trying to clutch onto the polished table uselessly and the guiding of rhythm through one of Will�s hands on his hip, pulling the body onto him and the other hand wrapped around the collar, keeping the limber body pliant and docile.
He continued till Liam stiffened and then jerked like he�d been hit, shooting his spend across the dark lacquer of the dining room table. He lay down on it, tiredly; continuing to squeeze his passage around Will�s seeking cock, showing him how much he loved him inside, until Will came with a soft bite to his shoulder, running his hands over the smooth back possessively as he settled down from his climax.

He pulled out, exhausted, and hauled Liam up by wrapping his hands under his armpits and pulling the dead weight up. Liam was always sleepy after he came.

He led the unresponsive body to his bedroom and lay the tired man on his bed, wiping the come off his belly with some tissues and kissing him as he blinked groggily. He pulled the sheets up over his nude form and stood.

�Love you Will.�

�Love you too. I�ll toast your sandwich and bring it in here.�


He hummed as he walked out of the room, bounce in his step, stopping when he saw the angry red light on his machine. He steeled himself and strode over to it purposefully. He clicked �play�.

�William. Please call me. We need to talk, this is extremely urgent. This is Wesley.�

His stomach filled with icy dread. He anxiously watched the answering machine as if it might expel a judgemental, angry looking Wesley at any moment.

�Don�t forget the tomatoes.� Liam yelled. �I like tomatoes.� He finished, more quietly.

Will deleted the message and went to the kitchen.


�Well she turned me into a newt!�

�A newt?�

�� I got better��

Angel giggled. He let his head rest back on Will�s cotton soft leather couch, keeping his eyes on the screen.

Will started humming and he crinkled his face up and hissed at the electricity it made in his stomach. He took his eyes off the screen to watch his hand stroke through Will�s hair as he knelt between his legs.

�Aren�t bridges also made of stone?�

He focused on the humming. He smiled, widely and everything went ultra white.

�You�re, � humming my songs�� He moaned as the vibrations picked up.

Will lifted off his cock so he could talk. �Hear it often enough.�

He leant back and let the glow of Will�s mouth engulfing his prick wash through him like hot and sugar water, letting himself be buried by the wet suction.
He closed his eyes and joined in the song.


Liam was in the bath, giddily splashing around in the bubble topped water as Will sat on the edge, naked and wet, smoking a cigarette, watching. Liam�s chest was covered in clinging bubbles and his hair hung down black and in wet twists. He lifted his hand and smashed it into the water as hard as he could; making Will shield his cigarette and wince as the water splashed into his hair.

�How old are you?�

He picked up the bubbles in his hand and blew them at Will, meowing and pouncing on them as they drifted through the air, water slopping out onto the floor.

�We never get baths, can�t watch us in baths, only showers.� He grinned. �I�m the only cat who likes water.�

Will kissed his forehead and stood to get some shampoo for him. Cigarette clamped solidly between teeth and lips, Will poured the viscous white onto his hands and started massaging Liam�s scalp. Liam became blissfully lax, letting Will�s hands move his head, purring and cooing at the feeling. Will pulled Liam�s legs out of the water and hung them over the bath edge so he could dunk his hair under the bubbles, holding his neck so his face would stay above water level and then pulled him upright again. He squirted some sweet smelling conditioner into his hands and repeated the process.

His cock was twitching, rising up against the cold tiles on the side of the bath. He rolled his eyes and tried to tell his cock that he was only washing someone�s hair, but it wouldn�t listen.

�Alright, stand up.� He said after he put the conditioner away. Liam did, carefully, water sliding down his body and his cock hard. �Out.�

Liam moved his leg and slipped a little, causing Will�s heart to seize and he lunged forward to hold his arms as he stepped slowly out of the bath, and then threw a towel at him. He towelled off his hair first letting Will lick his lips as the quick movement bounced his cock around. Liam�s hand reached down to play with his newly trimmed pubes. He meowed from under the towel.

Will led him into the bedroom. �Lie on the bed.� He said pulling the towel off his head and flicking his butt with it. Liam fell onto it, rolling around and making everything damp. He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed his collar, pulling it around his neck and tying it up. He got on all fours as Will watched face slack, and starting pulling at the covers like a cat does when it�s trying to settle, before circling around the spot, giving Will innocent peeks at his arsehole and cock, and flopping down with a quiet meow.

Will squeezed his cock for a few seconds, trying to calm down before walking past the pretend sleeping man and pulling the lube out of the drawer. He rolled Liam onto his side, still �asleep� but with a smile on his face, and pushed his legs up. He slicked up his fingers and pushed one into Liam�s anus, hearing a small coo, and then prodded the slick tip into the greased hole squirting quite a bit inside. Liam�s back tensed then relaxed. He kissed the knobbles of his spine near his neck and patted down the shoulderblades.

�Pretty. Want to do something fun?�

A nod of his head.

�Roll onto your stomach, and keep your knees up.�

He did, tucking his face under his arms with a small giggle. �I�m awake now Daddy. I had a cat nap.�

Will purred at him and Liam sighed happily.

Will slicked up his fingers, and, pushing Liam�s thighs apart so his sac hung down, got into position behind him and slipped a finger into the wet channel.

�Ooh, you�re going to pat me on the inside, aren�t you Will?�

�I wanna make you purr.� He said slipping two more fingers in and scissoring them, twisting them around and relaxing Liam�s muscle.

�I�ll purr Daddy.� He moaned. �I�ll sing� Play with me.�

He pushed a fourth finger in and Liam took a sharp intake of breath, the muscle clamping down and twitching as it stretched around the digits.

�Oh, you�re doing so well Pet�� He said, using his other hand to play with the stretched lips of his arsehole. �Take deep breaths okay?�

Liam whined into the mattress and nodded. He drew the fingers out and lined his thumb up and then slowly pushed back in. Liam yelped and his muscles constricted as Will tried to push his knuckles through the orifice. He was panting and so fucking turned on from watching the show, watching Liam accept and stretch out for his hand.

�I want my fist inside you.� He pleaded roughly, stroking his other hand down Liam�s cheeks gently.

He heard Liam�s breathing slow down and become measured, and slowly, the hole relaxed enough to let his hand pass in with a low guttural moan from the spread body. Will gritted his teeth together as his cock drooled, the sight of Liam�s anus stretched around his wrist, his hand inside the furnace was too much. Liam shifted a little, yelping as his movements stretched his passage around the intrusive hand and began stripping his cock like he was trying to pull it off.

He groaned. �I�m going to come Will, touch the stars inside, make me glow!�

Through Will�s lust addled brain he guessed what Liam was talking about and started moving his hand around inside, making Liam�s usual chipmunk sounds turn into squeals as Liam stroked his cock so roughly it was akin to abuse. Will pressed all his fingers down against the bundle of nerves and Liam screamed like he�d been stabbed, shooting onto the bed and then lying down in a ball, shuddering as Will gently removed his fist.

Liam�s whole body was quivering. He rolled him onto his back and patted long lines down his sweaty chest and stomach. Liam blinked at him with wide eyes.

�You didn�t like that?� Will asked a little worried.

Liam stared at him, eyes foggy. �I loved it Daddy, I never felt anything like � the stars were deafening and all I could feel was how much of you was inside me, in my stomach it felt like�� he exclaimed tiredly, closing his eyes. He looked worn out.

�I tired you out did I baby?�

Liam mumbled an assent, and then tried to purr when Will went back to patting him but couldn�t find the strength and just lay there, breathing slowly, his body boneless.

Will added kisses to the petting, pecking at his ears and eyelids, his nose, his lips as Liam lay motionless. He stroked down the downy hair on his thighs and across the thin trail of hair pointing to his cock.

Liam fell asleep with a smile on his face.


He woke and all he could smell was Will. The sun was fading. He tried to sit up but his body was so tired.

�You�re doing so well pet, take deep breaths�� Angel repeated from his memory.

He remembered where the words were from and meowed as loud as he could. He�d liked that. He started getting hard at the ghost of Will�s fist inside him. He could still feel it. He wriggled around trying to make the phantom fist touch his prostate but it wasn�t really there and he pulled an angry face.

�I liked that a lot Will. I want you inside me again.� He said to the feeling. The gold was swirling around him. He smelled shampoo. He stared at the ceiling. Will�s house. Will�s bed. Will�s love Will�s fist Will�s cock.

He was so happy.

He couldn�t remember being happier. He felt like spiky but soft lawn.

�You awake in here pet?� Will�s voice asked quietly as he came to the door.

Angel pouted at him. He fluttered his eyelashes and thought of how he felt when he�d come with what felt like Will�s entire arm inside him.

�You�re insatiable.� Will growled, louder now he knew he was awake, prowling onto the bed. He was dressed in jeans and a tee. He looked beautiful. His hair was messy. Angel sat up, yelping a little as he rocked onto his backside, and licked up his face.

�Thankyou pet.�

Angel mewled and pulled the cover off rolling onto his stomach and watching Will as he licked his fingers and stuck them into his anus, getting himself ready.

�Will you put your hand inside me again?�

Will laughed, a deep belly laugh. �Not right away Pet. Shouldn�t do that too often.�

He pouted.

�Get some clothes on. We�ll go get some dinner.�

Oooh, dinner.


It was about nine thirty that night and he was watching some inane show on television, but he couldn�t be arsed changing the channel, because that would mean moving to the remote lying on the floor. And that would mean shifting Liam from his place of snoring softly on Will�s shoulder, with his leg possessively over Will�s thigh. And he didn�t want to leave that comfort for anything.

He rubbed his hand up and down Liam�s arm as he slept, feeling the warmth of him heating Will through his tee and jeans. They�d gotten dressed after a marathon day of sex and had gone to dinner on Will�s request. Just pizza. Something quick so they wouldn�t get caught, both of them thrilled at the riskiness of it all. Mainly Will. Liam was more thrilled with the peperoni on his pizza.

When they�d gotten back, the answering machine had been blinking angrily again, a hateful reality check. Will didn�t listen to it, just put the entire machine in the cupboard and threw the tape in the bin. Then he�d positioned Liam up against the wall and pushed into him gently until the man�s legs were weak and they�d had to fall to the floor for completion. He�d then turned on the TV and Liam had fallen asleep on him.

Tomorrow he�d have to go back. His face crumpled at the sudden thought and he swallowed until he pulled himself out of the sinking sand sadness.

They�d have the morning together, without hiding, or worrying or bad feelings.

�and then they�ll have to go back to sneaking around.

He let out a small pained noise and Liam shifted, so he tamped it down. He felt like everything was being stolen from him, he could see it happening but there was nothing he could do to stop it, water slipping through his finge �

He gasped and looked at the door hopelessly.


Where �? Will. He reached out. Will�s chest, stomach, legs.

Sleep drifted away and he tried to figure out what was happening.


What? That must�ve woken him up. Knock? On wood? The door. He sat up and looked at Will who was staring at the door like he was terrified of what was on the other side.


They come when it�s dark. They found him.

Knock knock knock
Opens the door. A man and a woman stand there.
�Our car broke down,� says the woman.
�Can we use your phone?�
�Sure � come in.�

Will hadn�t invited them in yet, there was time to stop it.
He jumped up and felt Will try to pull him back but he slipped away because he knew how to stop it now. He ran to the door, Will running behind him.


�Shhhhh Pet, please!� Will was whispering fiercely.

�Will! Let me in!� the door said.

�GO AWAY!!!� he screamed, feeling the tears pick up in his eyes. He couldn�t let them in, if they got in � they�d tear Will to pieces, with their knives, and blood, and his eyes would be all shiny tomorrow morning.

�NOOOOO!� He grabbed Will in a bear hug and knocked him to the ground. �Not you! No! NO!�

�Shhh Liam, shut up! Please shut up!� Will was whispering, looking terrified.

�Will, if you don�t let me in this instant, I will tell the police who you have in there.�

Will was holding on to him like he was never going to let him go, his face tucked into Angel�s shoulder.

�It�s alright Will, they can�t come in unless you invite them.� He rocked him quickly, resting his cheek on the top of Will�s head. �Shhh Daddy, I�ll sing for you. We�ll just ignore them.�

�William! You listen to me. I want to talk to you. Open up this door right now, I swear to you, I was not bluffing about letting this sick little secret out!�

Will sobbed into Angel�s chest and then stood up. He put his hand on the doorhandle.

�NO! What are you doing! Their car didn�t really break down. That�s just where they keep everything!�

He looked at Angel sadly and unlocked the door.

�Will� �He looked at him, blue eyes wet. �You don�t know what they�ll do.�

�It�s Wesley. I know him.� He smiled, but it was a ghost. �Don�t worry Luv.�


�I knew Harlen.� He stood close as Will frowned at him. �I let Harlen inside me and I never knew what he was! I lay down under covers of black and the stars were screaming for me, under a monster, and he�ll always be inside until I cut him out.� He said, trying to make Will understand. Will kissed him, the same sad defeat in his eyes.

He felt sick.

�What is that?� He asks.
�It�s a painting, gorgeous.� Harlen says, smiling at him, blue eyes and straight black hair, hanging down in long straight spikes. Beautiful Harlen.
�But�� Liam says, then laughs a nervous laugh. �It�s a monster, like a sea monster.� He says indicating the huge painting of a monster in the depths of the ocean, glowing eyes and sharp protruding needle like teeth. Serrated fins and black leather tentacles. Hanging on the wall and so huge it covers the entire brickwork of the loft apartment. He thinks �Who would want that as a centrepiece in their house?� He�s wondered about it for a while. Paintings tell a lot about you. Who would want this speaking for them?
Harlen is watching him, staring without blinking in that way that scares Liam, but he can�t say no, not to Harlen.
�I want to fuck you.�
Liam laughs, forcibly taking his eyes off the painting. Harlen isn�t that nice to him nowadays. But he can�t say no.
�You�re so gorgeous, baby Liam. I want to bury myself inside you, all warm and wet and pure.� He smiles and Liam�s scared. But that�s one of the reasons he�s with Harlen. Because he scares him. He doesn�t love Harlen and that�s another reason. He wants to be with Darla, with his family. He should get back to them really. He feels sick. He shouldn�t be here. He�s cheating on his family. Darla will find out soon. He�s never let an affair go this long. It�s been almost six months. And Harlen � is getting possessive. Coming into work as they�re closing, making Brain raise his eyebrow, even came over to his house one night. Came over and Liam was outraged, how dare he come to his house? It was lucky that Darla and the kids weren�t home. And then Harlen was Harlen and he�d pushed Liam down and fucked him on the hallway carpet of the house, the front door wide open so that if anyone walked past they could see that Harlen owned him, that he was caught in a powerful grip.
�I can�t stay Harlen. You shouldn�t have come to my work tonight. Brian�s getting suspicious.�
�Fuck Brian. I�ll kill him.� He says with a blank look, and then laughs. And Liam laughs too even though he�s uneasy inside. More and more the longer he stays with Harlen.
�I want you to get a tongue stud. So you can suck me off with it.�
Liam gives a small laugh and looks out the window, watching the ocean. �Yeah, I could explain that to my kids. �What�s that in your mouth, dad?��
�Well at least they�d know that their father loves to be a whore on his knees and have his face fucked.� He says with a blank look, and then laughs. And Liam laughs too even though he�s uneasy inside. More and more the longer he stays with Harlen.
�You�d like it, wouldn�t you? You could eat my ass for hours, I wouldn�t let you get up, just sit on your pretty face.� He says, stroking his hands down Liam�s face. �Chain you up, all pretty and studded. How about some rings here� he says pulling at his nipples under his shirt. �Then a Prince Albert, and I�d get you a wand that sticks inside your pretty cock, up your piss slit, and I�d squeeze you and you�d love the bite of it��
He has to quit this. Harlen was nice at first. When did he turn into this monster? Liam doesn�t answer.
�My last boy loved it. I could make you get a guiche ring. I could pierce you myself. Would you like that baby? Bleeding and crying for me?�
�I�m not your boy.�
He laughs for a moment.
�Strip.� He repeats.
�I have to go.� Liam repeats, softer, without as much conviction. Harlen comes over to him and tears his shirt off and then makes quick work of his belt and pants. He pushes him over the couch that faces the painting as if Harlen spends hours looking at the hideous thing. �No Harlen, I don�t want to do it here. Not with �� he shudders, �that� thing� looking at us.�
�I know you don�t. Which is why I�m going to fuck you here, and you�re going to watch my painting the entire time.�
�No, Harlen, I really don�t like it.� He laughs and it sounds pitiful.
Harlen laughs and thrusts his fingers inside painfully. �You�re gorgeous, you little whore. It really is a shame. I like you a lot.� He gets away, feeling the fingers slip out of him and laughs again, painfully weak and tries to entice Harlen to go to the bedroom. Harlen�s face is filled with anger and he strides over and slaps Liam; the force of the hit feeling like it has knocked his teeth loose. He backs away. �You hit me!� �All part of the game.� Harlen says laughing. Liam shakes his head, �No I don�t like that� don�t hit me.� Harlen hits him again, up the back of his head, but with less force, just a hit to show Liam he can hit him if he feels like it, and Liam shies away from him a little. He doesn�t try and leave because Harlen is just Harlen and he doesn�t really want someone nice if he�s cheating on his wife. He doesn�t deserve a nice lover. They are in the bedroom and Harlen advances on him until they�re up against a wall, and then he grabs Liam�s backside and squeezes. �I�m going to fuck you, you fucking gorgeous whore. You cock breathed slut. My beautiful boy.� He grabs Liam�s hard cock and tugs him back out into the lounge pushing him to the ground under the painting. It�s all he can see. Harlen rolls him to his knees and Liam watches the horrid picture as Harlen spits onto his anus. Harlen�s cock pushing inside and he�s yanking Liam�s head back by the hair as he wails, pointing his face to the picture. Liam yells with a spectacularly painful thrust and closes his eyes against the protruding fangs and black leathery tentacles.
�Open your eyes, my little Liam. I want it burned into your memory.�

�You and I both know this is wrong.� A tall man with glasses that Angel had seen before was saying to Will.


He blinked and felt his eyes were wet and irritated. He was crying quietly.

He was on the couch and Will was standing near the dining table and this man was talking to him quickly and in hushed tones.
Will wasn�t saying anything, just staring at the ground looking like he was about to cry. Will�s eyes slowly came to his and a tear fell from the blue. He closed his eyes.

�Will?� he asked worriedly.

The tall man with glasses looked at him with tight lips.

He felt like he was on the ocean. Feeling sick and the monster was going to come up from the dark and�
� �Liam, shhh, Liam, stop screaming.� And Will was sitting next to him, shaking his shoulders gently, the angry man behind him glasses shiny and he couldn�t see his eyes.

Losing time. All of it. He clutched on to Will.

�It happens sometimes.� He said, and Will nodded, trying to smile.

He took deep breaths. Screaming. Harlen. He gagged and started sobbing.

The man grabbed Will and pulled him away and Angel cried harder at the loss of contact.

�This is disgusting William! How could you do this? How can this be�� He curled his lips, ��exciting? For you? His mind is practically that of a child!�

Angel rocked on the couch, crying into his knees. The water ran into his mouth and he was crying poison. He was going to die if Will didn�t stop the tears soon. He was going to drown in them; they�d fill up his lungs and burn his chest apart.
He howled like a wolf.

�You need to stop this now.� The angry man said loudly. �I implore you. I don�t know if he�s a patient of yours from the prison and god help you if he is, but you need to take him back from wherever you found him and get some help for yourself. You are not okay if you can � take advantage � of someone in his condition! He doesn�t know what he�s doing, do you understand that? He doesn�t know!�

A few tears trickled from Will�s eyes and it made Angel cry even harder. The dark was coming. Alone in the dark, with tentacles and spiders and vampires and death and no Will. He screamed at the dark trying to keep it away, and then Will�s hands were around his shoulders and he was shrieking at the man.

�You�re upsetting him! Leave us alone!� He said kneeling on the couch, arms clenching around him, breathing hot heavy air into his neck, making the leather stick to his skin. Angel stopped crying.

�William, you can�t be serious! He�s deranged, this is � so � horribly wrong!�

Angel wondered if this man had been the problem when he and Will first started seeing each other. He hugged Will tighter and glared at the man.

Will was shaking his head and sniffing. �No, you�ve got it all backwards � we want to be together �� he started crying.

�He�s insane Will! He doesn�t know what he wants! He�s mentally damaged. He needs your help, not your cock!�

�I like his cock!� Angel spat.

He looked stunned. He was nothing. He was dust.

Angel was glad. �Blow away in the wind.�

�No, I most certainly will not. I�m trying to help him.�

�You�re hurting him.�

�No, you�re hurting him. You�re hurting his career, his job, his life! You can�t possibly expect that you two will be alright! No, I�m not even going to debate this with you, you can�t understand me. Will, he�s completely regressed, this � what you�re doing is as disturbing as a man and a child!�

�I�m not a child!� Angel said gripping Will tighter and glaring hatefully at the man. �And I can understand you perfectly well. Will and I are fine. We�re going to get away and live together forever with the stars and no one can stop us or hurt us because we love each other.�

The expression on the man�s face slowly leaked away. They were all silent for a moment before the man spoke. "Is this true. Have you told him this William?�

�Yes he has.� Angel snapped, angry at being talked past.

Will wasn�t looking at the man anyhow. Angel smiled smugly. This man was just jealous cause he had Will and was trying to break them in pieces. Trying to grow grass and weeds between the rocks and force them apart.

The man was silent for a moment.

�I will check up on you William. I won�t let this go. Now, I won�t inform anyone at the moment because we have history � and I believe you can do the right thing, and I don�t want you destroyed over this stupid mistake! You�re a brilliant man, and to see you locked away for what is hopefully a bad judgement would be as wrong as what you�re doing. I know you can set it right. I plead for the sake of yourself, end the madness! You�re doing damage to yourself, at the very least, not even mentioning what you�re doing to this poor creature. You must know its wrong, listen to your head. Because this �� He indicated their embrace, �is depraved.�

Shaking his head, he turned and marched out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. Will burst into tears.

Angel held him tighter. �Shhh Will, he�s gone now, it�s alright.�

He was crying senselessly, his face wet, his sobs were painful and strings of saliva were snaking from his mouth.

�William, William, he�s left.� Angel said calmly.

Will scrabbled for him blindly, his hands catching on Angel�s clothes. He tried to grab them but they were snakes, ripping out of his grasp and then twining back in clumsily. He was screaming �Angel� over and over again.

�They�re not taking me anywhere. We have each other. Shhh Daddy, purr.� Trying to calm the red and black blue streamers of pain in the air.

Angel wrapped him in a hug and Will screeched and tried to free himself. Angel held on. Will needed his help. He didn�t know what was so scary about the angry man. He didn�t scare Angel. Maybe that�s why they met each other. Will could deal with his demons and he�d deal with Will�s. He smiled. He did have the better end of the deal, then. They needed each other. He tucked his head down onto Will�s shoulder as he screamed bloodily and tried to get free. As soon as he�d calmed down they could leave. They�d go somewhere where the vampires wouldn�t find him cause the stars would glow so brightly for Will, so bright there�d be no night, and the angry man could never sniff them out.

His legs were hurting from being scrunched on the couch. He looked down. Will was sniffing softly. It seemed very late. He must�ve lost time. That happens some ...

The stars were murmuring that he needed to make Will feel better.


He pushed Will off him gently. His eyes were bright red, red around the perfect blue and he blinked sadly.

�S�not depraved baby, is it?� He started crying again. �I�m not hurting you.�

�No hurt, ever. That�s why I love you.�

�S�not depraved. I�m not using you.�

�I know, be all shushed now. Kitty will rub all over you and make you feel better, Meow.�

�I love you Pet. Its not wrong to love you, It can�t be.�

He pulled him up. �Its not.� He whispered shaking his head.

He pulled Will towards the bedroom. He saw the clock. One forty-one in the morning. �It�s a new day, Daddy. You have to forget the past. Even if it catches up.�

He lay him down on the bed like he was a precious china doll, and he giggled, wanting to paint Will�s lips red and blush his cheeks and shadow his eyes with grey. He slipped Will�s clothes off, Will just staring at the ceiling, his long white body across the soft sheets.

The stars reminded him to make him feel better.

�I know how.� He told them. They didn�t have to nag. He always listened to them.

He shucked out of his own clothes and knelt on the floor next to the bed, stroking his hand reverently down Will�s chest, over his hip and all the way down his leg flicking the sadness of his body off his toes.

Will rolled his head to the side and looked at him, dark pink lips parted, face covered with more sadness than Angel had ever seen. He shouldn�t be so sad. Not when they were together.

�Tell me again.� He whispered.

�The cats will howl.�

�No,� he shook his head, smiling affectionately. �Tell me it�s not wrong.�

�It�s not wrong William. We found each other and we�re perfect together. Cat feathers.� He circled his hand over Will�s stomach and lent over to flick his tongue into his navel. �We need each other. That�s not wrong.�

�Do you love me Angel?�

�Yes I do. With all my heart. That�s why I�m going to make you feel better. Because you always do it for your kitty.�

He pulled out the lube and squirted it onto his fingers. He climbed onto the bed and posed prettily for his Daddy.

�Love me Will.�

Will smiled at him, his nose red as he sniffed.

He kissed the air and giggled at the stars suggestive comments and then lifted Will�s leg and found the tiny entrance to his body. He circled it and ran his fingernail quickly across the wrinkled skin making Will gasp and arch off the bed.

He poked a finger inside, feeling the warm clenching and smiling at it. �Trying to take more inside. You love me Daddy.�

�I love you Pet.� He said, laying his head back and closing his eyes. �I love you more than you�ll ever know.�

The stars starting mewing. Had they ever done that before? Angel didn�t think so. Gold and silver feathers.

He poked another finger in and moved them around, like Will did to him. His fingers were starting to catch on the skin, and he knew that didn�t feel nice and jumped towards the bottle to get more slick.

�Ah! Pet! Gentle!� Will cried, his hole clenching around the fingers Angel had forgotten were inside him.

�Sorry.� He pouted. �I forgot what was happening.� He grabbed the bottle and moved back, lifting both of Will�s legs and spreading them, licking the hard cock like a lollypop as he pressed more fingers in.

�Tasty.� He nipped his teeth around the ridge.

Will groaned. Angel knelt up on the bed and let Will watch him cover his cock with the slick until it was shining.

�Shiny Will, look.� He said, holding his cock and waving it from side to side, giggling.

�Beautiful.� Will said smiling at him. He sniffed.

�Legs back Daddy. I�ll push the stars inside you.�

That will make him feel better.

Will lifted his legs until they were bent over his chest. Angel could see the little opening he was going to push inside. He felt very naughty. But also like he was filled with cotton, apart from his cock. That was filled with swollen heat.


�Gently pet, I�m not on the receiving end often.�

He lined his cock up and it all felt very familiar and pushed until the hole opened up and swallowed the tip of his cock. He breathed in through his teeth at the vice tight of Will�s body. He was so wonderful. So pretty. Like the moon on his skin but he was a fire inside. Will was groaning so Angel was pretty sure he liked it.

Will�s happiness was reaching out fur covered fingers and tickling his balls. He bit his lip, because he didn�t want to shoot just yet. He realised he was going to empty himself into Will�s body and he drew blood from his lip trying not to do so just yet. He tried not to imagine it, cause it was making him want to explode.

He stayed still, just watching Will�s hole suckle around him underneath Will�s hard reddening cock, until the fire from the hot-tight on his prick stopped burning green in his balls. He breathed slowly and then pushed himself all the way in with a shove.

Will yelped and tried to pull away.

�Gently! Pet! God!� He barked out, eyes wide and hands clenching around Angel�s forearms.

Angel threw back his head and giggled.

�Real funny.� Will snorted, still panting in pain.

�I�m sorry.� He said, his body starting to thrust into the heaven beneath him, without his mind�s consent. �You feel really good. I like being inside you.�

He looked down and saw the trimmed hair around cock brushing against the china doll cheeks. He giggled again. �You�re on me. I impaled you.�

�Felt like it.� He said, his soft lips sneering playfully, slowly being shifted up and down the mattress in a hardening rhythm. Will�s nipples were begging to be played with. He reached down and started pulling on them, one between each thumb and forefinger, rolling them, pinching, until Will was twisting and jerking beneath him. His head rolled back on the pillow with a low groan, his hair twisting around in its short strands.

When he moved, his own channel ached pleasantly from being stretched around Will�s cock and fist all day. It made him rumble and he felt pretty, like his fur was all growing simultaneously.

�I�ll look after you Daddy, if you look after me.� He said thrusting into Will to the beat. It was a quick beat and Will looked pretty squirming on the end of his cock.

The stars said the look on his face was the prettiest. Pleasure so burnt it looked like pain, but tasted like heaven. Blue rolling back under his lids and eyebrows drawn together.

He stopped squirming; still panting, and then he opened his bright sky eyes and fixed them on Angel�s face. He was so wonderful and Angel felt so beautiful when Will touched him. He couldn�t be bad, couldn�t be if Will wanted to be with him.

He felt Will�s hands running over his chest.

He meowed and the blue eyes crinkled in a smile. The blue watched him for a moment, looked down to where he was inside him, and then looked back up. Another crinkle.

Will was saying something. He shook the star songs away from his ears to listen.

�...centrate pet.� He blinked. �Pet? You alright?�

�Yes. I love it.�

�Can we continue then?� Angel frowned and looked down to realise he�d gotten distracted and stopped moving, his cock half swallowed by Will�s body.

�When did that happen?� He asked himself, confused, and then smiled when Will laughed the most he had in a while.

He started thrusting again and Will moaned, and the electricity started again in his belly. Will�s body was massaging his cock and he loved the wet heat. His balls were prickling and Will was squirming and grunting so he picked up, and Will�s fingers dug into his back and he felt like a big lion and he kept pushing his cock into Will until he felt warm wet on his belly. He looked down and Will had come on him and at the sight, the electricity raced from his belly and spread through his veins until he came with a jerk as well. He let out a yell of excitement as he imagined his spend shooting inside Will and always being inside forever, deep in his belly.

His hands were holding him up over Will and Will�s face was gazing up at him. He was panting and wondering what Will was feeling, whether he was feeling the pleasant ache in his backside that Angel felt after they played together. Will kissed him with his soft lips and Angel opened his mouth tiredly. His cock felt gooey and he wanted to sleep. His head started dropping.
His body was weak. His hair was falling on Will�s face. Will�s hands smoothed up his back and rolled them so they were on their sides.

Angel�s soft cock slipped out in the shuffle, and he opened his eyes. �I wanted to stay there.�

�Next time.�

�I have no bones.� Angel murmured. �I hope they come back��

He felt Will kiss his shoulder, and the bed depressed as Will stood up.

�Did you like that Will?� He asked, not opening his eyes.

Footsteps closer and a kiss on his forehead. �No one has ever been like that with me� I could tell� you loved me when you were inside me.� Soft lips parting his own and a tongue slipping between, licking along his teeth. �I loved it.�

Sleep was tugging on his brain. �I do. And that�s how I feel when you�re inside me. Can I have some wool?�

�Later. Have a cat nap.�


He heard Will wander around for a while, and then the bed depressed again and Will�s body was next to him, his skin silk and hot milk, his fingers around his hip. Now that Will was there, it was alright to let go.

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