Title: Phoenix, Chapter Fifteen
Author: Inca
Feedback: So I can purr near the fire - [email protected]
Rating NC17
AU Liam/William
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, I just like to play with them
Spoilers: AU
Summary: Risen from the ashes, as an Angel
Authors notes: I'm not actually sure whether a Clorazil overdose has a vomiting effect, but go with me, because most antidepressents do.


A pinprick of light.

Angel focused on it like if he looked away he would never see it again. He was transfixed.

He could see himself even though he was focused on the light, his skin, lit dimly by the light. He was pale and sick.

�Liam�� Harlen�s voice was still ringing in his head.

He didn�t know how long he�d lost the world for. He had no idea what was happening �outside�. Maybe there was no �outside�. His eyes watered. He wondered if this � this darkness was the reality and the Will life was all a dream. Maybe there were no colours or singing or ribbons. Was this what everyone else saw? It was horrible.
Bleak and nothing.
No purring.

Will seemed like a dream now. Maybe Harlen had never left, it didn�t seem like he had.

Maybe Harlen had kept him as a pet.

Harlen�s kitty.


He focused on the light.

�Look at me Liam. Watch me in the light.�

He didn�t belong in the light. If the light became strong enough he�d go away.

Vampires only came when it was dark.

He urged the pinprick to become brighter. Another pinprick dotted in the nothingness. Harlen was quiet for the first time in the eternity Angel had been huddled here on his knees.

Another pinprick and another. They were letting the star songs in.

�Liam� close your eyes�� Fingers dusting over his goosepimpled flesh, over his hipbone.

�No!� He waited for the pain.


The fingers tightened on his hips and Angel was scared but he kept his eyes glued on the spreading light. A band of yellow feeling danced past him. He warmed up.

�Go away. You weren�t invited here.�

The nothingness shattered like glass and he was in his place. No doors in or out and no Harlen. Just his bed in the cosy little cave where he slept while the world ticked complicatedly past.

He opened his eyes.


Angel woke with a gasp. He tried to sit up but he couldn�t. His heart started pounding. He was tied down.

�Will?� He asked, very scared. His voice was quiet.

He looked around. He was in the sick ward. Why?

The last thing he remembered was� talking to Will, at Will�s house. And then the nothing.

His upper arm was stinging. He looked down and saw that in his other arm was a long tube. He squeaked. He was tied to the bed. Panic gripped his chest. Why �
Where was Will?

�Will?� He mewled again.

He was so tired. Why was he tired? How did he get here? Why was there no one around? His body felt like lead, like it was magnetised to the mattress.

�Daddy?� He tried.

He wanted a drink. He wanted to scratch his eye. He wanted �

Why was his arm hurting? He tried to move away from the pain but it wasn�t working. He was trapped.

Shards of red through the window. Angry stars. Angry at being confused and blocked out for so long. They were hurting his ears and he couldn�t put his hands up to block them out.

Angr �

What�s happening?

�Will!� He whimpered, and started trying to weakly get out of the iron grip the bed seemed to have him in.

�No! Let me go!� He pleaded, breathless.

The door opened and a very sad, frazzled, dirty looking Will pushed in, wide eyed with a mug in his hand, tea string hanging over the side. When he saw Angel looking at him he blinked and shook his head a little.

�Daddy!� Angel cried, his voice sounding so quiet, but he was too tired to make it louder. �Someone tied me up��

Will�s eyes widened and he ran to his side.

The stars perked up when they saw him, calmed their angry hissing and let the ribbons roll out. They were too excited, too loud after the nothing and they were giving him a headache.

�Oh Liam I was so worried!� He fell to his knees slamming the mug on the table and kissed over Angel�s face erratically.

The initial happiness at seeing Will wore off and they became more frantic. Angel�s stomach twisted with the skittery sound.

Light. Bright.

�What happened?�

�Shhh, I�ll untie you. You feel fine now, right?� he asked quickly, smiling at him and showing his white teeth.

He looked tired. But his eyes were still very, very bright. Bright blue. Clear and bright and � too noisy.

�Shhh. Can�t hear� He told the stars. Couldn�t � what?

�Do you feel better?� Will asked.

�Worried.� The stars were screaming with anxiety. He closed his eyes. �Stars songs are making my head hurt.�

Will undid the straps from his ankles. �Why?�

�I don�t know. What �?�

His stomach was sick with worry. Why? What happened? He opened his eyes to focus on the blue gaze and not on the metal in all his bones.

�You were gone, baby.� He grinned and he looked like he was going to cry. �But you�re back now.�

�I was gone.� Angel repeated as Will undid the straps over his chest.

Will kissed his forehead. �Don�t worry.�

�I had horrible dreams.�

�I know the feeling.�

�Dark and no stars. No purring. I was lost.� He said wearily. �I was stuck. I didn�t know what was happening and there was nothing. I was just there with � his voice.� He shuddered.

Will paused in his untying and glanced up at him, worry and guilt and sympathy all over his face trying to settle. He flicked a strap off his ankle.

He sat up quickly after Will undid the straps and reached out to hug him with his heavy arms but he felt a rat bite in his forearm. He looked down and saw the tube in his arm again. Will pushed him back down on the bed.

�Daddeeee!� He wailed, tears springing out. It was too much. Too much. His arm was stinging painfully now. He wanted to go back into his head and sleep more. Wake up when it wasn�t so loud and wasn�t so confusing.

�Shhh, baby.�

�Get it out, get it out�� He mewled, looking up at Will sadly so he�d know he didn�t like it.

�I can�t Pet, I�ll get Sally.�

He pouted until Will leant down and kissed over his face again. He walked round the bed so he could see the door to the hallway and wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling into his hair.

�I�m not sick.� He said, wondering why he was being hurt in the sick ward.

Will kissed his neck. �I love you baby. I was so scared.�

�I woke up and I couldn�t move and there was no-one.�

The stars lowered to their usual level of background noise.

Another kiss made him relax a little. The knots in his stomach unfurled. �That must�ve been horrible, Pet.� Will rumbled soothingly in his ear.

�It was.� He snuffled into the hair, feeling satisfactorily pitied.

�Awww, my poor baby.� Will breathed as he rubbed his strong hands back and forth over his shoulders and neck.

�How long was I alone?�

�I�ve been here all night. I needed a drink and I was only down the hall.�

�How long have I been here?� he said, shifting his head back to look at Will.

Will looked worried and then tried to smile. It was weak. Like a picture under a frame of glass, shaking and hard to focus on. �Three and a half months.�

His stomach gurgled a little. Was he �

�� hungry?�

�You haven�t eaten real food for a while.�

Real food.

�Are you in reality?�

Will blinked. �What do you mean Pet?�

�Is this the place inside my head?�

�What � now?�




�I�m real Pet. I promise you.�

�Oh. But wouldn�t you say that anyway?�

�If I wasn�t real?�

He frowned. This conversation was too hard. He closed his eyes and felt Will�s fingers stroking over his eyebrows. First one, then the other.
It was very relaxing.
He was still worried. He felt like he�d missed something. That everything was a step away from where he�d left it and it was strange. He opened his eyes and looked to Will for reassurance. Will just smiled at him.

The stars whispered.

He lifted his heavy head forward and kissed the air at him, needing the hot tongue against his own to help him forget � the things that were worrying him � that he couldn�t remember. It felt like it had been a long time, a long, long song since he�d had a Will kiss. Will knew exactly how to help and covered his mouth with his own lips. A second later he felt the familiarity of the sliding tongue melting away the knot of worry in his stomach.

�I�ll get Sally to take the nasty thing out.�

Angel pouted at the evil tube in his arm and watched anxiously as Will backed out of the room, keeping his eyes on him the whole time.

�Don�t go away Pet, stay right there.�

Angel nodded. He wanted to curl up but the throbbing bite on his arm told him it probably wasn�t a good idea.


�I just wanted to ring � to say thankyou.�

Icy silence. �Yes.�

�Because it meant a lot, what you did. I just wanted to explain to you, why I did � what I did.�

�Go on.�

�I thought I was connecting with him. I loved him�

�How long was the affair?�

�Almost �� Will counted and looked at the floor. �Almost a year. But it�s over now. I ended it. I couldn�t stand it anymore. And � and I�m getting help.�

�That�s a good thing Will.� The voice softened. �I had booked a flight to come and see you. But I�m glad it�s over now. Do you feel � you love him still?�

Will didn�t lie. �Yes. I think about him a lot.�

There was silence from the other end. �When you rang � last month � I was trying to leave.� He said, to fill it up.

�And you felt you couldn�t?�

�I felt � that everyone was wrong. Including you. But I know better now.� He said softly. �It wasn�t a good time to leave anyway.�

�What made you end it?�

�What you said and � seeing � the reality of what he was. He had a � fit.�

�And the reality came home to you.�

�Yes. I�m so sorry I yelled at you that night, and was short with you on the phone when you rang�. I �. I�ve just had a tough time of it. Always had a tough time of it. But I�m not going back to the job. I can�t and he�s � he�s in capable hands now.� He finished quietly.

�How did he take it?�

�I�m sure he�s forgotten all about it.� Will�s voice cracked.

�He might have.� Wesley agreed bluntly. �I�m glad you�re seeking help.�

�It was wrong. I understand. I just wanted you to � to know.�

�Thankyou.� Silence. �If you ever need to talk or just � need someone��

�Yes. And thankyou, again. Really.�

�Goodbye William.�

�Bye Wes.�

He hung up the phone with a sigh and a frown. He slipped into the bed and kissed Liam�s bare shoulder.

�Did he believe you?� He asked sleepily, before rolling onto his back and spreading his arms wide, encouraging Will to come lie on his shoulder.

Will slipped down and rested his cheek against Liam�s chest. �I think so.� He turned Liam�s face to him. �I love you Pet. I didn�t mean a word of what I said.�

�You told him you loved me.� Liam reminded, sing songy tease in the afternoon light.

�Well I wasn�t lying about that.�

�What about all the other nice things?�

�Like what?�

�Too hard to remember.� He smiled before reaching up to play with his hair.

His attention span had become a little shorter, if that was possible, but Will was so glad to see him smile and giggle that he barely even noticed. Things were getting back to normal. Liam was being eased back onto his meds as well. Will was relieved. Sometimes Liam became panic stricken for no reason and would scare himself and go sit in the corner of the room mutely. If everything didn�t go perfectly, or if anything became too �complicated� as he put it � he�d scream or he�d cry.

�And this is li �� He trailed off and started humming, watching his fingers in his hair.

�Baby, I just realised when I was on the phone,� he said nibbling at the broad shoulder. �It�s almost our one year anniversary.�

Liam looked interested.

�I�m going to buy you a big present. And a huge chocolate mud cake.�

�Oooooh.� He looked very happy now. He jiggled on the bed.

�What do you want?� Will asked, getting off the body.

Liam pursed his lips. �I want � naked Will. With a chocolate cake.�

Will laughed.

�And!� Liam started giggling. �I want you to jump out of a box with a big red ribbon around your cock.�

�What colour box?� He asked, kissing along Liam�s shoulder to his neck.

�Yellow. With blue ribbon.� He tugged on his hair and made a face at the pain. Will untangled his fingers but they drifted back into the brown strands.

�I see.�

�And your cock should be coated in chocolate.� He hummed happily for a moment. �So I can lick it and it would be candy.�

Will smiled and ran his fingers over Liam�s cheekbone.

�Mmmm, Will candy.� He looked up with fogged-happy eyes.

Will kissed his forehead.


�Yeah Pet?�

�If I went t�� He trailed off and stared blankly at the ceiling, moth open a little. Will kissed just below his bottom lip, nibbling at the little dip.

�Do you think about me?� He asked, still fascinated by the ceiling.

�Yeah, Pet. A lot.�

�Do you think about me when � you eat?� He asked flicking his attention to Will.


�When � you have a shower and you�re all naked?�


�Good.� He said contemplatively. He turned his attention back to the ceiling. �When I think about you, I get all hot and sticky and have to play with myself.� He said almost clinically, unashamedly, as if he was recounting his breakfast that morning.

Will�s cock twitched as his balls woke up. He let out a little snort of air and hugged him closer. The things Liam said sometimes could make some priests throw their collars in the mud as their vestments tented.

�I�m shedding my fur.� He said detachedly, looking at the one strand that fell out while he was playing with his hair.

�Are you? Do you need me to brush you?�

Liam perked up again. �Yes. I do.� He sat up, sick skinny back on display. The bottom of his ribs raised the skin into little bumps when he slouched forward. He was still beautiful. The long line of his back led Will�s eyes down from the dark hairline and hint of scar to the white sheets, Liam�s crack just showing as he sat naked on the bed, the material draping over his lap in front.
He twisted around to look at Will still lying on the bed. �Otherwise I�ll get hairballs.�

He made some hacking noises. Will leant past him and opened the drawer pulling out a hairbrush. He sat up behind Liam, his worn out cock wet against the skin of Liam�s buttocks. He brushed his hair as Liam cooed happily and waved his hand around like he was painting.

He�d been doing that a lot too.

He made a sound like a pigeon and Will snorted.

�I like being here with you.� He said as Will ran the bristles through his longish hair. He hadn�t had it cut while he was in the sick ward.

�I like it too baby.�

�I feel like silk. Sunlight on si...�

Will wrapped his legs around Liam�s waist, hardly surprised when his foot came in contact with a hard cock. Liam jumped and then purred.

�Again, Pet? Insatiable.� He said, massaging the bouncing flesh with his toes and looking at it over Liam�s shoulder.

�Horny kitty.�

Will got caught in a loud laughing fit, just so happy to be here with him, to hear him talk again.

�Shh Will. Someone will hear you.� Liam scolded, laughing with him.

He rolled them both back onto their sides.

�I�ll tell them I�m in a session.� He said with a curl of his lips, fingers running to rub between Liam�s arse cheeks.

�A naked session.� Liam reminded.

�A naked session with my lovely patient whom I think about all the time and love very, very much.�

�I dare you.� He said coyly.

�And who has a great arse.� He said playing with the tiny hole.

�Double dare you.� He said, not letting any of the feelings showing in his eyes edge into his voice as he lifted his thigh.

Will continued, smiling. �With a mouth like a hoover.�

�Triple Quadru � ahhh!� He said, his eyes flinging wide as Will pushed the tips of three fingers in at once.

�Shh Pet, someone will hear you.�


It was raining. It was always cold in the ward but it was worse when it rained.

Will let him curl up in front of the blow heater even though he didn�t think it was cold. But Will was from England so he was never cold.

He could hear Will clicking away at the keys of his computer, working hard.

Angel just loved being near him, but when Will was working he wasn�t meant to sing too loudly because he was trying to concentrate. The stars even murmured quietly.

Angel was listening to the rain mostly. It was very light, but he could hear it dropping to the grounds with patters of wet. The blow heater was starting to burn his skin of his neck a little so he turned it to a lower setting and dropped his head back to the carpet.

Will was making a telephone call. He rolled his head round and watched him for a while. He had one elbow on his desk, looking at the computer screen and reading things to the phone. He looked busy. Angel lost interest and closed his eyes again.

Pat, pat, pit, pat, pit, pat, pat, pat�

He wondered what it would feel like to be rain, falling through the sky. That would be fun, like bungie jumping � or the down part of jumping on a trampoline. He supposed it would hurt when you hit the ground. He opened his eyes and frowned, the heated air making him blink a lot as it dried his eyes. He wondered if raindrops were dying when they hit the ground.
He didn�t like that thought.

�Will, do you think the raindrops get hurt when they land?�

Will covered the phone with his hand. �No Baby, they�re made of water.� He said quietly as he smiled. �Sorry could you repeat that last part?� He said into the phone.

Well, they were made of water. But � humans were too. Weren�t they? Yes. Very sure. He pulled himself lethargically off the floor and looked out the window as he held onto the frame with his fingertips.

�Poor little raindrops.� He murmured as he watched them all fall past his little square of glass. He felt sad. He looked down and saw puddles of dead raindrops on the yard. He heard Will get up but he couldn�t take his eyes of the rain.

Pat, pat, pit, pat

His made a pained noise for them all.

Will�s hand ran up his side. �Water�s eternal. It just goes round and round. Because they�re so old and they�ve done it so many times, they can�t feel anything.�

Angel thought about this. He smiled. That sounded right. �So it�s fun?�

�Yes. They have fun doing it. No pain.� He felt a kiss on the back of his neck. �Are you finished with the heater?�

Was he?


�Alright.� The hands left his side and he turned away from the rain to watch Will turn off the heater and unplug it. Angel went to the couch and crawled onto it, curling into a kitty shape.

Will went back to his desk. Angel meowed at him and he smiled before he started typing again. He quickly fell into his work and didn�t take his eyes of the screen.
Angel was a bit bored now so he got up and wandered around. He wanted a coffee.

He took the kettle from the desk and went to the bathroom to fill it up, like he�d seen Will do.

�What are you doing baby?� Will�s voice called.

�Making some coffee.� He said as he came back out. Will frowned a little from his desk. He took his glasses off.

�Is that okay for you to do?�

�Yes. I do it all the time.�

Was that true?

He used to make coffee. He remembered how, anyway.

�Okay.� He said, sounding a little unsure. He put his glasses back on after a moment and started tapping at the keys.

Angel scooped the granules into the cup and went to get the milk from the little fridge as he waited for the kettle light to go off. It did and he started pouring slowly.

He watched the cup slowly fill up and the sound of a phone ringing filled his ears. He turned as Will picked it up and suddenly his hand felt like it was on fire.

He shrieked and tried to flap the pain off and dropped the kettle to the floor with a clunk.

He ran into the bedroom and sat in the corner closing his eyes against the pain, holding his hand tightly to his chest, trying to rub the bite out of his hand against his shirt. It was poison. Something bit him and � spider? Snake? Rat?

He clasped his hand and tried to stroke the pain away.

He felt his arms being tugged and it was Will, anxiety faced and saying something. He couldn�t hear because the stars were in pain and they were crying. Will pulled him into the bathroom and stuck his hand under cold water, which made the pain ebb away a little.

�Shhh Shhh Baby, you got a little scald that�s all, nothing bit you� stop yelling Pet.� Will cooed quietly, trying to tuck Angel�s head into his shoulder to muffle the noise.

He calmed down and Will�s hands wrapped around his waist.

�Daddy�� He whimpered looking down at the bright red on the back of his hand.

�Poor baby.� He whispered into his ear, giving it a little kiss.


�Awww.� Will pouted against his neck. �Silly thing.�

Angel looked up and saw Will watching him in the mirror. He watched him back, blinking as Will�s lips found the soft space behind his ear. �Poor Pet.� He mouthed with a smirk.

�It hurt Will.�

�I know.� He kissed his cheek, which made him feel better.

�What would make you feel better?� Will asked, turning off the water. The throb increased a little.

�Chocolate.� He pouted sadly, holding his red hand up to his chest.

�Okay, I�ll go get you some M&M�s from the vending machine.�

Ooooh, M&M�s.

The stars were pleased.


�Hello again, Mr vampire researcher!� The Indian clerk hooted at him.

He knew him by sight now; he was in here so bloody much. He made his way past the shelves of dusty old books.

�Hey, got the book I ordered?�

�Yes I do.�

He pulled it out excitedly.
Where the myth clouds the truth. He held the book up, smiling under his incongruous Rastafarian beanie.

�Thanks.� Will said, looking through it. These books were costing him a fortune. �And also? I wanna place an order for
Vampire colonies and populations. Can you get it? It�s fairly new.�

�I can get anything for you Mr Telleck.�

�Good.� He sneered and walked out of the shop.


He was walking nonchalantly down the hallway to the wards when he ran into Barry dragging a very sick looking Liam.

His face was tinged yellow and he was sweating. �Will� He mewled weakly.

Will ran up to him and helped Barry carry the weight. �We�re going to the sick ward.� Barry grunted.

�What happened!� Will yelped, too much worry flooding his face.

�Don�t know, Will. He�s just been throwing up. About four times in the last fifteen minutes.�

�Why didn�t anyone call?� He asked, forgetfully holding his hand up to feel Liam�s temperature. He was boiling.

�No time, it just suddenly started��

�Anyone else sick?�

�Nope, just Liam here.�

�Will� Liam said, his breath smelling like sick, �I don�t feel good.�

He started dry heaving. They got to the nurses office, gave Liam a bucket which he promptly started trying to fill and he sent Barry to get Marge. He sat on the bed next to Liam and rubbed his back comfortingly, cooing niceties in his ear.

Liam was just resting his face on the bucket sides, whimpering.

He took his hand away at the last possible moment as Barry and Marge came in.

�Now what�s wrong Angel?�

�Sick.� He mumbled into the bucket.

�I see that. Anything hurting?�

Liam shook his head like a five-year-old. Marge took his temperature and checked his breathing.

�He�s burning up,� she said with a frown.

�It just seems like a bad reaction to something. Violent food poisoning maybe?� Barry said, trying to help.

Will looked at Liam. �Mikael hasn�t given you any of his meds has he?�


�Nobody has. You�ve only taken yours.� Will clarified.

Liam looked at him nodding, he looked spacey. More so than usual. �I swear.�

�Haven�t had any alcohol?�

He shook his head and looked dizzy for a moment before heaving into the bucket again.

�Get the nurse heading off the night shift. Now. And tell him to bring the charts.�

Barry ran.

�Drug overdose?� Marge queried.

�You haven�t been saving your meds or anything have you?�

Liam shook his head wearily. �I�m hot.�

Marge whipped with a stethoscope. She listened to his chest for a moment. �Heartbeat�s irregular. Did you feel sick earlier Angel?�

�No, just threw up everywhere. Then I felt sick.�

�Woke up sick?�

Liam was shivering a little. Will bit his lip.


Barry ran back panting, with the nurse, a fresh-faced boy still wet behind the ears. Will�s stomach flip-flopped and he stood eyeing him off.

�Give me the sheet.� He said, taking the meds clipboard from him. He scanned the chart where they boy had written the dosages next to the names.

Liam Alaise. His eyes flicked back up to the guard.

�Does this say you gave him three doses of Navane this morning?�

The boy peered at it. He nodded.

�Seeing as Liam doesn�t take a triple of anything the moment, nor does he take Navane, are you sure that�s what you�ve given him a triple dose of?�

The boy pointed at the sheet and then rubbed his lip. �Ummm��

�Um?!� Will said trying to contain his anger.

�I must�ve given him Clorazil. He takes that, though.�

Marge gave an anxious cough behind him. �Come on honey,� She said calmly to Liam. �We�re just going to get you ready for a lavage alright?�

Will slapped the clipboard against the boys chest. �You�re fired.� He spat.

�Lavage?� Liam jittered out.

�It�s okay, don�t worry, all right?� Will said soothingly, as Marge pulled out the small tube, quickly coating it with a bit of jelly.

�Alright sweetie, put your chin on your chest. Start breathing in ... and out�� She said calmly as she flicked dials maniacally and mixed a solution.

�You do this a lot?� Will asked, trying not to sound nervous.

�A lot of patients swap their medication and put themselves out. After we lost one on the way to the hospital, the government cracked and let us have our machines.�

Lost one!?

Will tried to stay calm.

She whipped some tape out and pressed the tube down along Liam�s mouth and jaw, sticking the tape on a seemingly random place.

�Now open your mouth.�

�What?� Liam squawked, looking dizzy.

�You�re going to swallow the tube, and it will go into your stomach alright? It won�t hurt.�

Liam looked at Will incredulously and Will just tried to smile reassuringly. He opened his mouth slowly and watched Marge start to feed it in. He looked frantic but Marge and Will just made cooing sounds at him. His hand reached for Will�s and he took it, smiling at him. He clenched his eyes closed and then the bit of tape reached his lips.

Marge turned around to fix the tube to the lavage system, and Will quickly bent down and kissed Liam on the forehead when she wasn�t looking. He was breathing heavily through his nose.

�Here we go.�


He looked through the ward window at Liam sleeping in bed with the IV tube connected to his hand. He smiled weakly.

�He should just stay here, yeah?� he joked with Marge.

�Save him the trip every time. Too bad. He just missed Samuel, he could�ve had some company. He broke his leg.� She smiled.

He nodded a second and couldn�t help looking through the small window again. �He�ll be alright now, right?�

�Yeah. He�s on an IV and we gave him some meds to calm his blood -pressure. Lavage was with charcoal. Diuretics as well. We did everything. Besides his body probably got most of it out with the vomiting. Body usually tried to rid itself of things it doesn�t like. Probably recognised it pretty quickly. Li hadn�t had big meals or anything since he got better. First lot of meds.�

Will nodded, smiling. His stomach felt like it was being gnawed at by angry sharp toothed rats. �Yeah, I know.�

She smiled and wandered back to her work. Will slipped into the ward and went to the small sink in the corner, pulling out one of the plastic cups. He filled it with water and put it on Liam�s bedside table, then brushed the sleeping man�s hair back.

�For when you wake up. So you won�t have morning breath.� He whispered, as Liam�s chest rose and fell with calming regularity. �I know you hate that.�

He ran the backs of his fingernails along the sharp cheekbone, before quietly leaving.


�Okay, in your bed now.� Will murmured, shifting Angel from his knees where he was purring. Will stood and patted the black velvet cat bed near the fire, smoothing his white fingers across it. Angel stretched and lazily made his way to it, flopping down into it and curling up, feeling the furry softness all over his bare skin.

�Good Pet. I�ll get you some milk.� He said, standing up and seeming very tall and powerful in his jeans and black shirt. His feet were bare and Angel wanted to lick them.

He looked out the huge windows and it was midnight. Angel meowed smugly at the night. He wasn�t scared of it.

The fire was warm and making him sleepy. His eyes watched the flames flickering, almost mesmerised as they danced against each other. Will�s hand patted down his back. He meowed and a dish of milk was put in front of him. He lapped at it and the hand patted across his head.

�Good Kitty.�

He agreed but his words came out as a meow. He looked up confused but Will just smiled sexily at him.

�Look, I got you a new collar.� He said, pulling the shiny black leather out of a big yellow box with tissue paper inside. He held the collar up. It had buckles and a little metal fish nameplate on the front with �Angel� curled across it. Angel liked it, smiling as he felt a shiver roll through his body starting from his lower belly. He rubbed his head against Will�s leg.

�And look, sweets,� he said showing him the back of the collar, where a small strip of shiny metal was attached to the collar. �So if you get lost, everyone can return you to me.�

He read the inscription. �Will�s kitty�

Will leant forward to put it around his neck and they kissed, tongues sliding slick and strong against each other as the fire crackled and spat excitedly. Angel lay back and the cat bed was huge. He wanted to tell Will but his words came out as meows.

�I know Pet.� Said Will, understanding him anyway.

Will was over him and kissing him, thrusting his tongue in deeper and deeper, filling his mouth up. Angel purred happily. Will spread his legs across the velvet and started playing with his awoken cock.

�Kitty likes to play naughty games.�

He nodded. Knowing he�d just meow anyway. This was good.
He didn�t have to think of the words that he wanted to say.

Will�s fingers tickled down his thighs and circled around his balls until his toes curled.

�Wanna play tonight kitty? We can play all night. Until the sun comes up� He murmured as a wet finger rubbed across his hole, making it swell minutely and try to part for him.

He nodded and hissed slightly as Will�s fingers entered him, wet and slick and stretching. Three at once and it burned like the fire, but as happily too. He twisted under Will�s fingers and liked Will�s tongue curling around his teeth in lust as he watched him.

�Such a good kitty.�


He was a good kitty. He purred and it made Will�s cock twitch against his thigh as he knelt over him.

Will lifted Angel�s legs up onto his shoulders. He felt squiggles in his stomach, and then Will�s cock was sliding inside, wide and long and hot. Slick and smooth. Satin ribbon heated by the sun.

He let out a strangled meow and his eyes rolled back as Will touched the stars inside him.

Will was naked now, his chest wide and pale white, beautiful, white on the black of the velvet. Angel�s legs were very tan against his skin, creating a vee that led to his face, calm and sexy, smug and confident, and very turned on � eyes dark and lips parted as he slid into his body. Will was so pretty. He was a lion, taking care of him and showing how much he loved him with his cock all the way inside until it was in Angel�s stomach, opening up cosily inside. He clenched his legs in time to the slides, making his body move against Will�s.

Slap Slap Slap, purrrr, meow, Slap, Slap, Slap.

It was slow and long and the songs were coming from Will�s throat and chest in rumbles and roars. The vampires were outside watching but they couldn�t do a thing and Angel meowed loudly to prove it to them, slamming against Will�s thighs roughly, wanting more of his cock inside him. Will�s eyes watching him steadily the whole time, and it was him making Will hard and he felt very beautiful. Proud like a peacock with all the feathers shuffling around. He was a show for Will to watch and he loved it. Loved being the focus of Will�s attentions.

His cock, drooling dopily wrapped in Will�s slim fingers, pumping into the sheath.

�If you come for me kitty, I�ll get you some wool to play with. Tangle yourself up in it and roll around.� He groaned, and the sound came out like a roar.

Angel didn�t have to be told twice.

He meowed.

Angel stirred in his sleep, with a little smile on his face.


He stepped out of the cab, becoming immediately saturated by the downpour, and flicked money to the driver.

�Thanks, Mon.�

He nodded as the man pulled away and turned, walking quickly under the awning of the nearest building. He squinted at his destination. No sign, but a throbbing beat pounded from the inside of the warehouse.

He scratched away the itches on his head and moved forward. He wanted to be taken seriously this time. After last time. He rolled his eyes. He didn�t really believe, they�d said, being able to tell this fact from his appearance apparently. Just because he didn�t dress up in eighteenth century clothes, or have a satin covered pale face girlfriend with cherry lips. He scratched his head again.

Fuck that stuff burns.

He swept the leather duster he hadn�t worn since he�d left England around as he climbed up the concrete steps.

He knocked on the warehouse door and gave his best irritated look, which was very good as it was exactly how he was feeling and the door slid open. The sensual beat of the gothic flavoured music swirled around him with the chatter and murmurs of the heavily clothed crowds. He swaggered past the guards and strode down the few stairs, seeing the people see him, seeing them take note and give him their attention. The painted women gave their most seductive smiles and so did most of the men.

Someone handed him a goblet of red wine and he sipped at it, making his way over to the most dressed up group he could find. The men looked like courtiers for a king and some of the women even wore the bodice dresses of the nineteenth century. Powdered wigs and faces. Red lips. Dark eyeliner and heavy mascared eyes. He knew his own was running from the rain. He watched the group take in his usual heavy boots, his leather pants, usual tee and leather duster, finishing up on his eyeliner smudged eyes and mostly �his shock of peroxide-white hair.

�You�re new.� One of the men said, watching him lasciviously. He was wearing a satin trimmed coat and was holding a cane, his black curls tied back behind his neck.

�To you maybe.�

He smiled. �What�s your name?�

�Spike.� He smirked. �And I�m looking for one.�

�We all are.� One of the girls said, giggling, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

The man watched him, ignoring the bint. �Most of our family don�t look for theirs, we respect them.�

�Have you ever seen one?� Will asked, wasting no time. He hated these places.

�Myself? No. But I know some who have.�

Will inwardly sighed. Everyone was like this. A friend of a friend is friends with a vampire. My stepbrother�s sister�s cousin made out with a vampire.

He�d found out about this whole wanna-be-vampire scene while one of his occult bookstores, buying more material. A sign inside the window, the word vampire on it, catching his eye. He�d found his way there, but hadn�t been told much, just that the nuts loved vampires, lived like vampires, wanted to be vampires and wanted to meet people like themselves. They were lonely. But that wasn�t Will�s problem.

He�d thought he�d have better luck if he looked the part. He couldn�t imagine wearing the uncomfortable coats and breeches these one�s were in, but he�d seen a few who just looked gothic or punkish. So he�d given himself a make-over.

He didn�t actually mind it, although the white was a bit unnerving the first time he looked in the mirror. Liam hadn�t seen it yet.

�I wanna hear about it. Where are these �some�?�

�They�re around. Mostly hang around at �D�sirer et L'�me�.� He smiled. �We could take you one night.�

�Or you could tell me where it is, and hope you see me there.�

The man smiled sultrily, and told him.

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