Title: Phoenix, Chapter Nine
Author: Inca
Feedback: Cause otherwise, I�ll throw shit around to get your attention- [email protected]
Rating NC17
AU Liam/William
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, I just like to play with them
Spoilers: AU
Summary: Risen from the ashes, as an Angel
Authors notes: Thankyou Violethampster, Ely Jan, Darkezza and Wendy for their sweet-ass ideas to give me Angel�s Christmas presents for Will. And anyone else who suggested whose pressies I�m not using � right now. Thankyou guys! *MWAH* to you all. I have a few stored away that I might use later.
I�m just a sucker for Chrissie, aren�t you?


Will tried to be silent as he snuck from the maintenance door, leaving it open so he could get back through. He had the large wide box wrapped in bright, shiny �Merry Christmas� paper, and he was holding it flat so it wouldn�t make any noise.

He may have gone a little overboard.

He ran up to the nurses station and sighed. Only Jensen, asleep. He ran giddily back to Liam�s room and slipped the latch open. Liam was asleep; understandably, it was five twenty-seven in the morning. He closed the door behind him and sat on the bed, putting the large present on the floor. Liam was lying on his side, a bare arm out of the covers, draping down in front of his stomach, knuckles brushing the sheet.

�Pet, wake up.� He whispered, shaking his gently by the shoulder.

A mumble.

�Angel, wake up � come on.�

Sleepy eyes blinked open and looked at him blearily. �Will?�

�Merry Christmas, baby.� He leant down and pecked a kiss on his lips.

�Christmas?� He mumbled, sitting up so the covers slumped down his body and rubbing his eyes, face slack. �What time is it?�

�Five twenty nine. I�m sorry for being here so early, but they�re taking you out for celebrations and games and all that bullocks later, so I won�t be able to sneak you away.�

Liam blinked a few more times as the words settled in, then he smiled. �Merry Christmas.� He reached over for the cup of water that was always on his table and swilled the water around in his mouth. He swallowed and leaned towards Will, smiling modestly and kissing him, sucking Will�s tongue into his mouth and nibbling at it.

Will pulled away. �Presents?�

Liam grinned and started bouncing on his bed. �What did you get me?� His eyes lit on the gift on the ground. �Ooooooh! Can I open it now?�

�No.� Will said completely seriously, laughing as Liam�s face fell. �Of course.� Will lifted the present and put it on Liam�s blanketed lap. He seemed mesmerised by the shiny paper for a few moments, before he ripped it open with all the enthusiasm of a six-year-old.

When he got the box open he just stared in it for a moment, his eyes wide and body still.

Will � may have gone a little overboard.

He�d thought the best present he could give Liam would be something to do with drawing. So he went to an art and design shop. And bought a lot.

For the next hour and a half Liam played with the artists and graphic pencil sets 8B to 2H and 5B to 5H respectively, numerous types of willow charcoal and charcoal pencils, graphite sticks, blendable pencils, oils and oil pastels, sketching sticks from white to sepia, chalk pastels and every single kind of eraser available on the many, many sketchbooks of varying textures Will had purchased.

Will had pulled out a polaroid camera he�d brought with him and happily snapped away as Liam fluttered his eyelashes demurely in one photo and then looked like the centrefold from Playgirl in another.

He pulled each thing out and looked at it for a while, especially the pencils, one by one, feeling the weight it looked like, and looking at the tip rubbing it along the pad of his thumb professionally.

Will had been posing for about an hour and fifteen minutes and Liam was still going strong � his face smudged with charcoal, some kind of pencil behind his ear and another in his mouth. Interspersed in the drawings were kisses and touches, fingers running over skin and through hair.

Will suddenly jerked when he realised the time. �I have to go!�

Liam dropped the sketchpad and stared at him forlorn. �Why?�

�Cause it�s gotten late.� He stood up. �No therapists are on today. Raise too much suspicion. They�re coming around with your meds at seven fifteen and I have to be gone.�

Liam grabbed his watch and looked at it. �But it�s only seven! You can stay longer!�

Will kissed him gently. �I put down that I�m on tomorrow, okay? I�ll see you then.� He kissed him again and stood up.

�But.� Liam started, sitting in an array of pencils and paper, mournful eyes looking up at him as he grabbed his arm. �But tomorrow�s not Christmas.�

Will�s heart hollowed out. He sat back on the bed, the seconds ticking past in his ear. He pulled Liam easily into his arms and kissed over in face in little pecks until he laughed.


�You happy again?�

�I am.�

�Good. Now, clear all the stuff away, put it under your bed for when the guard comes, alright? Later you can tell the guards who check your room that someone you used to know gave it to you, and tell them that I checked it out. �Kay?�

Liam nodded and started reverently putting things back in the box. He grabbed the back of his head, and pulled him close kissing his forehead, before turning and hurrying to the door.


He looked down the corridor checking to make sure no one was there and looked back. �What?�

�What about your present?� He asked, pushing off the bed onto the ground, but leaving his legs awkwardly still under the covers, and twisted himself to reach under the bed. He pulled out a photo frame and showed to him excitedly.

Will looked at it. It contained the picture of Will�s friends. The one that was on his desk. Usually. Will snorted a laugh and tried to cover it up. Liam handed the familiar frame over proudly.

�This is uh � I love this. Thankyou.�

He smiled. �Merry Christmas.�

�Its what I wanted.�

He made happy noises. �Good. But I have another��

He slipped out of the bed and went to his table, pulling open the drawer and rummaging through the pens and paper and bits of string that seemed to fill it. �I went with Doyle to a craft session. I made this for you for me.�

He triumphantly pulled out a thin strap of black leather that was a looked about an inch and a half wide. The leather had two small holes punched on one of the ends and the other end had two thin thongs of leather draping from it. It looked like it was meant to tie into a circle. Will frowned.

�What is it Pet?�

�I�m your kitty.�

He still didn�t understand.


Liam lifted the strap and held it around his neck, fumbling with the laces for a second. He finished and dropped his hands to his stomach, rubbing around like he was petting himself. He purred.

It was a fucking collar.

Will knocked Liam to the bed and jumped on top of him, kissing him wildly. He put his hand up to the throat and traced his finger along the black leather. It was smooth, and studded with a little pattern along one side.

�Pretty kitty, meow.� Liam giggled. �You like it?�

This was all so fucked up and wrong. He kissed the side of Liam�s mouth and ran his hand down to rub at his crotch.

�I love it, Pet.�

Wasn�t this fucked up and wrong? Why wasn�t he taking the collar off again?

�Your pet now. They won�t be able to take me away to the pound.�

�No, they wont.�

He kissed the leather right over the bump in Liam�s throat and heard him make the happy noises again. �I love it.�

He slipped off Liam�s body and went to the door, his lips curving at the whines. He looked back, the band of black so prominent around his throat. He was gorgeous.

�Beautiful, Angel.�

�Merry Christmas Will.�




Will snuck in early on Boxing Day, waving to the guards with his coffee in his hand. He made a promise that he would not go and see Liam until at least five o�clock.

That�s a respectable time, seeing as they didn�t actually have a session today.
He could go by the art room and just �accidentally� run into him. And then they could pretend Liam had a problem that they had to discuss in private and he could bring him back to his office and �

� talk.

That fucking collar. They�d talk about the collar. They�d talk about how gorgeous he was with that strap around his neck and how Will couldn�t concentrate on anything since he�d seen it.

He shivered in anticipation.

Maybe he�d go see him a little earlier.

Dinner at Harris� had been fun, his girlfriend Anya was lovely, if a little blunt at times. There was an awkward moment when Harris had asked him what he was singing and he realised it was one of Liam�s never-ending songs.

He sat at his desk and tried to focus on his files.

He wondered what Liam would look like with that collar on sans clothing. He inhaled deeply and squeezed at the hardening bulge in his jeans.

He wondered if Liam was still playing with his pencils.

He wondered if Liam was getting hard, which made him harder.

Knock Knock

�Sorry Dr Telleck, but Liam�s demanding to see you.� A voice through the door.

Will stood up quickly. �About what, is he alright?� He swung the door open.

A nervous looking guard Will didn�t recognise stood there. �He just wants to see you, you better come, he�s throwing furniture and crying.�

Will�s eyes widened at that. That wasn�t Liam. �Okay, show me.�

They hurried down the hall to some sort of rec room, the furniture tossed about. The television showed some sort of cartoon, crashing out of the speakers. Liam was being held on the ground by three nurses but he was thrashing about. One was trying to stick him with a sedative. Liam saw him and doubled his efforts to get away, screeching and showing the whites of his eyes like a scared animal.

�No! No it�s alright, don�t worry about that.� He said a little angrily to the needle happy nurse.

A frazzled one with mussed hair spoke up. �Sorry Dr Telleck, he was losing it! We didn�t know what to do.�

Liam was squirming, his legs kicking out, his arms held by the men. He looked caged. �Will! Will!�

�Don�t worry, ba ... I�m here, calm down.� He said quietly, biting back the �baby� at the last second.

�Breathe Angel.�

He did so, steadily calming.

The nurses warily let him go, ready to spring back on him if needed.

�You calm?�

Liam took a deep breath and nodded, swallowing. He was still wearing the collar.

He came over and knelt in front of him. �Good. Now what got you all upset?�



�I wanna talk in private, I don�t want them to hear.� He said, shaking his shaggy head in the guard�s direction, rubbing his arms where they had held him.

Will nodded. He stood up and pulled Liam with him. He led him to the door, but one of the panting men stepped in front.

�Dr Telleck, I don�t know��

He brushed past the anxious nurse steering Liam by the shoulder. �Its fine. Don�t worry.�

Will pulled him back to the office, and sat him on the chair, sitting next to him, looking at him anxiously.

�What happened luv? What�s wrong?�

Liam smiled sweetly. �They held me down.�

�Yes, because you were throwing things. Why? That�s not like you.�

�I wanted to see you.�

Will grinned at him and shook his head, as the realisation set in.

�I was so lonely Will-ee-um. I was all alone and I needed you to make me all fun again.� He purred tapping his fingers up Will�s arm.

He grabbed his head and pulled him close. �That was naughty.� He kissed him almost angrily and pulled back to see the excitement in his eyes. �Bad Pet.�

�I�m sorry.� He giggled.

He pulled the sides of Liam�s uniform apart, popping the buttons and ran his hands hungrily over the chest.

�Bad Pet. You�re not allowed to do that.�

He whined, still smiling. Will leant forward and kissed the skin just above the thin collar. God, he was entranced by it. He wanted Liam naked, with that black around his neck.

Will pulled him up of the couch and into the bedroom, standing him in the middle and pulling the jumpsuit off, mildly surprised to see Liam wasn�t wearing anything underneath it like he usually did.

�Expecting me Pet?� he asked, pecking a kiss onto a bare arse cheek.

Another whine. He was bouncing on his feet. �Get your boots off.�

He fell gracelessly to the ground and pulled them off, standing up again, naked and beautiful, unashamed and very horny. And collared. His fingers came up to tap across his collarbone then up on his collar and he giggled at something. Will stood in front of him and leant forward, catching him in a kiss, his hand roaming down to play with the solid flesh, pulling and squeezing as Liam thrust it into his hand. He pulled out of the kiss and gazed at the tattoo on his chest. He pouted at Liam and lay a lick along it, cleansing it. Liam sobbed once and then drifted back into his happy place, fisting his hard on. Will pushed him onto the bed on his knees. He grabbed the jumpsuit from the ground and brought it over.

�Stick your hands through the slats.�

Liam did so, pushing his hands through the wooden slats of the headboard and tapping his fingers against the wall. Will wound the jumpsuit around his forearms tying off the arms and the legs around the slats so Liam couldn�t move his wrists.

He could get out if he really wanted to, but not without some effort.

�Don�t move your arms.�

Liam nodded, jiggling and whining wildly.

He bent down behind him, shifted his knees up more underneath his stomach to give himself more access. Liam was trying to look over his shoulder to see what was happening. The ties of the collar fell down his back, along his spine and somehow that made everything all the more beautiful and all the more hot.

Will scraped his fingernails over Liams spine and down to his backside before leaning in suddenly and sticking his tongue through the tight ring of muscle as far as he could go.

Liam let out a scream.

Will drew back and smacked him lightly across the ass. �No noise.�

He leant back down, swathed his tongue across the spasming hole and stuck it in again. Liam howled. He looked over his shoulder and giggled.

Will rolled his eyes and smacked him hard, leaving a red mark on his butt. He whimpered. �Not a game. You make another noise and Daddy�s going home.�

Liam nodded. �Okay. I�m sorry. Please keep doing it?�

�Alright. No noise.�

And did he just refer to himself as Daddy?

He sighed at himself and leant back in to the tasty hole. He mercilessly tongue fucked him for the next half hour, stroking himself and Liam to the sounds of the whines smothered by his face in the pillow. He let go of his own cock and reached up to Liam�s nipple to pull and twist at it, still tonguing his anus and pulling at his cock.

Liam, not surprisingly, came over Will�s hand and down onto the bed sheets. Will lapped up the spit sticky hole for a while, feeling the tiny hole clench under his tongue, in the after-effects of his orgasm.

Will grabbed some lube that he now kept in his side drawer and layed it on himself, covering his fingers as well and slipping them into Liam�s relaxed channel. He was moaning quietly.

He held Liam�s hips and pushed his prick inside the heat and his eyes rolled back at the feelings. He could see Liam�s hands twisted around the slats of the headboard, his face buried in the pillow. His cock twitched. Liam was going to kill him. He was turning into a sex maniac. He started thrusting into the open body beneath him. He leant forward and stroked down Liam�s hair like he was petting him, feeling the small sad ridge of the scar in his hairline, rubbing over it to take away the hurt. His fingers ran down and played with the hanging straps of leather. Will�s other hand was palming the clenching cheeks, massaging them in circles, grabbing the flesh in his hand, smacking the skin lightly. Liam�s hands started twisting around.

Will slowed his thrusting in case Liam was upset. �What�s wrong baby?�

�Want to touch you.�

He picked up his thrusting again. �Nope.� Liam whined. �Bad Pet. If you�re bad you don�t get what you want.�

Liam was clenching him on the in stroke, sensually twisting his body until Will overloaded from the sight and the feel of the velvet passage clenching around him and came inside, thrusting as deep as he could and reaching down to push Liam�s thighs apart and force him down flat on the bed.

After he came back from his orgasm, he lay down along the slippery back and undid the knots around his hands. Liam flipped around dislodging him from his back and ran his fingers over Will�s chest. Will layed on his back and Liam slipped his thigh over his stomach and straddled him, still running his hands around. Will could feel the wetness from Liam�s hot hole slipping over his stomach.

�I got to touch you anyway�� He purred. Smoothing his hands down Will�s ribs.

�Bad Pet.�

�Good Pet.� He swayed down and kissed him lightly. �Good Will.�


He poured Liam some coffee as he sat placidly on the big brown chair in his office. He already knew Liam was three sugars and little bit of milk. He remembered the important things.

He watched, face expressionless save a small smile and accepted the cup with a thanks. He sipped it and put it carefully on a coaster on the coffee table, and then went back to fingering his collar.

Will tried not to focus on that. He was trying to juggle having a relationship with someone and also trying to make sure they got the therapy they needed.

And it was fucking difficult.

�Do you want to talk about anything before I start? Want to ask any questions?�

�Yes. Why did you cut your hair?�

Will reached up to his hair and felt the shortish strands. He�d got it cut a while back now. �Thought I need a change.�


�Yeah� I spose.�

He was going to ask Liam about the tattoo on his chest. How he was reacting to it.


Will paused. �Felt bad at the time.�

�And you wanted to be all new?�

He scratched his cheek. Liam was watching him with bright attentive eyes, uncaring of the hair that was falling over his face. It was all Will could concentrate on, due to their topic of discussion. The afternoon light was coming through the window and flicking bits of gold into it.

�Yeah, I think everyone wants that, from time to time.�

�I understand that.�

�Do you Pet?�

�Yes.� He paused. �Are we going to play with each other?�

He breathed in. �Not today, luv.�

Liam nodded, a little disappointed. �I get lonely at night. The darkness sometimes seems a lot when I�m alone. Can I sleep here?�

Will smiled sadly. �No, Pet. I would like it if you could, but it would be too risky.�

He nodded again.

�What about if you get me a huge cat bed?� He asked. �And I�ll purr and lick myself clean and no one will know its me.�

Will grinned. �I�ll think about it.�


�Now, I want to ask you something, but it might upset you��

Liam eyed him, wary. �Not about the night?�

�No. About the tattoo Mikael gave you.�

Liam slapped his hand up to his chest. �Oh��

�Yes. Mikael held you down didn�t he? To give it to you?�


Liam played with his hair, twining the strands around his fingers, his head cocked. The collar covered half of the pinky scar on his neck.

�What does that mean?�

�He said it would make him happy.� He said, his eyes vacant and blurry.

�So you let him do it?�

�Kinda.� Still twirling the hair.


�After it started it hurt too much and I wanted to go. Then he and him held me down.� He looked distressed. His lips were trembling a little and his eyes weren�t blurry, he wasn�t able to drift off at the moment.

�Do you know that it doesn�t mean anything? That having whore written on you doesn�t make you one?�


�Good.� He said in a solid tone. �I don�t think you�re a whore.� He added more gently.

�I want to be a whore for you.� His eyes drifted and then refocussed. �I�d like that.�

Will�s cock leapt to attention. He croaked. �Is that so?�

�Yes.� He stood and sat down next to Will on the sofa. �Laying down on silk one night and dirt the next for you. I want you to own me. You want that too?�

�No. I want you to feel � wanted and equal.�

�You want to keep me as a big cat. Cat feathers. Own me. Spread myself out across your bed and you can do whatever you want.� He kissed up Will�s jawbone.

Liam had a need to be used and Will was inclined to think it was because he didn�t like himself or what he�d done, or well maybe � it was because he did liked it.

He shook his head.

Well � Liam had got the collar.

NO! Stop it. Push him back, this is fucking him up so extraordinarily! His conscience had finally broken through again. You had your fun now let him loose before he ends up thinking all he can be is a sex slave in chains.

Will�s stomach squiggled at the thought. Pleasantly.

NO! Send him back and leave. He�s turning you into a sex addict.

He froze. He felt Liam�s fingers under his shirt playing with his nipples.

Leave him alone. Get the hell out of dodge. Go back to England and stop this.

Leave him?

He realised his hand was on the back of Liam�s head pulling him in for a kiss.

Leave him? How?

You have to.

Fuck that.

He smirked and pulled Liam�s face to his grinding their teeth together, before pulling away and pushing Liam back into a comfortable therapist/patient distance.

Liam grinned at him. �I know I�m not a whore. I�m not bad. But I like to play that game. With you. You make it good.�

�Games are good Angel, but not right now alright?�

He nodded licking his lips sweetly with the devil in his eyes. He lounged back in the seat and started playing with his hair.

�Are we dating?� He asked the strands.

Will blinked. Were they? Their situation wasn�t really � normal. He guessed, in their own fucked up little way, they were seeing each other.

�Yeah. Guess we are. Do you like that?�

He purred in response, looking past Will�s head at the wall and smiling secretively. His eyes flicked back to Will after a moment.

�Psst� He said, making Will lean in to hear him. �I like you better than anyone.�

�Same, pet.� He said, incredulously truthful.

Will sat back. He was wondering about Liam�s relationships before himself. He nodded at him and sipped at his coffee.

�Were you ever with other men?� Will asked, wanting to know if Liam�s attraction to men had only been since he was incarcerated. Because of certain � occurrences.

�No, I swear!� Liam said, wide eyed. �There�s only you now.�

He smiled. �I mean before. Before you were here?�

Liam nodded. �Yes.�

�So you were always�� he was going to say gay, but then remembered Liam had a wife, �bi?�

�Yes.� He was watching him warily, all flirty smiles gone.

�Was it hard? For you and Darla?�

He looked out the window. �Darla didn�t know.�

Will raised his eyebrows at that. �Oh.�

�But I needed it.�

Will nodded.

�That�s why I said yes to Harlen. Even though �� He stopped like he was frozen.

Will watched him carefully. �Who was Harlen?�

Liam looked at him, and Will immediately wrapped his arms around the man at the look of terror in his eyes.

�No � he lives in the darkness, makes the spiders c� the hate and the smell of rot.�

Will suddenly felt very protective. �Did Harlen hurt you?�

He whined.

�Where did you meet Harlen?�

�In the gallery. He bought some of my art. He loved it. Came back. More art.� Liam started rocking. �Don�t. I feel bad. Sick inside.�


�Bad, evil. I should�ve told Darla. I shouldn�t have�now she�s�she�ll never know, now sh�� He made a distressed sound, rumbling out from his chest.

Will guessed. �You had an affair with him?�

Liam snuffed out some air and looked at him, his eyes puffing up from the beginnings of tears. �Don�t ask me about him.�

�Alright, baby, I won�t ask.� Will said in soothing tones, slightly rocking him, knowing full well he would ask at a later date.

Harlen... Harlen. Never seen the name. Not in any of Liam�s files. He frowned, and hugged Liam to him.

Must�ve been an old boyfriend.

He petted his hair to calm him down and caught sight of the clock. He stood bringing Liam with him and wiped away the wet from his cheeks as the man stood there sniffing and not flinching or blinking as he smoothed away the hurt.

�Your dinner time now Pet. Go have some.�

He nodded and Will walked him to the cafeteria, looking around the empty hallways to make sure no one noticed the playful swat he gave Liam�s butt as he walked through the doors.

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         To be Continued....           
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