Title: Streetwalker, Part Four
Author: Inca
If I don�t receive feedback, I will die, so- [email protected].
Rating NC17 � just is, bad language other stuff
Disclaimer: Whedon, mutant enemy and all that jazz
Spoilers: None. AU.
Summary: Liam's a P.I. who gets a walk in client.
Authors notes: Lalalalala tweedle dee i can write anything here cause Im the author and why are you reading this go read the next chapter leloolalala


Poor handful of bright spring-water
Flung in the whirlpool's shrieking face;
Poor shameful Jenny, full of grace,
Dante Gabriel Rosetti


�Don�t be so down mate, What�s gotten inta ya?� Doyle was sitting on his desk at the office.

It was 8 o�clock and Doyle was trying to get him to go out. If by trying, he meant pestering. This had been happening a lot. Liam understood, he had been a little � depressed lately. He didn�t want to do anything, or go anywhere.

�We could go down to Manny�s, place some bets?�

Liam shook his head.

�We could � go to Octoplex and do some girl-watching. Well not me of course, I�m spoken for, but we could get you a girlfriend.�

Liam barked a sardonic laugh.

He hadn�t told Doyle about what had happened with him and Spike. Didn�t think he�d understand, ashamed or maybe humiliated. Spike hadn�t come back.
He handed over to Doyle all the errands Kate had been getting him to run, getting information from the boys. Spike�s friends. Liam had stopped driving through West.
He pushed past Doyle and went into their tatty foyer to get a coffee.

�Well how about club hopping. Get you a single serve girlfriend?�

He smiled and heated the water. �I�m fine Doyle. Go out with Cord. I�ll get a movie or something.�

�But ��

�Fine, Doyle.� He sang.

Doyle screwed up his sallow face, but nodded, cause if Liam had a problem he didn�t want to share, he wasn�t one to push, and put on his sports jacket.

��Night Lee.�

��Night.� Liam smiled.

Doyle left and Liam went back to moping. More than a week had passed since � that night. Liam�s mind seemed set on not letting him forget every sigh and movement Spike had made underneath him. He was a ghost in Liam�s mind, possessive and manipulative, and very eager to be the be-all end-all centre of Liam�s world. And he was.

Liam poured the shots of whisky into his coffee mug liberally. He wanted to drown the voice out, the rough voice that soothed his mind and made him feel like he�d taken a hit of crack and was soaring through the sky over ice blue eyes on a cool frazzled high.
� � oooh � push in�. �
Spike�s voice echoed through his mind, and sparked Liam�s body making him feel like the roots of his hair were electrified.

He violently pushed the memory out of his head and sipped at his three-part whisky, one-part coffee. His palette had become quite accepting of the whisky coffee concoction lately.

�Stubble looks good on you.�

Liam looked up. Spike was standing dishevelled in the doorway, tight and bright red vee neck shirt over black jeans. His blonde hair was in messy points. Liam automatically raised his fingers to brush along the stubble on his face. Spike stood watching, smug look on his face, eyes gleaming. His neck was black with bruises, like a corpse that had been asphyxiated, dark on white. He licked his lips.

Liam stayed quiet.

Spike pouted. �Cold shoulder?�

Liam frowned and walked past him, grabbing his coat and aiming to leave the office. He brushed past Spike who stood motionless and dazzling beside him.

�My place or yours? Or here?� Spike said from behind him.

Liam turned, eyes wide, confounded by Spike�s audacity.  �What makes you think! That I would even touch you again after the way you treated me?�

Spike prowled up to him and took Liam�s hand in his fingers. �Don�t take it too personally luv. Duty called.�

�Duty called.� Liam spat, yanking his hand away. �Well, now decent human behaviour is calling me, and it�s telling you to fuck off.�

Spike leant forward and kissed him. �You cursing? Is turning me on.� He whispered in his ear, running his long cold fingers into Liam�s hair.

Liam pushed him away. �Go home Spike. Go back to wherever it is you came from before you walked into this office.� He said, his voice freezing.

He turned but Spike was on him again, wrenching his arm back and catching him in a frantic kiss. Liam jerked his head away but Spike caught it again, pushing him back and kissing him again. �I need you.� He grunted into his lips.

�No!� Liam growled shoving him away more viciously this time, �Get out.�

�Don�t do this,� Spike said, keening and desperate, �Please, not you. Not from you.�

�Don�t event try to make this about me, its you fucking� disappearing after� that!�

�No, but ��

�But what? Huh? Come on, say something, anything that will make what you did to me alright.� He was angry and hurt, his nostrils flaring like an angry bull.

Spike came up to him, hurt and scared, his sex-tough persona gone. �Liam � I had to. I � Brecker��

Liam squinched his face up in disgust. �You went back to that arsehole?� he opened the door to the office so Spike could walk through it, standing by it hard faced and angry.

�I hope you fucking well washed yourself first.�

Spike�s face went blank as he withdrew. His body seemed very small all of a sudden, small and white and hurt and his head dropped as he went slack. He breathed very slowly, like he was in physical pain, eyes shut and deep breaths. Liam was filled with a wave of sickening self-loathing and he shut the door quietly.

�Spike, I�m sorry.�

Spike nodded once, very jerkily.

�I didn�t mean it� it�s just, it�s you and you make me�� He sighed and stepped closer to him, reaching out to rub down Spike�s arm. �You just make me crazy, I can�t stop thinking about � and when I woke up you weren�t there.�

Spike was still staring at the ground. Liam�s gut filled with ash, just another person to hurt him, to tear him down.

�I�m so sorry. I can�t believe I said that. I had no right to say that to you.� His other hand ran up Spike�s arm. �Forgive me?�

Spike looked up. He smiled softly and nodded.
Liam kissed him, ran his tongue inside gently, still trying to apologise for the verbal blow. Spike opened his mouth wide, his lips circling Liam�s as he eagerly tried to suck the man�s essence inside.

�I didn�t mean it, I really ��

�Shhh, it�s alright.� Spike kissed him on the lips a few times. �It�s alright.�

�Don�t go back to Brucker. I can�t stand it.� Liam murmured, anger rising as Spike looked away, knowing Spike though he had to go back.

�I have to,� Spike unbuttoned Liam�s pants. He found his hard flesh inside, straining against the cotton boxers. He pulled the fabric down so it flipped under Liam�s balls. �But don�t think about it. It�s you and me luv, now, here. No one else.�

Liam�s cock was hard and hot in the cool air of the office, Spike unbuttoned his shirt from the waist up, revealing inch after inch of Liam�s soft skin. He opened it slightly, almost reverently, his fingers gentle and deliberate as he separated the fabric so the sides of the shirt hung down over his nipples but stayed stretched across his shoulders, a band of pretty flesh on show from Liam�s neck, a line to his cock. He reached out and ran his long fingers down Liam�s hard sternum and stomach, ending the trail with one finger along his cock, turning to a fist around the base. He pulled Liam slightly towards him by his grip around the flesh. Liam giggled at the visual interpretation of their relationship.

�What? You like me leading you around by your big beautiful cock, do you pet?�

Liam winced at the words, still smiling, embarrassed but wishing he�d continue anyway. Spike kissed him, fisting his cock slowly. He leant back to watch Liam, pink tongue curling around his eyetooth while he leered.

�You are so bloody gorgeous, I want you forever, just you. You fucking me so beautifully.� Spike looked up from Liam�s swollen cock. �Fuck me Liam. Make me scream, I need it, I need you inside.�

Liam pulled him closer, the hot wicked mouth with his lips. He pulled Spikes belt off and tugged his pants down, grabbing the hearty cock instantly and unabashedly as it bobbed out untethered. He stripped it slow and steadily, feeling his hand become wet with Spike�s fluids. He half picked the man up, half pushed him back to his desk feeling Spike jerk forward as he hit it with the backs of his thighs. His jeans were around his knees. Liam reached up and pulled the shirt forward over Spike�s head. He picked him up with one hand around his naked waist and seated him on the desk, pulling his pants off over his boots. Spike sat, looking very desirable with his naked body and his sexy pink lips curled into a devastating grin, while his feet still stayed in his huge black combat boots. Liam built his courage, distracted his brain by telling it that he had drunk too much whisky and dropped to his knees, reaching out to grab Spike�s cock in his fist. He really did like Spike�s dick; it was still strange to hold another mans penis in his hand, but he liked the feel of it throbbing against his palm, warm and strong. He didn�t know if he wanted to put his mouth on it, but somewhere - he felt he really, really did, and before he could think about it anymore, before his brain could err and scream - he leant forward and sucked the reddening head into his mouth.
Spike howled breathlessly and Liam had reality slap him on the back of his head as the tip of Spike�s cock poked into his cheek. He asked himself quickly. Am I alright? Do I feel the same as before? Yes. Yes. I feel good. I feel sexy and dangerous and very good. Yes.
Spike�s hips were jerking back and forward slightly. His skin was salty � watered down salty, not unpleasant defiantly not gag worthy, but nothing Liam had ever tasted before. He suckled a little more into his mouth, grinning around the flesh as Spike tried not to buck into his mouth. He saw the black fingernails digging into the table, and looked up past the hard-sculpted lines of Spike�s body to see his face squinted and pained.

�Move Liam, oh.. god! Move a little, pet, luv, anything ��

Liam felt his cock still hard, leaking and jerking slightly, in time to Spike�s pained gasps and grunts. He moved his head back and forth uncertainly.

�Yes, like that, exactly, like that.�

He did it again, harder this time, sucking on the backstroke, feeling the wrinkled skin move back and forth in his mouth strangely.

�ooooh, fuuuuhhhh��

Liam kept going, alternating between fast and slow, hard and gentle, running his fingernails up and down the soft hair on Spikes thighs as he worked, remembering how nice it had felt when Spike had done it to him that first night what seemed like years ago.

�Leeeeeee �..�

Liam�s tastebuds spasmed as a salty bitter burst hit them; unexpected and unprepared for it, for what was happening Liam pulled off and caught some of Spike�s come on his chest. His jaw was sore and aching as he closed it, throbbing at the joints, but having Spike shake and shudder, watching that and feeling it in his mouth � was worth it. He looked down at the white cream looking spatter just above his right nipple. Knowing the taste now, knowing the strength of the fluid, he dabbed it off with his finger and sucked it off. Spike was watching, panting and sweaty.

�You�re so bloody sexy.� Spike said in an orgasm-husked voice.

Liam smiled. No one had told him that before. When Spike said it, he believed it � shyly.

�Come up here,� came the throaty whisper, and Liam straightened, feeling pins and needles stab at his legs from having them bent for so long, as lines of white skin stretched out before him. Spike dragged him down for a kiss, and reached down to circle his fingers around Liam�s balls tantalisingly. He pulled Liam�s fingers up with his other hand and lathed them with his tongue, covering them with spit. Liam knew what to do. He lowered his hand, Spike�s fingers still dancing on his sac, and pulled Spike to the edge of the desk with his dry hand. Spikes feet were up, his knees bent and around Liam, his hand down between their bodies playing with Liam�s scrotum. Liam was breathing heavily as he pushed his fingers inside Spike, three at first go, hearing Spike breathe in sharply, lustfully at the gentle-wide invasion. His face contorted as he was stretched quickly. His hand left Liam�s sac so he could brace himself with both palms on the desk; leaning back onto them as Liam fingered him, his platinum head back on his shoulders. He panted, his leg muscles twinging with all the tensing, tensed to keep wide open for Liam, and tensed from the contractions every muscle in his body was attempting, as Liam hit his sweet spot inside.

Enough preparation and too much visual stimulation, Liam stepped forward, bringing his cock up to line up with Spike�s loose, wet twitching hole.

�No, no, no!� Spike suddenly said, his hand wet and sticky against Liam�s chest.

�What is.. what�s wrong?� Liam asked, his teeth involuntarily gritting together as his balls swelled and itched for relief.

�Condom, in my pants.� He smiled gratefully.

Liam bent quickly and rummaged through the jeans pockets till he found the small blue square. He pulled the sheath out carefully and rolled it down over his cock. He stepped forward, wrapped a hand around his covered flesh and gripped a hand around Spike�s jutting hipbone, and pushed, sinking into the blissful pulsing glove hidden in Spike�s body. Spike groaned loudly and Liam hushed him, stepping forward, feeling Spikes boots scratch against his pants and started to thrust into him, holding him in place with the hand on his hip. Spike�s eyes clenched closed, his mouth hung open in a silent moan, he blindly wrapped his hands around Liam�s ribs, beneath the hanging shirt and just under his pectorals, his body frozen as he was plundered.
Liam loved it. He loved every part of it down to Spike�s boots thudding against the squeaking desk.

�Leeee � uuuummmm, oh� Spike threw his head back, �You feel so fuuuuuccckiing good inside meee� His words dragged out in moans as Liam punctuated the sentence with jabs into Spike�s soft channel.

The moments dragged out, pants and quiet screams throughout the office. Liam laughed as Spike�s boots hooked around his butt, the sharp edges scratching him a little.

�You fit so � oh you fit �� Spike babbled.

He leant down and kissed the now soundless flush-stung lips, and it had been so long since Liam found some one who could ignite him so, flame his passion and desire and make it seem that there was nothing outside this, the now, the here, with the white china body beneath him. Nothing outside him, Spike, nothing worth a single damn, cause Spike was heaven. He�d tasted heaven and now he wanted it every moment because everything else was just ash and brimstone.

He pulled his cock out of the body with much effort. Feeling his balls tighten and wanting to prolong the moment he had, with Spike, with his seraph. Spike looked at him questioning, before rolling his head back as Liam slowly pushed all the way inside in one smooth motion. He pulled out and repeated. He could feel his stomach trying to find a home in his throat as his cock head hovered just touching the wet hole, watching eyes wide as Spike shifted the hungry lips forward to encase him. He began inching slowly out and slamming back inside the furnace, hearing both his and Spike�s animal screams twist and twine together, one of them his but not sure which, cause both were � So � Fucking �Needy.

He came first, eyes blinded with white, could see nothing, nothing at all, and all the stimuli he had was the tight around him, and the grunted moans from the body somewhere beneath him.  That was all there was, that to rock and beat the waves of clenching hot pleasure through him, stealing his breath and his mind as his body and thoughts were sucked out through his cock. He panted, and then let out a whimper as Spike tightened around his sensitive length, and came over them with a strangled sound.

Spike slumped back onto the table; booted feet still on Liam�s material covered buttocks keeping him inside as the cobwebbed sweet and sour sirens sang his orgasm through his head. He smiled, that sexy smile Liam knew so well.

�That was nice.�

Liam tried to focus through his own foggy climax, recalling Spike had said something similar their first encounter. Or was that the second? In the millions of moments and memories within the time they had spent together it was hard to remember. The thought slipped away as he concentrated on standing up, his thighs twitching pleasantly from the workout.

Spike�s boots weren�t digging into the flesh of his thighs anymore.

�What is it?� Liam asked, coming to, to feel the sweat stickying their bodies.

�Nothing.� Spike pulled himself up and kissed him. �Nothing.�

His eyes meet Spike�s and he feels Spike can see right through him, or maybe he sees what he�s said � nothing. It couldn�t be nothing. Would he have come for nothing? Pouting and pleading for nothing?

Liam slipped out of him regretfully. Spike leant forward to slide the condom off him, but Liam snapped it off before he could reach him. Spike leant back, looked coolly at him for a second then slipped of the desk, bending past Liam�s softening cock to grab his jeans. He pushed his boots through the legs of the heavy material, the jeans shrieking against the soles in the silence. Liam followed quiet and angry, buttoning his pants up.

Spike found his shirt and pulled it on, his back to Liam.

�I have to go.� He turned to Liam to gauge his reaction serenely.

Liam gritted his teeth and pulled his shirt over his chest angrily, pulling the buttons and holes together. �I would really like to know, what the hell is your damage?�

�I can�t stay Liam.�

�Why not? What�s so important? We could go get something, a coffee, a coke � together.�

Spike rolled his eyes. �What, you think you stick your dick in me and everything is fixed, right? And we�ll wake up and live happily ever after on an island in the bloody sun? It doesn�t work that way.� He spat. �This is all we can be.�

�This? A quick fuck then you leave? Thanks but no thanks.�

Spike looked stunned, but recovered quickly. �What do you want? You want us? A relationship, a normal lover you can watch the telly with?� He shook his head and the anger dropped from his eyes for a moment. A slight moment, and Liam saw the real man, pleading with him. �You can�t have it. Please, let us have � this. Don�t make this more than it is.�

�More than it is? You think I�m the only one wanting more? Don�t lie, don�t try, cause I know you want what I want. I feel it.� Liam stepped forward carefully, slowly. �I know you�re afraid to hope for more, but I promise you, I promise on my life - I won�t hurt you. We can be together, whatever us together would be. I�m willing to give  � us, a chance, and you the first man � just give it a chance.�

Spike looked offended, angry, his blue eyes sparking. �Unless you �ave some sort of �Memento� mind loss thing, I don�t need to tell you that I�m a fucking whore who is currently employed,� He spat the word bitterly, �by a very powerful man, who, if I piss him off, in any way no matter how petty, will have me rubbed off the shagging earth.�

�Spike, it-�

�No! I know this,� He shrieked almost hysterically, �I am the lowest of the low in this town. And I know, people don�t even think twice about killing a roach that steps out of line. You think I can just go up and say, well it was fun Mr Brucker but I�m going home with my ra-ra new boyfriend now, have a good one.�

Liam was quiet for a second. �You�re not a roach.� He murmured.

Spike huffed and turned for the door.

�You�re scared of Brucker. Don�t be, I�ll give you the money to get you out.�

Spike glared at him over his shoulder, body turning to ice. �I didn�t come here for money.�

�I know,� Liam implored, �So stop and think about why you did.�

Spike opened his mouth, and then slammed it shut, frowning and anxious. His eyes flicked up to Liam�s implacable brown gaze and then danced away.

�Don�t make this more than it is.� He said, almost a whisper, a warning. �Please don�t make me think it is.�

Liam stepped forward and kissed him, wrapping the body in his own, the protector and lover that he was, his mouth locking over Spike�s own, placating him with wide sweeps of his tongue.

Spike broke away, not meeting Liam�s gaze. �I have to go.�

�No you don�t. And don�t leave for me, I can protect myself.�

�I know, but I�m going anyway.� His voice was broken and monotonous.

Liam sighed, Brucker had Spike scared stupid. He was trying to protect everyone from Brucker, pushing himself in the way. Liam�s heart was torn. He wanted Spike, to be with him, but not like this. It was all or nothing with Liam, it always had been.

�Spike,� he said capturing the blonde�s attention. �If you go to Brucker � that�s what you choose. You cant come back for � this. Whatever it means. Whatever it is. I won�t let you - I won�t be used. But I can protect you if you trust me.� He said it, and he meant it. He knew he could do it.

Spike�s face flinched, and he nodded. He smiled weakly, but his trust was just too shattered, his heart too scared to believe Liam could be there for him. Could stand by for someone like him. Too broken to believe. And Liam�s heart filled with acid and his veins burnt with a liquid fire that smoked his lungs. He felt like he was back in the ring with K-Hayder, watching as the chain swung down.
Because he knew what Spike had decided.

�You�re going back to Brucker now, aren�t you?� he whispered.

Spike looked up at him with sad blue crystal. �Yes.�


One month later�


�You sure now?�

�I�m absolutely, positively, supercallafradalisticachespealidocious sure that I am fine staying here by myself.� Liam said, deadpan, leaning back in his chair as Doyle fussed. �Now, go have a great time. She�ll love it.�

Liam picked up the mug of whisky coffee and sipped it. It was very strong today. He needed it.

�Hellooo?� Came the perky female voice from the foyer.

Liam and Doyle both went out, Liam making sure not to leave his coffee mug behind. Doyle�s girlfriend was standing in the small room in a strapless black gown that looked like it had been designed to enhance every curve of her body. Her short brown hair had been lightened since the last time Liam had seen it, which was only a few days ago.

�Hey,� She said happily, leaning forward to peck Doyle on the mouth. �And, hey.�

�Hey.� Liam said back, smiling.

Cordelia twirled in her dress as she pulled up the red wrap she was planning to wear, posing with it around her shoulders in a few different positions, smiling her huge wide smile the whole time. Doyle laughed and complimented her.

�So, Liam you decided you want to see Madame Butterfly?� She asked expectantly, raising her eyebrows into little points.

�No, I didn�t. You two go.� Liam said, inwardly wishing they�d stop inviting him everywhere. They both seemed on a mission to cheer him up and get him out in the past month. Liam refrained from rolling his eyes as he remembered what had sparked this sudden obsessive interest in his life, for about the sixty-third time this week.
He didn�t remember the actual business, had woken up in hospital a few days after in fact, but apparently Doyle had come to the office one day to find him passed out on the floor covered in vomit. He�d been taken to hospital where he�d had his stomach pumped and he�d stayed unconscious for another thirty hours. He�d opened his eyes with a splitting migraine to see Doyle, sallow skinned and bristly and forehead in creases, seated in the visitors chair in crumpled clothing, his huge green-blue eyes filled with sadness.
That had been a month ago.
� Well, twenty-eight days ago.
Since then Doyle and Cordelia had been with him everyday, inviting him places, dropping over unannounced for �movie nights�, and while he appreciated it, he�d rather be alone. Doyle had begun monitoring how much he drank, which was annoying.

�Let me guess what the plans are,� Cordy said, tapped her long manicured nail against her lip. �Stay at home?�

�Staying at home is very underrated.� Liam said snippily.

�Sure we can�t change your mind, boyo?�

Liam smiled and shook his head. Doyle and Cordy looked at each other with a �well, what can you do?� look and Doyle shrugged his shoulders.

�Alright, just let me get the tickets.� Doyle disappeared into his office.

�So, Liam. What�s new?� Cordelia asked in her usual perky tone.

�Not much.�

�You look down.�

He sipped from his mug. �Do I?�

Cordelia squinted at him, her large hazel eyes skimming over him playfully. �You and I don�t talk much.�

�We don�t?�

�No. So �� She paused, circling her hand in the air as she tried to find the right words for what she wanted to ask him. �� What made you drink yourself into a coma a few weeks ago?�

Liam blinked. Tact wasn�t one of Cordelia�s strong points.

�I didn�t mean to. It was an accident.� He said, backing up against the small banister in the office.

She smiled. �You�re in love aren�t you. �

Also? Cordelia�s leaps of logic sometimes defied physics.

She laughed. �Women feel more. You were vibey all that week, big sad heart shattering on the floor vibes.�

He frowned at her, feeling eerily creeped by her intuition. �Vibey?�

�Giving them off. Plus you�re moping and drinking whisky and planning to spend Friday night alone and its not even a holiday.�

�I�m not moping.�

�What happened?� She asked sympathetically.

�Another man.� Liam said truthfully, unsure why, but Cordy was the first one to ask about him. Doyle was worried sure, but he was Doyle. He didn�t know how to ask.


Liam sipped his drink.

She slinked onto the banister next to him and sniffed the mug, wrinkling her nose.

�Love her?�

Liam pulled the mug from her hands and blinked into it, before taking a long swig.

�Cause if you do, you have to ask yourself �are they worth fighting for?��

Liam stared at her. She was just smiling at him. Some papers slid to the floor in Doyle�s office, as he searched for the tickets, punctuated with Irish curses.

�I only ask cause if you find someone�s that�s worth fighting for. Truly worth a fight� then you should. Fight for them, I mean. Cause that�s rare.� Liam thought about this with a frown. Cordelia continued with her straightforward advice. �Don�t ever be that bald unhappy guy in the coffee shops that�s been moping for thirty years because he was just too scared to stand up and fight.�

He looked at her, searching her light brown eyes.

�Make sure you don�t miss out. Cause when you�re all old and wrinkly you want to be able to look back and say that you don�t regret anything, cause you ��

�Got them.� Doyle jogged from his office holding the tickets aloft like the Olympic flame.

Cordy slipped off the banister and peeked at the seat places in his hands. �Ooh, good seats!�

�Only the best for my love.� He pulled her close and kissed her as she giggled.


He frantically knocked on Spike�s door.

�Yeah, yeah, cool your jets Achmed, we�re almost done.�

�That�s not Spike�

The door swung open to reveal the tall black friend of Spike�s, holding a taped up box with �kitchen� scrawled across it, looking irritated. His face softened as recognition set in.

�Liam, hey.� He walked past him with the box and down the hall, revealing a spotless apartment with about four boys packing things into large brown boxes.

Demien wandered out of the bedroom folding some bed sheets and putting them into a box. He laughed at something a young brunette was saying as Liam walked over to him, feeling intrusive.


The green eyes flicked to him and he stood up, looking confused. �Liam � Spike isn�t here �� he said, his familiar husky voice hesitant.

�I�ve noticed. What�s going on?� He asked indicating the rabble.

�Me and the boys are packing up Spike�s stuff. Bed sheets, kitchen stuff, a lot of his clothes. Hes giving it all to that shelter, you know, the one that Anne chicky runs.�

Liam�s heart froze. �Nothing � bad, has happened to Spike, right?�

Demien smiled, placating the man. �No. He hasn�t died or anything you�re thinking. He just wont need it.� He turned to watch Liam�s face closely, before avoiding his gaze to continue quietly. �At Bruckers.�

�He�s living with that son of a bitch!� Liam yelled, causing all the boys including Demien to shrink away.

After a moment, Demien resumed piling sheets into the box. He smiled shakily. �What Brucker wants, he gets. And he wants Spike on call. 24 � 7.� He taped up the box and scribbled �Linen� on it and picked it up, nodding to Liam to follow.

�So,� He started, his voice teasing but with a serious undercurrent as they entered the lino bedecked hallway, �Heard you did a number on Spike last month sometime. Haven�t seen you much since.�

�He told you about � the, uh, number?�

Demien nodded, grinning. �Yeah, he did. Only mentioned it cause the hard faced Spike I�d always known was talking like a love sick schoolboy.� He stopped and measured Liam with his eyes, skating them up and down, taking in his pants and button shirt under his jacket. �Never seen him like that.�

They were out in the street, heading towards a van and a blonde boy Liam vaguely recognised. The boy was shoving boxes grumpily into the back of the van.

�So,� The blonde boy said with a mean smirk, turning around, �Spike�s pet Dick is here. What happened with you and the bleached wonder? He read you some shitty poetry and you couldn�t contain yourself?�

Liam glared at him, but the boy just laughed and offered him a bottle of water.

�Yo, yeah Liam, I thought you were straight.� Said the bald black man, coming around from the front of the van. He emphasised the last word in a playful mocking tone.

�How many people did he tell?� Liam whispered to himself. Demien heard him.

�Word travels fast, he told me, and I just kinda let it slip a few times. On accident.� He smiled in a �oops, my bad� way that was actually rather cute.

The young blonde one in the van flicked his hair back from his eyes. �So, you know your little fag is in the movies now?� he said smugly, his too close eyes flashing.

�Clint,� Demien said over the top of him, angrily, �Shut up, and get back to loading.�

�Nah nah,� The blonde said, walking to the edge of the van and leaning forward over Liam�s space, holding himself steady on the roof. �I�m just saying.  He should now the truth about his honey, yeah? I know you think that Spike and him are gonna fall in love, Demmy, and be together and be a little �Pretty Woman� love story you can tell your hooker-pals for years to come, but it ain�t gonna happen.�

Demien glared at him, and the black man was starting to as well.

�Do you think the first time, the very first time one of Spike�s many clients comes up to them on the street and asks for a date, Detective WASP here wont run as fast as those hundred dollar shoes will carry him? Or when Spike�s itching and angry for fix, you think he�ll stay around and wipe him off as he chucks and pisses himself?� He stepped out of the van and walked up to Liam who stood impassive and unreadable. �Do you think you�ll stay, after someone comes up to Spike months from now and high fives him, saying �oh hey, I saw you get cornholed by five-hundred guys last night on video, good job!� you�ll be able to look him in those baby blues and kiss his shattered self better?�

�I�ve got all the videos Brucker�s put out so far and Spike ain�t done that.� The black man broke in, snapping and glaring at Clint.

The blonde stayed staring into Liam�s eyes, smiling a little.

�Yeah.� Demien spat, �So shut the fuck up, you loser.�

�Awww,� The blonde didn�t leave Liam�s gaze. �You�all haven�t heard about it have ya? It�s going down a week from today in Las Vegas, and by it? I mean Spike. Five hundred man pile up and Spike�s taking them all. Brucker did a press release yesterday.�

The black man shook his bald head. �Naw naw, Spike�d never do that, the boys got too much pride.� He grabbed the troublemaking blonde whose too close eyes were boring into Liam�s heart. �And you get to go home now.�

Demien was silent as the black pushed the blonde away. Liam turned to Demien; his gut clenching as his mind worried itself into a headache.

�Would Brucker do that?� he asked Demien.

Demien breathed in as if to say something, then turned away. Liam didn�t need an answer.

�How do I stop it?�

�You don�t.� Demien said, resolutely picking a stray box up and loading it into the van. �Spike belongs to Brucker now. Spike doesn�t have a say.�

�That�s not true! He�s still a person, a person who, although some would find it debateable, owes someone a debt. That doesn�t give Brucker ��

�Hey, maybe it won�t be so bad. Maybe �� He said in a fake optimistic tone, his forehead still crinkling with anxiety.

�What? Maybe � Spike will enjoy it? Enjoy being a fuck stick for five hundred guys? I don�t think so!�

Demien looked away, his face crumpling like he was going to cry.

�How much does he owe, Demien.�

Demien looked at him blankly for a second, before hope started edging on to his face.

�You want to be with him don�t you?�

�Yes.� He answered quietly. �I do. More than anything.�

Demien pushed a box into the van with his shoe, his eyes averting Liam�s. �You wouldn�t� if what Clint said ever happened, you wouldn�t��

�No, I don�t see that happening.� He smiled.

Demien turned to him smiling, his eyes filling with water. �Good, cause if you did, I�d have to try to kick your ass � and I�d lose.�

Liam watched him; he really loved Spike, not in a sexual way although Liam couldn�t prove that. It was just �  a vibe? He snorted a laugh. And nodded, playfully agreeing.

�How much does Spike owe?�

Demien looked away; smile dropping to the ground.

�Demien, please, no one will tell me.�

Wet green eyes flicked to his, morose and defeated. �170 thousand.�

�Alright.� His mind was ticking over.

Demien looked at him, cocking his head, his eyes wide with disbelief. �Do you have that kind of money?� He whispered. �Could you buy Spike from him?�

Liam looked at him stonily, he was already planning. �Where does Brucker live?�
Part Five not written yet
Inca's Fic
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