
Where to start?

He's annoying.
Buffy is way stronger than him and he couldn't handle that. Although that was "I'm so good" Buffy, so they really deserved each other.
He's part of "The Initiative". The storyline revolving around that was so bad.
He was on drugs, and when he went off them he was really weak, but still tried to fight.
He came right after Angel, and there was no way he could ever be as good.
He was like an assistant professor.
He thought he was so cool.
He was nice to Dawn.
He and Buffy had sex. A lot.
When he came back in season 6, he was all flirty with Buffy then suddenly... "Oh this is my wife".
Riley's a wanker.


She just appeared, what the hell was that about? I know it was a ploy to get you to watch more, but it pissed me off so much.
She was always in the way.
Buffy always protected her, and Dawn always whinged about that.
She had a crush on Xander.
She didn't like Anya, who is just funny. Annoying sometimes, but funny.
She can't sing, and when they did the musical... I felt like ripping my ears out.
She started to shoplift for like no apparent reason.
She was the Key.
She cut her arms open with a big knife. Why didn't she chop her head off? Save us a lot of trouble.
She was the reason that Buffy died again. Which caused all these bad storylines in season 6.
Every episode she has a cry about something.
When she appeared, Joyce started to die. And then she did die, and that was really sad.
She's a freakshow.


Now what can there possibly be to this girl but an annoying voice and bad acting? Well let's start the list off with that.

She has an extremely annoying voice... just listen to it!
She's a C grade actor. I know some of the acting on Buffy is pretty B grade at times, but she totally drags down into C.
Her whole storyline is gay, when you see the flashbacks, it's like "BAH!"
She annoys me in all her other movies. Not just Buffy.
She thinks Angel will always love her and gets angry when he doesn't.
She's a hypocrite.


I like her now, but I didn't like her at first, and these are the reasons why:

She was all babyish.
She made Willow realise she was gay. Which there's nothing wrong with, but she chose Tara over Oz, which just annoyed me.
Tara was a really weak character. She was physically weak and well as weakly written. She was half of what Willow used to be like, and it came off as weak.
She was written into the story for no real reason.
She's not as strong in magic as Willow is, and she never really helped with the spells as much.

I changed my tune with Tara when she and Willow broke up... coz she became stronger, and then I started to wish they were together, this new Tara and Willow. It was sad when Tara died, not extremely, but I was a bit sad for Willow then.


He no longer has a purpose, and that's really annoying. He hangs around like a bad smell, and he still doesn't contribute much to the group.


I really like shy Willow... or even season 3 Willow, when she's more confident, but I don't like this new Willow.
Alright, she was cool when she tried to end the world, I did find that pretty cool, especially how she managed to beat up Buffy, and no one can do that these days.
I didn't like the person she was when she was with Tara. I liked who she was with Oz. I stand by that, they were cute together.
I liked when she was smart, but didn't flaunt it around.
She was cool when she started out with the Wicca, and things still went wrong.


She suddenly got very "I can do anything". That was annoying.
She was too emotional. Yes, we get that you died, and you came back from heaven, but stop dwelling on it.
She's now doing Spike. Or she was. But that was just bad, coz that made him a bad character as well.
She stopped being easy to relate to. All of a sudden, she just became too weak, or at times, too strong. Never finding the happy medium in between that made her to easy to relate to. And because of that, she never really took her fans with her. It was like we stopped getting into the stories, because she wasn't able to take us in the direction that she was going.


He was nice to them, all of a sudden. It didn't fit.
The chip screwed him up.
He became an overused character.
He doesn't have a purpose these days.
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