<BGSOUND SRC="anarchy_in_the_uk.mid">
We thought we might take a leaf out of Spike and Angel's book and write some wonderful, yet crappy poetry.
Oh shut the hell up. The big poof's poetry may have been crap, but mine was good.
Spike, you're a wanker.
And you love it, don't you Angel?
Angel and Spikeeeeee...
Spike and Angel: Oh you guys are so childish!
I'm a goth and you will see
That you really shouldn't mess with me
Coz I have a friend who will kick your arse
Kick it right into the grass

*Clap clap* That was even better than Angel's

Yeah it was Inca... but I was being serious

Thanks Ness

We sit in English and do no work
In the corner, we do lurk
I am the best and you should know...
No Spike I will not give you a blow!

But Spike...
Oh keep your pants on Angel. Actually, don't...

Ness and I went to the city
We looked nice and we looked pretty
We walked around and went to shops
And then we ran away from the cops

Did that happen?
I don't know, but it did rhyme...

Angel is jealous that I'm so skilled
I think he's looking to have me killed
Coz my poetry is better than his
And he's worked himself into a tizz!

I have not! Shut up Inca! Shut up!
Touchy... drama queen

Oh yeah I also do Drama
It's fun but I won't play a llama
Speaking of llamas have you seen
The Emperor's New Groove, it's quite clean!

Quite clean?

Spike, I'll stake you, I really will.
Oh I'm scared.
You should be, Ness is behind you with a stake
Yeah, and Angel's coming with his... um... stake...

Now I must wrap this up
And so should Angel, with that cup
He's drinking Spike, but let's move on
I should go, c'est si bon!

Do you know what that means, peaches?

Yeah, means "it is so good"
That's not relevant
Duh, it means my poem is good.

N-Dawg's Mansion
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