Title: Dark Stormy Night
Author: N-Dawg
Feed the hungry feedback demon at [email protected]
Rating PG
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, I just like to play with them
Author's notes: Alt Universe

It was a dark and stormy night, the kind you only ever read about, and see in the movies. A group of four people were all sitting in a rather large, spacious living room, huddling together in the dark. Candles were scattered across the room, providing a pathetic amount of light and heat.

�Fuse is blown,� Dom announced, appearing at the door. He slid into his chair next to Billy. �And I don�t know how to fix it.�

�Can�t you call someone to fix it?� Elijah asked.

�Elijah,� Dom said slowly, as though Elijah were extremely stupid. �The power is out. How do you propose I use a dead phone?�

�What about your cell?�

�No signal. Too far from London and in case your rather large eyes haven�t noticed, there�s a storm raging outside,� Dom replied.

�I have eye problems, I have to wear contacts. And you already knew that, Dominic. Depth perception and all that,� Elijah said defensively.

�Eye Man,� Billy said, looking up at Dom and grinning cheekily.

�So, since we can�t get anyone out here, how do you propose we watch the movies? And when�s Orlando getting here?� Elijah asked, ignoring Billy.

�Poor Elijah isn�t used to being without technology,� a girl spoke up, patting Elijah�s arm. �He�s an American, you see.�

�So are you,� the other girl said, looking up from where she�d been burning random objects with the candle.

�I�m British, remember?� the first girl replied, grinning slightly. �You thought I was. And stop burning things, you pyro.�

�You thought G was British, N? Are you deaf?� Dom asked, looking amused.

N looked exasperated. �I couldn�t exactly hear her speaking over AIM.�

�You could if you tried... um... what�s AIM?� Billy asked, raising an eyebrow.

�Some American chat thing,� N replied, shrugging. �I have no idea what it stands for.�

�An Interesting Moose,� Billy cut in, before G or Elijah could speak. �What a fun program that would be.�

�AOL Instant Messenger,� Elijah said, again ignoring Billy�s comment. �And you should know, N, it does say it in the program.�

N flicked her hand, looking uninterested.

�Hello ladies,� came a voice from the door.

The group of five looked up to see Orlando Bloom, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face.

�Well, if I�m a lady�� Dom grinned and put on a high pitched voice. �Oh Orli! I love you, I want to marry you and have ten thousand children with you! You have such lovely blue eyes and lovely long blonde hair! You�re just so hot and sexy!�

Orlando chuckled. �I know.�

�I resent that,� G began. �I don�t want to have his babies.�

�Neither do I.� N nodded. �Because if they turned out ugly, no one is going to be blaming him.�

�That�s true, they wouldn�t,� Orlando agreed.

Elijah let out a small giggle. �Pretty boy, Orlando!�

Orlando picked up a pillow and threw it at Elijah.

�Hey! Watch the candles!� Dom exclaimed, jumping up.

�Oops. Why don�t you turn the lights on, what are you doing? Having a s�ance?� Orlando asked, suddenly looking very interested.

�No, the power went out... but that�s not a bad idea,� Billy said, nodding.

Orlando perched himself down, in between Billy and Elijah.

�So, how do we do this?� G piped up. �Don�t we have to hold hands?� She wiggled her eyebrows at N, who burst into an uncontrollable fit of giggles.

�Are you ok?� Orlando asked, looking confused.

�Private joke,� N lied, still smiling. �And yeah, we do have to hold hands. And form a circle. So we should get on the floor.�

This time, it was G�s turn to laugh. �Yeah, the floor sounds good. We may as well just stay in these positions too.� She wasn�t going to whinge, she was in between Elijah and Billy.

N wasn�t going to complain either. She was between Dom and Orlando. And she was witnessing Dom and Elijah hold hands, which made her want to squeal.

They all moved to the floor, after Orlando complained he had a sore back and needed most of the pillows.

�How do we start?� Dom asked.

�I think we ask them to keep us safe,� Elijah replied.

�Who? And how do you know?� Billy said, looking interested.

�I read a lot. And we ask some spirits to keep us safe. Here, join hands.�

They all held hands, without a fuss, although G and N were giving each other looks that would be translated roughly to �OH MY FREAKING GOD!�

�Dear Spirits, keep our circle safe from those who seek evil and wish to harm,� Elijah intoned, looking serious.

Dom had an amused smile on his face, while Billy looked like he was going to wet himself with laughter.

�I�d say we�re more an oval, as opposed to a circle,� Orlando murmured.

�Shhh!� Elijah hissed. �And close your eyes!�

They all obediently did, but after a few minutes of silence, N and Billy finally caved in and started to laugh.

�I think it�s broken,� N gasped out in between giggles.

�Shhhh!� Elijah hissed again. �We have to ask for something.�

�How about some coffee?� G suggested. �I could go an Iced Mocha right now.�

�Oh man, me too,� N said, looking wistful.

�Can you be serious?� Elijah cried.

�I don�t know, can we, N?� G asked.

�Not sure, maybe,� N replied.

�They sound like hobbits,� Orlando muttered, shaking his head. �I am much too sophisticated to hang around riff raff like you.�

�Bugger off then,� Dom said, opening one eye and glaring at him. He resembled a very small, cute pirate with that expression. �Or can we continue?�

Elijah nodded and closed his eyes again. �Dear Spirits, we ask to speak with the former owners of this house.�

�Uh... Lij?� N spoke up. �The former owners of this house are still alive. If you want to talk to them, you can just ring them.�

�Well, not tonight, because the phone�s are dead,� G chimed in. �So you may have to wait until someone fixes that. But then, feel free to ring them and have a good old yarn.�

�Oh, well... um...� Elijah paused. �Ok, spirits, we wish to speak to someone who died, but who�s really nice.�

�And who has brown hair, and brown eyes, maybe a slight lisp,� Dom joked. �Honestly Elijah, you�re asking for a bit - �

�Hello?� N said, in a small, timid sort of voice. �Can you... can you hear me?�

�Stop faking it,� Billy said, opening his eyes.

�I... I can�t see,� N went on, her face lit up eerily by the candles.

�Then open your eyes and stop faking it,� Orlando sat, looking worried.

�It�s cold,� G suddenly said, in a voice that matched N�s.

�They�ve both gone barking,� Dom said, biting his lip.

�We�re cold,� N and G said together, both tilting their heads at the same angle.

�Who are you?� Elijah asked, and he realised his voice was shaking.

�There was a fire... we were cold...� N and G both opened their eyes, looking oddly blank. �And no one came for us.�

�This is weird, make it stop!� Orlando exclaimed.

�Don�t let go of their hands!� Elijah half shouted. �Otherwise it�s not safe.�

�We wouldn�t hurt you... Elijah.�

�How... how do you know my n-n-n-name?�

�We know all about you. Join us, Elijah, it doesn�t hurt to die... much.�

A loud clap of thunder sounded and Elijah jumped, screaming his head off.

G, N, Orlando, Dom and Billy started to laugh, and Elijah, realising it was a trick, started to go bright red.

�That was mean!� he exclaimed. �But I didn�t believe it.�

�Of course not,� N said, chuckling.

�Never,� G added. �Anyway, does this mean we can turn the lights back on, Dom?�

Elijah looked at Dom, narrowing his eyes. �You planned this?�

Dom nodded sheepishly. �Uh... yeah. Maybe.�

Billy stood up and switched the lights on, then sprawled himself on the couch, while Dom and Elijah had words with each other. It mainly consisted of Elijah saying �How could you?� and Dom responding with �You�re such a girl.�

N looked at G, then at Billy and shrugged.


She pounced on Billy, and tickled him, calling for G to help her. G bounded over and held Billy down, which caused him to bite her arm.

�Ah! He bit me!�

�Then bite him back!� Elijah called, finally getting over the shock. �Like this!� He ran over and bit Billy�s shoulder, causing Billy to writhe around on the couch.

�OW! He�s given me rabies!�

�This is highly undignified!� Orlando announced.

Dom and N looked at each other, then knocked Orlando to the ground and tickled him.
The rest of the night was spent wrestling, tickling and biting, and someone, (probably Dom or Billy), suggested they move it into a big pool of mud and jelly.
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