Cordelia Chase

Cordelia has spent most of her life in Sunnydale, known as the most popular girl in school, shes Attractive, Snobish, Self Centered and Fashion Conscious makin sure nobody copies her style. Cordelia also owns a car which her parents gave her after passing her Drivers Test.

Cordelia as she likes to put it, is the 'Slayer of Dating'. Cordelia has a very sarcastic Twist, and if anybody is behind in their Style or Fashion you can count on her to tell them, Cordy tells it as she sees it and doesn't hold back on how it comes out. Cordelia strangely fell for Xander, who is known as one of the geek-ish people of the school.

Cordy recently moved to L.A where she once again met up with Angel, there she met Doyle a demon who had Visions, however Doyle sacrificed himself and the visions were passed onto Cordelia, leaving her stuck with painful yet intense Visions. Cordelia then joined Angels Mission and helped the innocent guiding Angel to people who were in need. The visions began to get too painful for Cordy to cope with and being sent into the astral pains after a vision Cordelia was forced to make a decision, either should could return to having a normal life and become famous or she would eventually be killed by her "gift". Cordelia refused to return to a so called normal life and was then made part demon so she could cope with the pain that each vision sent. Cordelia then coupled with Groosalug, however this went wrong when she realised she was in love with Angel, however on her way to tell Angel Cordelia was told she had outgrown this plane (Earth) and had to fight on another plane, she had become a Higher Being, who knows what's install for her now.
Cordelia - "Hello can we deal with my pain please?"
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