The elements are make up all physical matter, and they are all interconncted, for example u cannot have fire if there is no Earth or Air!

The Guardians of The Watchtowers that is the direction of the elements, are usually called to a circle when cast. Everyone is a specific element, this is ruled by your Starsign.
Symbolises: Body and Foundations
Direction:    North
Starsigns:     Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Colours:       Brown, Olive and Green
Animals:      Cow, Bull, Snakes and Spiders
Tools:          Pentacle, Salt, Bowl and Stones
Symbolises:  Mind itellect and Imagination
Direction:     East
Starsigns:     Aquarius, Libra and Gemini
Colours:       Blue and White
Animals:      Birds, Especially Eagles and Hawks
Tools:          Athame, Sword, Incense and Censer
Symbolises:  Will, Strength and Purpose
Direction:     South
Starsigns:     Aries, Leo and Sagitarius
Colours:       Red, Orange and Yellow
Animals:      Lions, Horses, and Lizards
Tools:          Candles
Symbolises:  Emotions and Intuition
Direction:     West
Starsigns:     Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Colours:       Blue, Bluey-Green
Animals:      Sea Serpents, Dolphins, Fish and Seals
Tools:          Chalice and the Water Bowl
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