Played by Eliza Dushku

Faith was activated as a slayer after the death of Kendra. Her watcher was killed by Kakistos (an ancient vampire, who faith disfigured then later killed with the encouragement of Buffy to whom he was known as 'Kiss toast'). Faith we dont know much about except later on we find shes had it bad, neglected as a child, unwanted, never really been loved. She also has a healthy apetite (stealing Buffys food when she was at her house having dinner with Buffy and her Mom) She is also outgoing and very unashamed of who she is, or what she does! for instance her stories of killing vampires naked, etc. Faith later accidentaly kills a man, which then leads her to the dark side, working for the Mayor, faith poisons Angel for which the only cure is a Slayers Blood! Buffy puts her into a coma, and has to feed Angel her own blood. Faith then comes back in Season 4, for vengeance,, she switches Bodies with Buffy and in this form has sex with rileyand experiences love from most of the people which speak to her (as Buffy). She later is forced to switch bodies by Buffy (with the help of Willow and tara). She then leaves Sunnydale and goes to LA and attempts to kill Angel for the law Company, Wolfram and Hart. This fails and eventually hands her self to the cops admitting her crimes. She is currently in Jail......
Faith - " Were Slayers girlfriend, the chosen Two"
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