Additions for Craft Names
Craft names for some people help them other they dont, Craft Names or false names used to be given to people so evil could not find the person.....This page is here to help you choose a craft name, You have to choose it for yourself, it can be as simple or complicated as YOU like, many choose God/dess's names, others choose animals names, so below i list popular things. Try Mixing a few together and then you can try changing the spelling so its UNIQUE!:

Wolf, Swan, Eagle, Hawk, Lion, Tiger, Dolphin, Monkey, Dingo, Snake, Viper, Cobra, Wolverine, Bear, Hyena, Mantis, Chipmunk, Meercat, Owl, Lynx, Fox, Leopard, Panther, Otter, Horse, Hare, Bull, Rhino, Hound, Aligator, Falcon, Raven, Peacock, Dove, Nightingale, Pirana, Shark.

Dragon, Faerie, Unicorn, Pheonix, Hydra, Medusa, Griffin Sphinx, Basilisk, Minotaur, Mermaids, Silkies, Faun, Centaur, Deva, Satyr, Sylph, Undine, Salamander, Gnomes, Sprites, Auroch, Sphinx, Cockatrice, Wyvern.

Black, Sable, Red, Scarlet, Crimson, Green, Violet, Lavender, Purple, Blue, Cerulean, Azure, Ivory, Snowy, Yellow, Silver, Golden, Bronze and Grey.

Holy, Everlasting, Immortal, Eternal, Boundless, Radiant, Shining, Healing, Wiccan, Dark/ness, Light, Smoke, Mist, Rune, Sigil, Earth, Spirit, Great, Powerful, Amazing, Strong, Lightning, Thunder, Storm, Moonlight, Sunlight, Horned, Mother, Brother, Father, Sister, Protector, Sorcer/ess, Ice, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Guardian, Watcher, Hunter, Killer, Slayer, Tornado, Speeding, Heart, Flower, Petal, Feather, Shadow, Fyre, Flame, Wings, Night, Divine.

Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto,  Comet, Morning Star, Evening Star, Lunar, Solar, Universal, Shooting Star, North Star.

Amon-Ra, Anubis, Apollo, Ares, Bacchus, Baldur, Bel, Boreas, Cephissus, Cronus, Cupid, Dagon, Dionysus, Eros, Faunus, Frey, Hades, Helios, Hermes, Hoder, Horus, Hypnos, Inachus, Janus, Jove, Keb, Marduk, Mithras, Morpheous, Nebo, Nereus, Njord, Notus,Odin, Osiris, Pan, Peneus, Phorcys, Pontus, Priapus, Ptah, Quirinus, Serapis, Thor, Vulcan, Zephyrus, and Zeus.

Aglaia, Alecto, Aphrodite, Artemis, Ate, Athena, Atropos, Bellona, Calliope, Ceres, Clio, Cybele, Demeter, Diana, Enyo, Eos, Eris, Freya, Gaea, Hathor, Hebe, Hecate, Hera, Hestia, Iris, Isis, Jord, Juno, Melpomene, Nemesis, Nike, Nut, Persephone, Selene, Tellus, Thalia, Themis, Urania, Vesta.

Jewel, Diamond, Gem, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Topaz, Amethyst, Amber, Jet, Tigers Eye, Carnelian, Obsidian, Agate, Jasper, Crystal, Citrine, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Pearl, Onyx, Jade.

Birch, Rowan, Ash, Alder, Willow, Hawthorn, Oak, Hazel, Vine, Ivy, Elder, Aspen, Yew, Furze, Heather, Pine, Spruce, Sequoia, Elm, Cedar, Magnolia, Hickory, Apple, Mahogany, Ebony, Maple, Ironwood, Madrone, Cherry, and Walnut.
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