Daniel Osbourne
Played By Seth Green

Well Oz is even still a mystery to most of us. Really we dont know much about him, all that he is lead Guitarist for 'Dingoes Ate My Baby'
Oz is very monosyllabic, speaking very rarely and in short bursts. One of the most interesting aspects of Oz is him being a werewolf, this happened when his cousin Jordy bit him, and by this he then became a werewolf. Oz dated Willow throughout season 3, and most of 4, until he came into contact with Verruca lead singer of the band 'Shy'. She was also a werewolf and she tought Oz that the Wolf was always inside him, and he eventually lost control of his animal instincts and as a Werewolf cheated on Willow! Although when Verruca attempted to kill Willow later to "stop her from caging Oz" Oz as a werewolf recognized her for a while and Killed Verruca.

Oz - "I mock you with my monkey pants"
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