Well this page is now being Created, i do Warn you that some of the stuff will be incomplete but hang with me, you might be glad you did?
Info on Telekinesis:
Telekinesis(TK) is something we are ALL born with, but from birth we neglect this power! the word actualy means Tele - mind... Kinesis - Movement so the word means MINDMOVEMENT, which is exactly what it is, the movement of an object with your own mind, and no physical force! Although Many Forces DO act AGAINST TK! such as Gravity, friction and so on! So for begginers, Many people suggest working with objects on water, or suspended objection on string  (see the TK methods).

Telekinesis Methods:
One of the suggest easier methods is, using a cork on water, and tryin to push the cork dwn into the water, or move it across side to side in the bowl!
Then there is a rolling a ciggarete while it is stationery (im not talking about roling as in to make a smokable ciggarette, hehe) and then there is the method of Having thread with a pin tied to the bottom and trying to move that! Of course theres also the SpoonBending method, which is too rub a spoon, but try to bend it with your mind, do NOT apply pressure as this will just bend it with force, it should bend very easily with TK! with very little pressure, if any!

Heres a Few Pointers:
Dont give up.
Beleive YOU CAN DO IT!
Keep  trying but dont over do it!
Be Patient! (if you cant be this then, you may as well give up)
Dont expect acheivements first time you attempt to do it!

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