~*~Tools And Improvisation~*~
Pentacle - this is used sometimes as a platter but also in protection spells and also blessing, the pentacle is used as a magickal shield. It is usually made out of wood, ceramic or metal and is genrally quite large, and a circle shape.
Pentacles dont need to be bought but can be found outside, such as a flat round smoothed stone with a pentagram painted on or maybe you could get a piece of wood and make it into a circle and inscribe a pentagram into it.
Athame - Used to cast the circle, i will put on the site how to do that another time, so this is a dagger/knife which is double edged and is not used to cut anything material, also the dagger it usuallyhas a black handle (sumtimes magickal name or sybols engraved into it) for improvisation a kitchen knife or even a letter opener will do, some people prefer to make their own, but this is quite hard to do and hard to create....
Wand - Used to draw and release energies, it is usually made out of wood, sometimes it has a groove in one end and a acorn on the othr end to symbolize fertility. Most people just cut a stick off a tree which they feel atracted to. And then sometimes carve into it.
Cauldron An ancient tool of magick and ritual.It is normals a three-legged vessel, ideally made out of iron and has an opening smaller than the body of the cauldron. They come in a variety of sizes from little ones that can be held in one hand to behemoth cauldrons that take a lot of people to move.
Censer- Incense Burner.It can be ornate brass burner that hangs form chains, or somthing as simple as a ceramic bowl. The censer is used to burn the incense that are often often to the Dieties, as well as being used to invoke the spirits of the Air, sylphs and faery.
Broom/Besom- The broom is a tool of magick and ritual, and is still being used by Witches today, used to cleanse the circle NOT fly on hehe. The broom is made from ash, birch and willow because of the attributes of those woods, but it can be made of any wood available
Book Of Shadows- A book that contains a witch's rituals, spells, dreams, recipies, runes,ect. Within covens the original book is copied by hand by the initiates. A solitary may also keep a Book. The book is normally a secret book.
Chalice- Actually used more than is direct decendent the cauldron. The Chalices has the same attributes and is used in many of the same ways (minus the cooking). This is again an example of witches using what they had and what would not get them burned at the stake
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