Traditions With in Magick
Wicca + Paganism - Both follow a rede which goes along the lines of "An ye harm none, do as ye wil" meaning do not harm anyone but fulfil your wishes/dreams. both of these have the worship of the Horned God and Goddess, some will worship just the two or use many different God/dess's.Most beleive in reincarnation and a place called Sumerland, where you rest and reflect after dying and before moving onto your nxt life. Magick and Rituals, and spells are part of both Wicca and Paganism. Many other areas of the occult are explored with Wicca/Paganism, of course these focus on development of the spirit/soul, and spiritual fulfilment is Emphasised!

Satanism - Well this is one that surprises a LOT of people, as many carry lots of misconceptions about this religion, firstly and almost importantly they do NOT worship satan as an entity nor do they kill or sacrifice. Life is sacred within the satanic community, and emphasis is not even slightly on Spiritual Development, as Satanists beleive in total abliteration at death. Satanists do beleive in Sexual Fulfilment however, they encourage safe sex, and beleive in any sexual act with CONSENTING ADULTS! Beastiality, rape and Child abuse are NOT tolerated! Satanists beleive in respecting those who deserve it, and overpowering the weak. Survival of the fittest if you wish. Satanism interstingly has NO KARMA, even though it uses black magick!
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