Willow Rosenburg
Played By Alyson Hannigan

Willow was born and bred in  Sunnydale. Daughter of Ira Rosenburg, she was brought up in a Jewish home. Willows computer skills are WAY above average, such an outstanding candidate that on the school Career week she was chosen along with one other student (Oz) to be interviewed by a Software company.

Willow has been progressing well with her studies in the occult and witchcraft - for example: Restoring Angels soul, or even Helping Buffy defeat Adam by invoking the essence of the slayer into Buffy's body, Willow being the main tool to work this spell. Although the power became too much for Willow and she started to use too much magick and was becoming an "addict".

Willow has always carried a Torch for Xander, yet still encouraged him in his relationships, she has dated online a 'boy' called Malcolm who turned out to be a demon. Later she dated Oz, a werewolf 3 times a month. This however ended when he cheated on her with other werewolf Verruca.

Recently deciding she was either Gay or bisexual she began to date Tara - a fellow wiccan. This relationship progressed perfectly until Tara discovered Willow had been using Magick to influence her so they didnt argue, this led to the seperation of the couple. However they reconciled and spent a night together, however next morning Tara was shot by Warren and this led Willow into the darker magicks to seek revenge for her loss. Willow absorbed all the dark Magick books, turning her hair jet black and eyes all black. She then tortured Warren, the killed him by peeling all of his skin from his body! Now she had decided to take all three members of the "Trio" and hunted the other boys. Buffy intervened and took them before Willow could murder them.  Anya placed a protection spell over the boys and Willow was then unable to use magick on them, By doing this they led Willow to filling herself with super strength - leading to a confrontation with Buffy - the girls fought and Willow won. 

(to be continued)

Willow - "In my world theres people in chains and we can ride them like ponies"
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