This is a little about me without going into the boring details of my life...
1.  What time is it? 8:05pm on 9/1/03
2.  Name as it appears on your birth certificate.  Erin Courtney Pickens
3.  Nickname(s): Blondie, Slim, Gwen, and just plain Erin
4.  Parents names: Bill and Lisa
5.  Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 23 or a 2 and a 3
6.  Date that you regularly blow them out? March 6
7.  Pets: My oh-so-cute miniature dachshund Abby
8.  Eye color: Blue
9.  Hair color: Blonde
10.Tattoos: not any right now
11. How much do you love your job? Its alright....need to make more $$$$
12. Favorite color(s): Silver and Black
13. Hometown: Greenville, South Carolina
14. Current Residence: With my family in Greenville
15. Favorite food: Mac and cheeses, pizza, cheese fries, chocolate
16. Been toilet papering? never have been actually
17. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Oh yes
18. Been in a car accident? Thank god no
19. Sprite or 7Up? Sprite
20. Favorite Movie: I have way to many just to pick one
21. Favorite Holiday: Christmas
22. Favorite Day of the Week: Friday
23. Favorite Word or Phrase: "I don't know"
24. Favorite Kind of Toothpaste: Crest
25. Favorite Restaurant: Soby's in Greenville
26. Favorite Flower: Daisy's
27. Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea, Koolaid, and beer
28. Favorite Sport to Watch: Football...especially the Clemson kind=)
29. Preferred ice cream: cookie dough
30. Favorite Seseme Street Character: Grover
31. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: McDonalds
32. When was your last hospital visit? can't remember
33. What color is your bedroom carpet? tan
34. How many times did you fail your drivers test? None
35. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Nope
36. What single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Charlotte Russe or Best Buy
37. What do you do most often when you are bored? Computer stuff
38. Name the person that you are friends with that lives farthest: Kriss in New Jersey
39. Most annoying thing people ask me? How do you stay so skinny
40. Bedtime: 12:00 at the latest for work
41. Favorite all time TV show: Real World, Road Rules, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Monster House
42. Last person you went out to dinner with: my boyfriend Scott to Soby's for his birthday
43. Last movie you saw: Chicago....LOVE IT
44. Siblings: Andrea,19, and Jessica, 14
45. Time you finished: 8:09pm on 9/1/03
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