

In this track, the phrase "The whole thing I think is sick." is repeated many times.
Most people think that it is the voice of number 8,however,it is a sample taken
from a Charles Manson

There are a few interpretations of the song Eyeless. When Slipknot came to New York for the
first time, they ran into a schizophrenic  man who was running around yelling the phrase "you can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes!" That was the main inspiration for the song. Eyeless is also about Corey's father, as seen in the phrase "I am my father's son, cause he's a  phantom, a mystery, and that leaves me Nothing!"                                                                                
we at the church like California and would like to see we went out and got  Marlon   Brando's Eyes

Purity                                                                                                                                             The song  Purity was written when Corey came across a website located at .Adrianne Purity knight was a 20 year old college student who was stalked by an obsessed ex-lover. It's a long story that we will explain further in the Purity section of the site. Eventually, this man ended up burying young Purity in a homemade wooden box alive. She died.








Shawn: It's like this - whether it's real or not, it affected Corey very much, the thought of it-so it was able to influence him- the song is not directly one hundred percent about it

Corey: I still think its real - see the thing whether it's true or not, It's a real story-that we read about-that fucked our whole world up -can you imagine a girl being buried in a box and having all this lecherous bullshit drip down on her from this guy? and thinking that there is hope, because this kid is taking some bizarre note to this guy he doesn't even know -thinking that you are holding on to the shirt of hope -and you wake up and you're dead you're buried in mud -they find the note about a week later shoved in a library book for gods sakes-It just hurts your head-it's a case of what is god and bad in people-the box alone is reason enough to be link, 'I can't stand to be fucking human'-how can someone fucking do this to somebody? What is inside of us that is so fucking wrong? he had written quotes from Edgar Allen Poe and lots of fucked up things on the box











Spit it out                                                                                                                                  

Spit it out is obviously an angry song, written in retaliation to a Des Moines, Iowa radio station who liked to bash Slipknot and not play their material. Two years later, Spit it out is in that station's regular rotation......go figure.......





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