Freshman Theology Home Page

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St. Louis University High School


Mr. Sciuto's classes

Freshman Theology 2009-10
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
First Quarter All-Stars
Extra credit: 1Q | 2Q | 2nd Semester | 4Q Specials

Freshman Theology 2008-09
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Freshman All-Stars 2008-09: 1Q | 1st Sem
Extra credit:
1Q | 2Q | 2nd Semester | 4Q Specials

Summary of Specific Content of the Course | Listing of texts and assignments, Bible readings, videos in this course.
Course Description | An overview of the entire freshman year, quarter by quarter
Course Goals | Specific behavioral goals as determined by the freshman teachers.
Praying in Class | A common prayerbook for all freshmen.
Key vocabulary for the course | A new word can be a new idea, a new way of looking at and understanding ourselves and our world. Here is a list of major words students were asked to learn-and be able to use-in their study this year.


Understanding Catholic Christianity Chapter Reviews : 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
1st Quarter Review | Study sheet for the first quarter
Study Sheet for the Semester Exam | These are the major skills and ideas it is hoped each student learned and the major ideas he knows and understands at the end of the first semester.
1st Semester Review | A list of the specific content we studied in freshmen religion in the first semester.Links to chapter review sheets here.


Biblcal Pretest from 2003
Praying with Scripture
Reading Scripture on Three Levels
Teen Hebrew Scriptures | This special a favorite site needs some explanation. This is student work, often done as extra credit. These are attempts to better understand a biblical event or character and do an assignment that helps others do the same.
Ten Commandments for Studying the Bible
To Life! A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking | Summary of Rabbi Harold Kushner's audio tape.
Tom Hyde's Final Exam Study Sheet

Mr. Sciuto's Freshman Theology Past Few Years

Freshman Theology 2007-08
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Extra credit: 1Q | 2Q | 2nd Semester | 4Q Specials
Freshman All-Stars 2007-08: 1Q | 1st Sem | 3Q | 2nd Sem

Freshman Theology 2006-07
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Extra credit: 1Q | 2Q | 2nd Semester | 4Q Specials
Freshman All-Stars: 1Q | 1st Sem | 3Q | 2nd Sem

Freshman Theology 2005-06
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Extra credit: 1Q | 2Q | 2nd Semester | 4Q Specials
Freshman All-Stars: 1Q | 1st Sem | 2nd Sem

Freshman Theology 2004-05
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Extra credit: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q/Second Semester | 4Q Specials
Freshman All-Stars: 1Q | 1st Semester| 3Q | 2nd Semester

Freshman Theology 2003-04
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Extra credit: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q/Second Semester | 4Q Specials
Freshman All-Stars: 1Q | 1st Semester | 3Q | 2nd Semester

Freshman Theology 2002-03
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Extra credit 2001-02 : 1Q | 2Q | 3Q/Second Semester | 4Q Specials
Freshman All-Stars 2002-03 : 1Q | 1st Semester | 3Q | 2nd Semester

Freshman Theology 2001-02
Daily assignments : 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Extra credit : First Quarter | Second Quarter | 3Q/Second Semester | Fourth Quarter Specials
Freshman All-Stars 2001-02 : 1Q | First Semester | 3Q | Second Semester

Freshman Theology 2000-01
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Freshman All-Stars 2000-01: 1Q | First Semester | 3Q | Second Semester
Quarterly Reviews: 1Q | First Semester Exam Preview | Last year's Final Exam Preview | Tom Hyde's Final Exam Preview

Freshman Theology 1999-2000
Daily assignments: 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q
Final Exam Preview May 2000
Freshman All-Stars 2000

Mr. Sciuto's Freshman Theology All-Stars:
1st Semester 2007-082nd Semester
1st Semester 2006-07 2nd Semester
1st Semester 2005-06 2nd Semester
1st Semester 2004-05 2nd Semester
1st Semester 2003-04 2nd Semester
1st Semester 2002-03 2nd Semester
1st Semester 2001-02 2nd Semester
1st Semester 2000-01 2nd Semester

SLUH WEB SITES: Official SLUH website | Student Council | SLUH sports | Mr. Kuensting's Bioweb | SLUH Science Club (Hiking Club) |Pulse radio | Cross Country Web Site | Prep News | Sisyphus | Dauphin Players Web Site | SLUH Choral website | SLUH intramurals | Counseling & Guidance

Archdiocese of St. Louis Prayer & Faith Resources | The Catholic Encyclopedia | Catechism of the Catholic Church | Theology Library

National Catholic Bioethics Center | Ethics Update | Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Good, informative media: PBS | NPR | PBS NOW | Frontline on PBS | Speaking of Faith on NPR | Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
NPRs This I Believe | This American Life

Grammar, spelling & more: Purdue On-Line Writing Lab
Dictionaries, encyclopedias and so much more available at Reference Desk/a complete reference library

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