Assignment for Twelve Angry Men

Still considered one of America’s best films, the original version in black and white captures many of the complexities of human knowing and human interaction. Your task is to write an essay in which you do two things:
(1) Analyze the logical thinking errors and subjective distortions of knowledge displayed in two of the eleven jurors who disagree with the principal character. Please review the list of characters so you can pick out two on which to focus during your viewing of the film.
(2) Explain why the character played by Henry Fonda could be considered intellectually virtuous. (See the five steps to critical thinking)
*In your analysis, it is crucial that you provide concrete examples from the movie to support your claims.

Format: Typed
Length: 2-3 pages
double spaced

Logical Thinking Errors
  • Ad hominem
  • non sequitur
  • vague/faulty premiss
  • red herring
  • begging the question

Subjective Biases
  • denotation/connotation
    (misuse of words)
  • selective consciousness
  • rash judgment
  • mystique
  • herd need
  • protective disinterest
  • stereotype
  • oversimplification
Intellectual Virtuosity
  • proper knowledge of the facts
  • proper use of the principle of contradiction
  • proper defining of terms
  • willingness to seek different perspectives
  • intellectual humility

General Notes on Twelve Angry Men

Juror of Choice ____________________

Juror of Choice _____________________

Henry Fonda’s Character (Intellectually Virtuous)

Please send any comments, suggestions
or corrections to Matthew Sciuto
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