Theology Department Theology Homepage | Ultimate Goals of Jesuit Education | Jesuit Ideals

Dear parents of students in this Summer Faith Course,

Thank you for letting your sons attend this summer class. This is the first time St. Louis U. High is offering a required Theology course in the summer. This is a very new and different experience for your son--and for me. I believe there are many unique advantages of summer courses. I told your sons that my goals for this course include every student earning an A or A+, emphasizing cooperative learning and trying some new and different pedagogy and all having a good and enjoyable experience in which they do some real and significant learning. I will do all I can for these things to happen.

I will be at school every day by 8 am if your son wants to come in for extra help or to use the iBooks or just to be here. Every day I, and the laptops, will be available till noon. I want to give my students a chance to help each other in learning to build web sites or with course material.

There is a lot of information about the course and all its aspects available on the Summer Theology Web Site. Please ask your sons to show this to you. They should have it bookmarked. Ask to see their web sites. Please take some time to look around.

If there are any concerns or questions, feel free to e-mail me or call.

Matthew Sciuto
home phone: 314-771-2098

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