Slytherin House Live Journal
Where Slytherins, young and old, come to bitch, gloat and plot world domination


Draco Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Vincent Crabbe
Gregory Goyle
Tom Riddle
Severus Snape
Pansy Parkinson
Hermione Granger *
Millicent Bullstrode
Various Death Eaters

* She got tired of the Gryffindor LVJ being all about Potter and besides anyone who likes school as much as her must be evil.

July - September 1991


July 31, 1991

Draco Malfoy's Entry
Went to Diagon Alley with Mum and Dad. Got fitted for robes. Met gangly, yet strangely good looking boy with shaggy brown hair and glasses. Orphaned, and keeping bearded men as company quite unusual. Yet he is pureblood. That means I can be seen with him. Good. Hope he gets into Slytherin. Must seek him out on train. New friend!!! Anything will be better than Crabbe and Goyle. Do they think about anything other than food? Complained to Dad about not being able to get a racing broom. Why can't they let 1st years play Quidditch? Maybe I can get Dad to bribe the Captain to let me play. Do these robes make my arse look big? I hope I get into Slytherin. If not Dad will kill me.

Lucius Malfoy's Entry
Woke up this morning. Had a nice bubble bath. Took Draco to Diagon Alley. Narcissa went to look at wands as I sent my son to get fitted for his robes. When I went round to pick him up, he went on and on about some pure blood boy that he had met.

Have sneaking suspicion the boy is gay. The help found one to many velvet cloaks in his closet.

Hoping he gets into Slytherin. Cannot fathom what I would do if he got into Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. I would probably kill him. Narcissa and I are young, we can still have children. So its not as if it would be too much of a loss. In fact, it might help my bid for Minister of Magic next time the turn comes to appoint a new one. I must practice my grief-stricken faces in the mirror the next bath.

Well off to The Ministry. Avery and I plan to get in a game of Curse The Muggle before plotting how to stick it to that Muggle loving prat Arthur Weasley over lunch.

Vincent Crabbe's Entry
hmm. . . chocolate.

Gregory Goyle's Entry
hmm. . . ice cream.

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