International Airshow

August 12-14

1994 was a poor year for the Abbotsford Airshow. The static display was still pretty good, but the flying events were nowhere near normal for Abbotsford. The main problem was relying on military performers too much. Only a small number of civilian acts were booked and a couple cancelled, as well as some military acts (which is common). The flying display lasted only about three and a half to four hours.

Tails of a CF-5, CP-140, and EA-6B

Even though a disappointment, there were still two military demo teams (Blue Angels & Snowbirds) and RAF participation (Nimrod). Two AV-8B Harriers arrived Saturday morning and provided a brief flying display before landing for static display.

Part of the large static display at Abbotsford '94

Military Demonstrations

Snowbirds (CAF) Blue Angels (NAVY)
CF-18 Hornet (CAF) A-10 Thunderbolt (USAF)
CF-5 Freedom Fighter (CAF) Nimrod (RAF)
CH-113 Labrador (CAF) AV-8B Harrier x 2 (Sat.) (MARINES)

Canadian military aircraft thumbnails page

United States military aircraft thumbnails page

Royal Air Force and Civilian aircraft thumbnails page

Civilian Demonstrations

Tora!Tora!Tora! (Confederate Air Force) Modified Pitts S-2S (Sean Tucker)
T-6 (Bud Granley) DC-6 (Conair Firefighting Demo)
Airbus A-320 (Air Canada) DC-10 (Canadian Airlines)
P-51 Mustang Parachutists
Air Cadet Glider Ultra Lites
Experimental Aircraft Association

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