The Teddy Bear Theory

Teddy bears are great, aren’t they? Even if you’re a big, burly guy that won’t admit it, you know you like them, and probably still have one or two at your bed at home, just waiting for you. It is embedded in everyone as a child, that no matter what, a teddy bear will never get mad at you, will always be there for you, and doesn’t mind falling off the bed now and then. The teddy bear protects from the monsters in the closet or under the bed, is always ready to listen, and gives the best hugs.

Most of us don’t depend on our teddy bears anymore. We have developed friends that will help us see through things, and have stopped believing in the monsters that live in our rooms. There are always those times that we need the teddy bear though. When we feel no one in the world could possibly understand what we are feeling. We feel childish holding our teddy bear, crying while squeezing it. But remember how good it felt?

Now, wouldn’t it be nice to have a human teddy bear? Someone who would always be there to listen, to give hugs, be non-judgmental, and give you a feeling of security. This is a theory I pretty much stole from my friend Andy. He wants a human teddy bear. Someone to always be there when you need them. Someone to fall asleep hugging, and to wake up in the morning and talk to. I’ve found quite a few people who feel the same way.

Imagine if everyone in the world had a human teddy bear. How many less suicides would there be? Would world peace be at our hands? Everyone would have a confidant , someone to tell everything to, and know that no matter what they say, they will always be there for them. This kind of love I think could really help some people. For instance, if people had someone to talk to, and they wouldn’t be talking to themselves, they might figure more things out. I know when I was little (and still now) I will talk things out with my teddy bear. Even though he doesn’t talk back, I think better aloud. If Hitler or Stalin had talked some of their ideas out loud, would they have done the things they did?

Remember, teddy bears are good. Human ones are better, but if you can’t have a human, don’t feel embarrassed to go to your cute stuffed animal and cry. Tell all your personal secrets. Don’t worry, teddy bears don’t gossip with each other when you leave the room. And maybe you can be someone’s teddy bear. Just listen, give good hugs, and scare off the monsters under the bed. If you ever need a human teddy bear, I’m always here for you. I’ve made friends with the monsters under the bed, I’ll protect you from them.

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