Matt's Graduation Pictures
This was taken at our pre-graduation dinner out.  Left side, front to back--Grandpa Nagengast, Matt, Mark, Tim (you can't see him, but he's there), and Reid (Grandmother's husband).  Right Side, front to back--Grandma Nagengast, Mom, Me, Grandmother Sherrill (my dad's mom)
This is Matt holding some of the awards he won during the school year.  On the left is his Second place award for Male VocalSolo at the American Association of Christian Schools national Fine Arts Competition.  The one of the right is a First place award for the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools Fine Arts Competition.
These were taken during the actual ceremony.  The one on the left is Matt receiving his diploma, and on the right he is making his graduation speech.  Unfortunately, they didn't come out as well as I had hoped, but I made them as clear as I could with Photo Editor.  :-)
This is Matt with our parents after the ceremony.
This is Matt with our mom's parents.
After the Ceremony
The Ceremony
These are all pictures from my brother's high school graduation.  He graduated from Hidden Treasure Christian School and is planning on attending Bob Jones University in the fall.
Before the Ceremony
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