reverse suckology
Okay.  It's been a little while since I've updated this section of my site, so I'm gonna start you out with a real doozie.  I don't really know for sure if that's how you spell "doozie", but at this point, I'm beyond caring.  As most of you know, I work at a pharmacy as a tecnician.  I deal with a lot of strange people, mainly due to the demographic of that side of town (low income, high crime, people who belong in mental institutions); but nothing could have prepared me for what happened this day.

We were in the middle of a lull--proabaly doing crosswords or swapping stories.  A man comes up to the front counter and says, "Excuse me," or something of the sort.  One of my coworkers went over to assist him.  He continued to describe in detail how he was harrassed by our store sign.  Yes--I'm referring to the twenty-or-so feet high sign that says the name of our store on it.  You know--the one that lights up at night--the one you see from the road so you know what store you're at.  You see what I mean. 

Well, allegedly, this sign dripped a droplet of water on his glasses.  Let me also mention that we had just recovered from a monsoon of rain that lasted aproximatley two weeks.  As I was saying, he went on about how expensive his glasses were and how we needed to get this problem fixed.  He asked to speak to the manager.  He should have conisdered himself very fortunate that
I was not the manager.  I think I would have been forced to laugh until I coughed my larynx onto the floor. 

The events following are somewhat of a mystery to me.  I'm not really sure what the manager said, but the three of us in the pharmacy did brainstorm for a few minutes--trying to decide how this problem could have been resolved.  Perhaps we should have hand-dried the sign after the rain had passed.  Maybe the sign needed a diaper of some sort.  Old age can cause such embarrassing accidents to occur.  If you can't feel the sarcasm yet, let me get my sarcasm hammer and shove it down your throat.

The thought that continually enters my mind is this--what was he doing over by our sign?  There are no parking spaces close to it.  It's in a field of grass far away from anywhere that people ever walk.  Also, I ask myself how someone can have this much time in a day.  The idea of any thought besides "oh, the sign must be wet from rain" entering someones mind is just crazy.  It boggles my mind! Even if the sign was plotting some cruel practical joke against him, we had no part of it!  What did he honestly think that we were going to do to for him?  I don't know.  I've given up trying.  From now on, I'll stick to what I know--cats and prescriptions.
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Special thanks to Rachel for coming up with the name Reverse Suckology.
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