Why I Love Cats
They wake me up in the middle of the night, jump on the table and lick the butter, cost me hundreds of dollars at the vet, and they make me sneeze!  Why do I love cats?!?  I don't know really, but I always have.  There's just something about that sweet little face that I just can't resist.  They're probably the most annoying, moody, manic-depressive animal that there is, but I think that's why I love them so much--they're sooooo much like me!!  I can pour my heart out to my cat, and, for some reason, I feel like he understands.  Something about that deep, far-off gaze he gives me is just so reasuring.  I'm also one of those people that just loooves the soft, fuzzy, cute and cuddly aspect of the whole cat thing.  I mean, kittens...who can resist that??  Anyways, I could babble for pages and pages about how much I love cats, but I thought I'd simplify it for you.  Here's a list of one-liners--all the little things that I love about cats.  Enjoy!
the way they squeeze themselves in the smallest box
when they try to burry their food if they don't like it
how cute they look when they stretch
little kittens meows
how they flip their ears back when they're mad at you
when they unroll the toilet paper all over the house
the "oh, is that food for me?" look
the way they cover their eyes when they're trying to nap
how they always seem to find the cleanest clothes in your room and make a bed out of them
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