Singapore National Front (SNF)
Singapore National Front (SNF) is a Singapore Malay base political party.  It was formed
by a group of Malay professional who feels the needs for another Malay political party to
look  after  the interest of the Malays as guranteed by the  Constitution  of  the  Republic of  Singapore article 152.

The concept of the proposed party shall be to protect, safeguard,  promote and foster the interest of the Malay as enunciated in the Constitution. It shall be the duty of the party to advice  the  government  on  matter  concerning its responsibility  towards  the  Malay as provided by the constitution. The party shall support any organization,  political and non-political that strive to uplift the Malay community.

Article 152 of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore:

The Government shall exercise its function in such manner
as to recognise the special position of the Malays,  who are
the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall
be the reponsibility of  the  Government  to  protect,  safe-guard, support, foster and promote  their  political,  educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and
the Malay language
Home / Objectives / Committee Members / Sept. 11 / 15 terrorist
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President: Ibrahim Ariff (businessman)
Secretary General:  Abdul Karim bin Abdul Sattar (Importers/exporters)
Treasurer: Hj. Salleh Mat (Director)
Central Executive Committee:
Ramli bin Shamsudin (businessman)
Ab. Rahman bin Ismail (busniessman)
  Hj. Yahya bin Japar (businessman)
Milah Hj. Bakri (Designer)
Hjh. Nabesah UK Abdullah (Trader)
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