Speedy's Website


My nickname is Speedy and I have a great talent for building websites. I have competed in the GCC or Great Computer Challenge. I won first place with my friend CJ. Here is CJ's Website.

Here are the websites I have written.


World of Warships Page

World of Tanks Blitz Page

War Thunder Page

Terraria Page (suprise page)

World of Tanks Page

Bloons TD Battles Page

History Page

Terraria Update Page

Coming Soon Page

World War II Page


I have a "blog" for only this page.


October 16, 2015: I am mad at geocities.ws for suspending my first website that was really good. I am asking why my webpage was suspended. I think it was because I refreshed the page too many times. I don't want to get this one banned so I am going to not put a web counter for page views. I am only going to put up a web counter for unique people.

October 19, 2015: I was wrong! I didn't get banned for refreshing the page. I was banned for not giving credit for the images I put. I am not going to put images form the internet on my pages. I will only use images from my laptop.

October 20, 2015: I will not be working on my websie tomorrow because of a school feild trip. I hope that you like my pages an wait for more entries in the comming months. See you.

October 20, 2015 (2): I am going to put up a page that is raw HTML code. It is not the best. The release date is TBD. I hope that you like my website and to keep supporting me. I will also be putting out a surprise page so keep looking for it.

October 22, 2015: I am back from this great field trip. It was mainly about team building. I still had fun. I plan to put up the surprise page on December 1, 2015. It will be out and open but it won't be linked. I only do entries on the school days (Monday - Friday). Keep waiting on more pages to come and more entries to come. Have a great day.

October 26, 2015: I just put up the surprise page and cannot wait for Halloween because I am going o scare people because I am a bush (a decendant of a hidden ninja assasin (not really) from a movie called 1941). I am going to have a special World of Tanks PC page release on October 31, 2015. I can't wait to show you the new page.

October 27, 2015: I can't wait to get Destiny for the Xbox 360 because that is the only Xbox version I have. I am going to ask for a Xbox One and then play with all my friends. I will be able to do raids and be able to get all the good weapons like I did in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. I got the Speakeasy and the Obsidian Steed by level 9. Yes, level 9. Have fun looking at my websites.

October 29, 2015: I am sorry that I couldn't put up an entry. I was very busy and wanted to get one up, but had other things to do. I am tankful to be playing in my school band for the Halloween parade that we have annually. I am going to be playing the percussion instrament of the quad drums. It is a drum that has 4 drums and has special mallets that are for only the Quads. I can't wait to play. I hope that you like my website and all my pages.

November 6, 2015: I have been very busy. I wish I could put up some entries and I wish I could do more. I have a camping trip this weekend and I am very busy with all the things in life. Keep waiting for more entries and pages to come.

November 12, 2015: I have been very lazy over the past week. I have been working hard on this new game I got called Geometry Dash. I have completed levels 1 and 2 and I have almost completed level 3. I also got a new game called Tanktastic. Yes, I got another tank game. You start out with the M26 Pershing. I hope to get the T-54. I can't wait to update you with the things to come.

November 19, 2015: I have been uploading some pages to look at and hope you like them. I think I might be able ot get a Youtube channel. I hope that you like the pages I have and the pages to come.

November 24, 2015: Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope that you are going somewhere where you spend time with family. Drive safely and have a good Thanksgiving.

December 10, 2015: I took down the raw HTML page because of personal reasons. I hope that you will not be mean to me. Thanks for the support.

December 11, 2015: I can't put up any pages because I am doing a website and floor plan for my high school application. I wild not be uploading/working on pages for the next month or two. I hope you don't mind I will be coming out with 2 new pages that will help you and me.

December 14, 2015: I have a new page out, go see it.

December 17, 2015: I found out Friday I am not allowed to work on this page. I will only work when I have a Geometry/Science test. Sorry.

January 8, 2016: I am getting back to you and hope you had a good Christmas and New Year. I just wanted to check in so that you don't think I never edit. Hope you have fun in this new year.

January 15, 2016: I am going to be going for Winter Camp over the weekend and will have many things on my plat ein schoo, for a long time. Sorry for the inconveneince. See you later.