Sample Essay Suggestions

Prompt  |  Outline Sentence Starters

Write a one to two page essay in which you state which candidate you would vote for, and why he would win your vote.

Step 1: Choose your candidate.
Step 2:  Choose at least three reasons that this candidate is your choice.
Step 3: Make sure you have written down the URL (and quote) of the site that gave you the information.

Step 4:  Create a graphic organizer or outline of your essay.
        ------>  Look at the samples to get ideas!

Paragraph 1
  •  State for whom you would vote.
  • Briefly state the main reasons. 
Paragraph 2 Explore your first reason.
  • State the reason.
  • Explain what the reason is
  • Give an example or quote from your research that proves that the candidate possesses the idea or trait.
  • Explain how this would help the U.S. citizens.
Paragraph 3 Explore the second reason.
  • State the reason.
  • Explain what the reason is
  • Give an example or quote from your research that proves that the candidate possesses the idea or trait.
  • Explain how this would help the U.S. citizens.
Paragraph 4 Explore the third reason.
  • State the reason.
  • Explain what the reason is
  • Give an example or quote from your research that proves that the candidate possesses the idea or trait.
  • Explain how this would help the U.S. citizens.
Paragraph 5 Conclusion.
Restate your voting preference and reasons. 
(Option:  state how you think the U.S. would be better if Mr. X were president)

  Need more suggestions??  Try these sentence starters!

Sample Hook  || Introductory statements  ||  Sample paragraph

Sample "Hook" The election of 2000 is the closest election in history. One that makes clear to us that every single vote really does "count."

Introductory Statement

If I were old enough to vote, I would vote for _____________________ because I agree with his position on the issues of _______________________,  _________________________, and _________________________.

I would cast my very important vote for...
________________ would win my vote because...

Because of his stand on _______________, _______________, and the fact that he is an intellegent person, I would vote for...

    (You could talk about personal history issues here too)

Sample Paragraph

  1. Introduce the reason.
  2. Explain what the reason is.
  3. Exlain how and why it is important.
  4. Give an example that proves that Mr. X has exhibits that reason.
  5. Include the source!  Where did you get the information?  You can use the author, title of article, or title of the web site.
  6. Remind the reader why the reason is important.
  7. Restate that the candidate has the quality you described.

I believe that it is important that a president is very smart. He will have to make tough decisions, negotiate with other leaders, and help people whenever he can. According to Reginald Payne of Time Magazine, Mr. X attended University of California at Berkeley, where he earned an "A" grade average, and graduated at the top of his class.  He has written three books about economic systems (What Can Your Money do for You?The U.S. Economy:  A Study in Roller Coasters, and Economy for Dummies A person who is intellegent will be able to make decisions about our money.I think Mr. X is definitely smart enough to handle making decisions.

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