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 Unit 02 Working in the IT Industry

You work as a junior consultant for Wandsworth recruitment agency and your manager has delegated you to go to the South Thames College to brief the final year IT students on the characteristics that are valued by employers in the IT industry. This is to get them thinking as well as preparing them for the job market when they leave the college.
As a junior consultant with this organisation you have been delegated to prepare a poster which will be displayed in students’ classrooms, a brochure for students to take with them and an aid to your presentation:
With the use of appropriate software create a Poster with brief description on those characteristics that are valued by employers in the IT industry.
These characteristics should come under the following headings listing 3 for each of them:

  • Industry specific characteristics: e.g technical knowledge, working procedures, health and safety knowledge
  • General Characteristics: e.g interpersonal skills, planning skills, organisational skills, time management, team working, numerical skills, creativity and problem solving.
  • Attitude characteristics: e.g determined, independent, integrity, tolerant, dependable, leadership and confidence.

Create a Poster that displays the common job roles in the IT industry.
You should select at least 2 from each of the following headings stating their duties.

  • General IT –roles e.g Solutions architecture, network management, information security, technical writers, data administrators, IT service management and delivery
  • Hardware Specific- e.g manufacturing, repair, supply, installation, networks
  • Software Specific – eg applications programmers, systems programmers, website developer, communications programmers
  • Investigate & Design – e.g analysts, designers, project managers


Create a Poster explaining the characteristics required for a specific job role in the IT industry.  The poster must include at least 5 characteristics from P1 and a job role from P2.