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Unit 16 - Database Systems  


Tailcoats.jpgThe Extra Activities Team at South Thames College is looking at ways to raise money for local charities.  One idea is to hold a dance where each track of the ‘play list’ is sponsored by students. 
cd list.gifThe DJ the Team are thinking about using has a roller index file with details of her CDs on, and uses a MP3 player.  She thinks she can produce a text file from this with details of all the music she listens to.
They are asking STC IT students to design a system that could:

  1. List all of the music tracks available
  2. Let students reduce this list of tracks to one that matches their choice of music
  3. Let students produce a report of tracks that they would like to sponsor and how much they wish to donate per track
  4. Let the Extra Activities Team edit and add to the tracks list

Task 1 - Why Use a Database? (P1, M1, D2) 

  1. The Team want to store its information more efficiently. It has asked you for a short presentation that explains the principles of database systems
  2. Describe 3 examples of computerised databases.
  3. Describe the features of the computerised database system. Objects e.g. (queries, forms, reports, tables) data types; size estimation
  4. You must identify and describe at least two advantages and two    

Disadvantages of using a computerised databases. (P1)

  1. The Team is also concerned about ‘data integrity’ but are not sure what this is or why it is important.  They have asked you to add to your ‘Why use a database’ presentation so that it covers:
    1. What is data integrity?

Using examples explain the importance of maintaining data integrity in this database system.  Show how data integrity is maintained in the music database. Consider Data accuracy, consistency and validation.(M1)

  1. The Team are used to facts and figures being produced for them in a report format and would like to know if this would be possible from a database.
    1. Describe the benefits of producing Reports in Access
    2. explain how using these reports would be helpful for the dance (D2)

Must include roles of tables, queries, wizard, layout, adding, editing special fields eg date/time