Disclaimer:  No copyright infringement is intended or implied, all characters belong to Marvel Comics Group and its affiliates.  The only characters that are mine are the two forerunners, feline0071 aka Sheba and feline00109 aka Goliath and Dr. Drew O’Malley.


Feral Bond Mates


Pairing:  Jessie/Brennan


Feedback:  Always Appreciated!


Email.  [email protected]


Archive: Ok just tell me. 




Enjoy the fiction just please sign the guest book!



Brennan and Shalimar were sparring in the dojo.  He had just completed a roundhouse kick, which the feral mutant had easily avoided.  She was leading into his solar plexus with a flat handed blow.  He couldn't avoid the impact.


"Shalimar, Brennan."  The voice of Adam their leader interrupted over their COM links.


Shalimar stopped her forward momentum barely half an inch from Brennan's body.


"Yes Adam?"


"I need to speak with you and Brennan, please join me in the conference room."


"We're on our way."  Brennan answered.  The only reply was a faint click as the channel was closed.


"What do you think Adam wants?"


"I don't know; let's get to the briefing room.  You can thank him later for saving your butt, Sparky."


"You've been hanging out too much with you're two new feral buddies."


"I don't know, I think it suits you.  Now come on, Adam's waiting."


Brennan followed the blonde woman through the now familiar halls of the Sanctuary.  He still found it difficult to believe that he had finally found a home, a place where he belonged.  More importantly he finally had a family that supported him and needed his support.


As the couple entered the conference room Brennan's mind focused.  Adam and Emma were both waiting at the large table.


"Shalimar, Brennan please take a seat.  We've discovered a situation."


The blonde woman gracefully folder her long lean body into a seat.  Brennan took his regular position, next to where Jessie always sat.


"So what's old Blondie up to now?"


"As we all know when I left Genomex the invitro program came to a halt.  However, it's come to our attention that Mason has been able to find a brilliant new geneticist. "


Adam pressed a button and a nearby screen showed a photo of a man, he was relatively young, wearing a white lab coat, had fair skin and blue eyes framed by metallic blue Ben Franklin eye glasses.   His head was shaved and bore a rosebud tattoo on the right side. 


"This is Doctor Andrew S. O’Malley.  He graduated from college at the age of 13.  From there he began his studies in genetics, securing a doctorate in just under 2 years.  This is Genomex's replacement for me.  From the intel we've gathered both by conventional means and what Emma has been able to glean by way of her gifts, Dr. O’Malley is in the process of reopening the invitro program.  I'm sure you all know what that means."


"More new mutants.  And this time I'll just bet that they have a fool-proof method of tracking every one of the children of Genomex."


"That's right, Brennan.  More new mutants.  Emma please fill in Shalimar and Bren about the tracking."


"From what I've been able to gather, the program will require that all families will have to allow a new type of microchip to be implanted into the fetuses.  Basically it's a 3rd generation GPS unit.  However if it's tampered with it releases a neurotoxin into the bloodstream, killing the host within nanoseconds."


"My God!  If this goes on, the next generation of mutants will lead Genomex right to our door and the underground!"


"Exactly, we have to get the specifications for this new technology so we will be able to counter it when it becomes necessary.  Also there is another target.  The DNA strand that produces the feral feline mutants was lost long before I defected.  It is my belief that the production this particular strain of mutation must be prevented."


"What's the plan?"


"In addition to procuring all of Dr. O’Malley’s notes and possibly a sample device, there are two feline's that have been cloned from the bodies of the two that were used in the original formula that produced the Feral Strain.  These two cats are special in that they were bioengineered already and have telepathic abilities as well as superior strength, agility and regenerative powers."


"Alright, so we get in, steal the notes, a microchip, and two cats.  Anything else?"


"Just this Shalimar, you are only to fly Brennan to rendezvous with Jessie.  He's waiting outside the Genomex compound.  He'll contact you once you're over the area with a landing sight.  It is imperative that you do not go inside the compound."




"These cats are attuned to you and all feline Ferals.  Until we are certain how they will react to you we can not risk the mission or our people."


"I understand, Adam.  Sparky looks like it's just you and Jessie."


"Where are they keeping the cats?"


"The cats that these were cloned from where tagged with a low level radiogenic marker; I’ll download the frequency into the Double Helix’s onboard computer.  You should be able to get a fix on the felines before you join Jesse.”


“Alright, we’re outta here.  Let’s go Sparky.”




“Shalimar, I’m not getting a reading on the cats.  Unless we move in closer to Genomex I don’t believe I’ll be able to boost the gain on the scanner.”


“No can do, Adam’s orders were specific, besides they’ll pick us up if we get any closer.”


Jesse chose that moment to make contact. 


“I can see you, there’s a small clearing just ahead of you.”


“I see the clearing; it should be just big enough to handle the Helix.”


“We have a visual; we’re preparing to set down.”


“Understood, see you on the ground.”


Jesse closed the contact. 



“Ok Sparky, I’m going to make this quick.  You be ready to jump ship.”


“Ready to go,” The door cycled open he turned and got a barb in, “Pussycat.”


The blonde woman bared her teeth in a grimace and lifted back off as the door closed after him.


“I’ll have to hurt him when we get back to the dojo.”




Jesse watched as the Double Helix took off.  He saw Brennan scrambling for the cover of the tree line.  He moved off in that direction to join with his comrade.  Brennan met him about half way.


“Jesse, we couldn’t locate the felines, there wasn’t a blip on the scanner.”


“I thought that might be the case.  Eckhart probably either changed the frequency or removed the marker.  I’ve been doing a little recon while I was waiting.  They’re in the lab directly beneath O’Malley’s.  You snatch the notes and the chip; I’ll phase through the floor and get the cats.”


“Are you sure you can handle both of them?”


“I think I can manage a couple of tabbies.”


The two men sat off through the woods toward the ominous building in the distance.  Several times along the way Brennan had the feeling that they were being watched.  During one of their brief rest stops he confided his feelings to his blond companion.


"Jess, have you ever felt like you're being watched?"


"Sometimes, why?"


"It's strange but I have that feeling, I've had it since we met back in the clearing."


"Well, there's no one but us around, and there's no electronic surveillance gear around that I've spotted."


"I know, the whole idea seems crazy, but I still have the feeling."


"Perhaps we should call in.  Tell the others in case there's a problem."


"No, we can't Eckhart could be monitoring our frequencies.  Let's just get in, get the job done and get out."


"That sounds like a plan to me.  Let's get going."




Deep inside the Genomex complex, in a hidden lab a shadowy figure leans closer to a computer monitor.


The image on the screen is a wooded area; there framed in the center of the screen is a blond and a brunette, both men.  They're sitting evidently resting; the brunette was talking, looking up and around.


*Please hurry! I have to get out of here.  I just hope that you'll agree to help me.*


The long lean hands flew over the keyboard, severing the connection with the spy satellite.


As the screen returned to the regular operating interface there was a call over the intercom.


"All department heads to my office immediately."  Eckhart's voice boomed throughout the complex.


*I wonder what the little freak wants now.* the figure thought to himself as he cautiously emerged from the lab into a dimly lighted corridor.



Jesse and Brennan were crouched low behind a concealing boulder outside of the fence that surrounded the Genomex complex. 


"Here's the plan I'll phase in and disable the electrified fence.  You wait until I signal and climb over."


"I’ve got a better idea, you phase in and I'll climb the damn thing with the juice on, at worst I'll get my batteries recharged, and that way there's no chance anyone will notice the power off."


"You sure you can handle it?"


Brennan didn't dignify the question with an answer he bolted for the fence and started climbing. 


There were no explosions of sparks, and Brennan looked none the worse for the effort as he pulled his muscular frame into a straight line above the fence, then with a pivot he  release the top rail and landed on the ground on his feet.  He then ducked behind a transformer box.


Jesse shook his head, appreciating the style that his friend always seemed to work with.  He took a deep breath then phased his mass and stepped through the fence.


He joined Bren behind the transformer and noticed that his friend's hair was standing on end.


"A bit more juice than you expected?"


"Yeah, I pity anyone that gets in my way for the next couple of bolts."


"Remember, Bren we're not here to fry anybody just get those items."


"I know, I'll be careful now lead the way."


Jesse took point and slowly as to avoid the guards, the two men made their way to a side door to the complex.  Jesse phased his body and put only his head through the door to make sure the coast was clear, the next moment he stepped completely through and Brennan heard the lock’s mechanism turning.  The door opened and he quickly stepped through.


The two comrades started down the long corridor moving quickly, yet silently.  Brennan pressed his body against a wall at a crossway, peeking around the corner; it was clear he signaled Jesse to go then followed.  They followed the directions that Adam had provided, straight through the first crossway, a left, another left, and then turned right.


The two men came to a stairway; they entered it and began to descend into the bowels of the complex.  Their progress was slow.  Otherwise their shoes would make reverberating noises on the bare concrete steps.


Finally they reached the sub-basement.  From there they proceeded to the first target, O’Malley’s lab.  It was a quick walk from the staircase.  Outside the door Brennan amped up his power and blew the lock.  The men entered the lab quickly, closing the door behind them.


The two men turned and were shocked to see O’Malley sitting at the desk, beside him was a metal brief case, and a couple of large felines sitting to his left.


“Thank the goddess you’re here.  I have the notes and the microchip and as you can see Sheba and Goliath are ready to jet and so am I.”


“Whoa, how do you know what we’re doing here?”  Jesse asked.


“I leaked the information to Proxy Blue.  I knew that Adam would get it and send in a team.”


“Why should we trust you?”


“You have little choice; with one finger I could summon security.”


“Threats do not impress us, besides are you faster then 50,000 volts?”


“Standoff.  Alright, I’ll show you how you can trust me.”


O’Malley wiggled out of his lab coat and pulled his shirt over his head.  There about his right shoulder blade was a sub-dermal governor. He was a New Mutant.


“I was taken from my home against my will, forced to work to restart the invitro program.  I do not want to be put into stasis, and you know as well as I that as soon as I am no longer needed that is exactly where I’ll be put.”


“Eckhart has had New Mutants on the payroll before, which still doesn’t mean that we can trust you.  He could have convinced you to infiltrate the underground and lead him to every single person we’ve help escape.”


There was a feline laugh in Jesse’s head.  Along with the sentiment of humor came a feeling of reassurance.


 *Our impulsive friend is trustworthy, if not very worldly.  We told him that you would be skeptical of him, perhaps even afraid that he would be a plant.  I assure you he is not, he’s book smarts, yet lacks the common sense of a double agent.  He would be dead within moments.*


Jesse looked at Brennan with a puzzled look.


“I heard it too.  Was that Goliath or Sheba?”


*That was Sheba, I am Goliath.* The big cat that resembled a tiger with gold and orange stripes bowed his noble head.  *If Sheba’s word is not enough we can allow you to see within Dr. O’Malley’s mind, you will be able to see that he speaks the truth.  He fears for not only himself but us as well.*


“Goliath, that won’t be necessary.  We’ll sort it all out at Sanctuary.  Adam will be glad to have the notes and a model of the microchip technology.”


*You probably will want to disable the sub-dermal, it is stopping Drew from being able to use his abilities and you may need his help to get out of here.*


“Just what is your ability before I disable this thing?”  Brennan asked


“I’m an elemental, I can generate and control fire, and I also can fly.”


Brennan amped his power up and gave the governor a quick zap.  It shorted and died.


“Thank you; now let’s get out of here.  I’m sorry I’m Drew O’Malley and you are?”


“I’m Brennan, and this is Jesse, we’ll chat more later.  Right now we need to get out of here.”


“Follow me.”


O’Malley moved to the back of his lab and removed three volumes from a shelf, behind it was a touchpad, he placed his hand on it and there was a quick flash of light.  A door opened in the wall.  He led the group consisting of the two men and the big cats inside.


“I found this after I setup my lab; it’s a hidden elevator, probably used originally to get the big equipment down here.  Over the years it was lost I guess.”


He keyed in a code and the door opened. 


“This leads to a ground level door from there we’ll probably have to fight our way out of the complex if we can get to the fence I can burn through it.”


*Not necessary my friend, these men obviously were able to get through, we can jump it and you of course can just fly over.  As for fighting I don’t believe that will be necessary, I can not smell anyone on the other side of the door.*


“There are guards patrolling the grounds, they’re bound to notice us.”


“Maybe not, Drew.  Eckhart seems to suffer from the sin of pride.  We’ll just-“


Jesse was interrupted as the elevator stopped.  He quickly phased and checked the outside.  He motioned for the others to follow.  O’Malley triggered the door and the group quietly exited the car. Jesse had moved down the hall and was looking around a corner.


Brennan caught up with him and saw that the door was just at the end of the short corridor.  Through the glass he could see the exact area of the fence that they had come over to get inside the complex.


“Come on, let’s move.  Drew you fly?  How fast?”


“I’ve never been clocked but I can move.”


“When we get out you jet over to the fence stay as low as possible.  We’ll follow you wait for us; it’ll be better if we all go over together.  We may get out of here without being seen.  Goliath, Sheba are you two ready?”




*I was born ready, let’s get the hell out of here.*


Jesse stepped through the door and scouted their path, he signaled Brennan who opened the door and the group moved out.  Drew took to the air and keeping his body below 5 feet landed a moment later at the fence.  He stepped behind the giant transformer, out of sight. 


The cats loped alongside the two men, they reached the fence.


“Drew, get over fly to tree line, stay out of sight until we join you.”


O’Malley nodded and did as instructed.  Moments later they saw him land and scurry into the forest.


“Now you two, go where we saw Drew enter the forest and wait for us.  We’ll be right behind you.”


The two big cats nodded their heads and bounded over the fence, they took off at a feline run to the trees.


Brennan motioned for Jesse to follow.  The blond man phased through the fence then turned and watched Brennan as he climbed.  Brennan reached the top and began to lower himself down.  There was a bang.  Brennan fell to the ground.  He’d been shot in the chest.


“Oh, shit!”  Jesse maxed and knelt to check his friend, he was alive.  He could be moved by the look of the entry wound.


The next thing that Jesse knew there was another pair of hands helping him with Brennan.  It was Drew he had returned.  He paused a moment to blast the gun that was in the hands of the guard.


“Here I can carry him. I’ll fly with him to the woods.  Is there a vehicle waiting?”


“I’ll call for a ride, there’s a clearing ahead it’s closer than our first landing sight I’ll have the Double Helix meet us there you get him there now.  Take the cats with you.  I’ll follow.”


Drew nodded and took off carrying Brennan away.  Jesse ran as fast as his feet could carry him.  He opened his COM link to the Double Helix.


“Shalimar, we need emergency extraction.  Brennan’s been shot.  He’s with O’Malley they’ll be at the first clearing from the complex.”


“Help’s on the way. Helix out.”


Jesse was running for all he was worth and knew that it would take at least another 15 minutes for him to get to the landing zone.  Suddenly, he felt the ground fall away from his feet.


“Hang on buddy, Brennan’s there in the plane with the cats and Shalimar.  We’ll be there in a minute.”


Drew had come back for him and was hauling him through the air towards the waiting airship.  Within a few minutes they saw the Double Helix in the distance.  A moment later Jesse felt the ground again under his feet and he scrambled onboard the craft.


“How is he?”


*He lives, but is still unconscious.  Humans and their guns!*


“I agree ‘Sheba, get ready we’re taking off.  The quicker we get him to Adam the better off he’ll be.”


The blonde woman keyed in the sequence and the sleek ship rose and darted away, back to their home, their Sanctuary.


“Let me take a look at the wound.”  Drew said as he moved over Brennan and ripped the shirt away.


“Not good.  It looks like a ventricle has been penetrated.  Shalimar he’s going to need surgery.”


“Adam has an operating room and is a trained surgeon.  We’ll be docking in 7 minutes.”


“How fast is this thing?”


“Right now I’ve got it going about Mach 3.”


“Goliath, Sheba can you help?”  Drew asked the felines.


*Yes, we’ll help stabilize him.  Join your mind with mine my love.  Jesse I feel that you have some talent as well may I tap your psychic abilities?*


“If it will help Bren yes.”


The cats moved to each side of the downed man and told Jesse to move to Brennan’s head.  Jesse focused on the closed eyes and felt the mental touch of the cats in his mind.  He willed all his energy to helping to ebb the flow of blood from the damaged heart.  Together the trio coaxed the blood to flow through the heart as though there were no wound.  Minutes ticked by, they continued their mental ministrations.  Finally Jesse heard the hatch cycle open, Adam and Emma moved in with a gurney. 


“Adam, they’re psychically bolstering him.”  Shalimar warned.


“I understand we need to move him.”


*Go ahead move him we will keep up yet out of the way.*


Adam and Drew gently lifted the unconscious man and placed him on the gurney.  They moved out of the craft and began to race through the corridors until they passed through a set of double doors.

*Go scrub for surgery!  We can maintain him, his body cannot deal with infection on top of this intrusion.*


Adam moved out of the operating room, Drew moved to join him.


“May I assist; I am fully trained as a cardiac surgeon.”


“Thank you, this way.”


*Jesse, you may want to take this time to tell him how you feel.  In case there are complications.*


*Sheba, there will be no complications, we will see to that.  There is much we can do to aid in his recovery.  However Jesse, knowing that he has you waiting may give him something to fight for.*


*Will he know, I mean will he understand?*


*Understand what Jesse?*


*Bren, you can hear me?*


*Yes, I hurt but I’m here.*


*Bren you have to fight to hold on.  Please don’t leave me.*


*I didn’t know you cared.*


*Bren, I love you please stay with me!*


*I love you too.  I’ll try.*


There was not shock, no denial.  Nothing that Jesse had feared for so long, there was only warmth from his beloved.  Jesse redoubled his efforts, putting all his love into the mental shaft of power that he allowed the cats to direct to aid his wounded Brennan.


*Did you feel that?  He’s fighting harder, Oh my but he’s a strong one.*


*Jesse you’ve helped him, he knows he’s someone waiting for him.*


Adam and Drew reentered the room.  They were wearing surgical scrubs.  Adam activated the sterile field and Drew began to prep Bren for the surgery.


“Drew you know about anesthetics?”  Adam asked.




“Good you administer the anesthesia and I’ll handle the cardiac surgery.  Emma’s coming, she’ll handle the implements.  Now let’s get started.  Start the drip.”


*Adam we will stay to aid him.  However Jesse needs rest.  His abilities are robust and he will be needed later to aid with the regeneration, and our little cousin Shalimar and Emma will also been needed.*


“Thank you Goliath, Jesse go get some rest.”


*I can’t leave him!*

*Jesse, I’ll be fine, you go.  I’ll be here waiting.*


Jesse felt the link severed, He then realized just how exhausted he was.  He sank to his knees; Shalimar grabbed him before he could hit the floor and led him out.


“Just get me somewhere close I can sleep.”


“Your room is…”


“No!  Close to Bren, please Shalimar.”


“Alright there’s room over here with a sofa.  It won’t be very comfortable.”


“I don’t care, I just need to sleep.”


She led him to the room and helped him get settled.  Before she had turned off the lights he had fallen into a deep sleep.





“Jesse…Jesse, can you hear me?”  A familiar voice was calling his name.


“Yes, where are you?”


Jesse found himself standing in an open field of wildflowers.  The field continued off into the horizon as far as the eye could see.  A gentle breeze set the flowers rocking on their long tender stems.


“We are here, with you.”


Jesse felt a hand on his shoulder.  He jumped at the contact, startled.


“Who are you?”


“I am Sheba; we have taken human form in this dream to help put you at ease.”


“Jesse, there are some things that need to be decided.  Things that concern Brennan.”


“What things, is he alright?”


“Adam and Drew are operating on him.  They have him on a heart machine right now.  It has taken over much of the work that we were doing.  We are helping to strengthen his spirit and reassuring him.  His body has been badly damaged.”


“Will I loose him?”  Tears sprang unbidden to those blue eyes.


“His will to live is strong, stronger since you have told him of your feelings.  However I sense that you have been hurt deeply before.”


“Yes, I have been.”


“Your fear kept you from telling him sooner?”


“I was scared that I would get hurt.  I was afraid that he wouldn’t have understood; much less feel the same way.  I swore before that I’d never be hurt like that again.”


“You’ve built walls around your heart.  Jesse I can feel them, they hide you from the world.  You feel that they keep you safe, but really they keep you prisoner.  They have kept you from a deeper friendship with Shalimar, with bonding with Emma, only Adam has managed to penetrate those walls.”


“Adam and Brennan, somehow he walked straight through them, and I’m the one who can phase his mass.  I’m scared Sheba, what if he…”  Jesse couldn’t finish the thought.


“Do I have to zap you?”




“I’m here, thanks to our new friends.”


Jesse turned around to stare into those deep brown eyes.  He felt Brennan’s arms encircle him, pulling him close.  He molded his body against the bigger man’s reveling in the feeling of closeness. 


Brennan lifted Jesse’s chin with a finger. Jesse lost himself in those eyes.  Brennan moved in closer and captured his lips in a tender kiss.  Jesse’s lips parted issuing an invitation, which was accepted.  Brennan’s tongue tenderly entered his mouth, sampling the delights therein.  They reluctantly ended the kiss.


“I love you Jesse.  Please don’t shut me out.”


“I won’t I swear.  I love you too.”


“We hate to interrupt, however it is necessary that Brennan return.  The surgery is almost over.  His consciousness must be returned before they disconnect the life support.”


“Life support, why are you on life support?”


“It’s standard with cardiac surgery, baby.  You’ll be there with me when I wake up?”


“Of course, you get better quick.  I have so much in store for you.”


“I can’t wait.”  Brennan faded from view as his final words echoed in Jesse’s ears.


“Goliath what can I do to help?”

“Rest, your mental strength will be needed soon.”


“But I promised to be there when he wakes up.”


“We’ll wake you just before he does.  Now we have to leave as well.  We have work to do, Sheba contact Shalimar we’ll link with her first.”


Jesse was engulfed in oblivion. 




“Jesse! You’re needed wake up!”  The thought rang through his mind, bringing him to consciousness.


Jesse sat up on the sofa, his back ached.  He rubbed sleep from his eyes and rose to his feet.  He quickly walked to the recovery room.  Jesse paused outside to allow the ultraviolet curtain to disinfect him.  When the process was complete he stepped into the room.


There was Bren, he was still under from the heavy sedation.  At each side sat the big cats, like guardians of an ancient Egyptian prince.  Shalimar was standing at the head of the bed, she swayed with fatigue.


*Jesse, take the apex of the pyramid now, before she collapses!*


Jesse stepped up to his friend and ‘felt’ the mental linkage pass to him.  Shalimar clutched his shoulder, looking him in the eye.


“I’ve got to sleep.  When I’m needed again send for me.”


She slowly made her way out of the room.  Jesse cast a look to the Sheba, questioning.


“What do I need to do?”


*Lend us your strength; we are healing the heart and the surgical intrusion.  We’re the guide, you have the grunt.*


“What about you?  Surely you’re strength must be gone by now.”


*Our little cousin, Shalimar allowed us to tap her physical strength.  We’ll be fine until this is done.  There, the heart is whole once more.  Now we must concentrate on that incision.*


*Don’t forget the ribcage.  There are several cracks in the bones, from the spreaders.*


*Working on it now. Your help would speed this matter.*

*I am helping, I’m near the sternum fourth rib down.*


Jesse listened to the two bantering; they seemed to enjoy badgering each other.  Yet deep down he felt the love that the two felines had for each other.  There was something else, a niggling at the edges of his consciousness.


*Ah, you’ve stumbled on my little secrets.  Shush, don’t say anything out loud.  I’m speaking to you privately just let your thoughts drift in your mind to me.*


*You’re pregnant?  Goliath?*


*Of course, silly.  He knows but your friends don’t.  Adam is standing next to Goliath.  He’s scanning Brennan with some machine.  (Feline laughter)  He doesn’t know what to make of the condition of our friend here.  Focus on him Jesse, we have this situation well in hand.*


Jesse opened his eyes and saw Adam.  The quizzical look was out of place on his features.


“Adam, how is he?”


“His heart is completely healed, if I didn’t know that he had been shot I wouldn’t believe it.  I can find no wound, not even scar tissue.  His suffered cracked ribs when we had to use the bone spreaders.  Those are gone as well.”


“Our new friends, they’re taking care of all that.”


“Incredible!  Their progenitors never showed such healing powers.  They keep this up and he’ll be completely healed soon.”


*That’s the idea!  We take care of our bond mates!*


“Bond mates?  What is this?”


*Drew genetically enhanced our mental powers.  What he didn’t count on was that we would require a human mental bonding.  Without it, outside a laboratory we would revert to a feral state.  Drew for all his goodness was not bonded to another.  Therefore we had to wait until a pair who had the emotional ties necessary came to us.  Needless to say in that awful place there was no love.*


“You mean that Jesse and Brennan are the pair that you’ve bonded to?”


*Yes, if they will have us.  We would not take away anyone’s free will to choose.  That is granted by the Great Creator.*


“Goliath, what does this bonding do?”  Jesse asked.


*Your relationship with Brennan will take on a deeper aspect.  You will through us share each other’s thoughts.  We will help guide both of you through your lives as well.  Helping you to maintain your balance.*


*Making sure that you listen to your heart as well as your intellect.*


*Ah, there the healing is complete.  I’m sure your instrument will verify his condition.  We’ll allow him to awaken now.  I apologize but it was better that he rest and be completely relaxed.  Otherwise the healing might have been obstructed.*


As if on cue, Brennan’s eyes fluttered.  Jesse reached out and took the beefy hand in his.  He brought it to his lips and dropped a kiss on the calloused knuckles.


He cautiously cast his mind out. 


*Are you awake Bren?*



*Jesse?  You’re in my head!  What’s going on?*


*Easy love, don’t get worked up.  What do you remember?*


*Getting shot escaping Genomex.  Then you and me in a field, I hugged you and we kissed.  You told me you loved me.*


*I do love you Brennan.*


*I love you too.  Are we dead?*


Jesse laughed out loud.


“No Bren, we’re not dead.  We’re very much alive.”


Brennan sat up in bed.


“Whoa! What’s will all the hardware?”  He asked gesturing to the tubes and monitors.


“Adam and Drew O’Malley had to repair your heart.”


“How long have I been in recovery?  I don’t feel any pain.”


“You can thank Sheba and Goliath for that Brennan.  It seems that they have bonded to you and Jesse, and they take care of their bond mates.”


“Bond mate?”  Brennan asked.


Sheba jumped onto the bed with feline grace and settled her noble head on his shoulder.  She purred loudly, rubbing her head against his ruggedly handsome face.


*Will you accept us as bond mates? The choice is yours.*


Brennan’s hand found the head and scratched behind those sensitive ears.


“You and Goliath saved my life and brought me and Jesse together.  How could I say no to such good friends?”


Goliath moved over to Jesse and butted his head against the young man’s thigh.


*Will you accept me as your bond mate, Jesse?*


Jesse knelt and patted Goliath, setting the big cat’s motor to running loudly.


“Of course I accept you.  After all it’s not everyday that one gets the chance to make a special friend like you.”


“Adam how long before I can leave the infirmary?”


“Just hold on a minute, let me take a look, you need to lie back.  Sheba, if you’ll please let me do this I promise Brennan can resume his homage to you in a minute.”


The black cat jumped to the floor, landing lightly on her feet.


Adam moved to the control panel for the medical scanner and initiated the diagnostic scan.  The procedure only took a few moments.  Adam looked at the readout and shook his head incredulously. 


“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I would never have believed it.  There is no sign of intrusion either by the bullet or the surgery.  However, I see that you need to eat.  You metabolism has been amped up.  I’ll remove the IV and the monitors.  You go straight to the kitchen and enjoy a good meal.”


“Great, I’m starving.”  Brennan said giving Jesse a sexy look.


*Starving for a lot more than food.*


Jesse felt a blush rise in his cheeks.


“Brennan, I see no reason to limit your ah, physical activities.  Just take it easy.  Any discomfort or dizziness you are to contact me.”


“Sure, we’ll do.”


“There all gone.  Now go gorge.”


“Come on Brennan, I’ll make my famous western omelets.”


*What about us?*


*We’re hungry too!*


“Ok, I’ll tell you what.  The omelets can wait until later, how about steaks all around?”


The answer was given by two cats loudly purring as they pounced on Brennan and began rubbing him all over.


“Alright guys, it’s settled steaks for four.  Now can I get up so we can go eat?”


The big cats jumped down and moved to the door, they sat down patiently waiting.


Jesse moved over to the closet and began to pull out Brennan’s clothes.  The shirt was in tatters; however Shalimar or Emma had evidently brought another outfit for him.


“Oh well so much for my cashmere sweater.”  Brennan said as he noticed the ruined garment. 


Adam had gone so he stripped out of the gown.  Jesse turned and saw Bren standing there in all his glory.  He looked his soul’s mate up and down, drinking in the sight.


“Do you like what you see, baby?”


“Oh yeah!”  Jesse said with a sexy smile.  “Here get dressed then we eat.”


*And then I’m gonna eat you.*


*Promises, promises.*


 “I don’t make promises that I’m not prepared to keep baby.”


“I’ll hold you to it.  Here are your clothes.”


Brennan sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on the tight jeans.  They hugged his body in all the right places.  A few minutes later he was dressed and ready.


“Come here you.”  He said as he grabbed Jesse and pulled him into a tight embrace.  His lips found Jesse’s.  He claimed his lover’s mouth his hands roamed over the tight body, causing Jesse’s blood to run as hot as lava.


Jesse pulled back, not really wanting to stop Brennan but knowing that he needed to take care of the man’s other needs first.


“Do I have to phase out of your arms to get you to the kitchen?”


“Alright, I’ll be good.  Lead the way, my blond angel.”


Jesse and Brennan made their way through the corridors until they arrived at the kitchen.  Jesse seated Bren on a barstool while he began preparing a meal.   Jesse had the indoor grill working overtime as well as the oven and the cook top. 


When the food was properly prepared he served it, placing two of the steaks on plates on the floor along with bowls of milk.  Goliath and Sheba both tore into the offered food, purring loudly as they chewed the rare steaks.


“Now the kids are fed you eat up.”  Jesse said as he placed a large slab of steak on Bren’s plate.


“I couldn’t eat all of this in a week.  You know the cholesterol in this could kill me.  I am did just undergo heart surgery.”


“I’ll tell you what, we’ll split on steak and that will leave enough of everything for Shalimar and Emma. Where is Emma by the way?”


*She’s sleeping, she was instrumental in helping us to heal Brennan.  She is extremely powerful.  And before you even ask, using mental abilities such as hers to the point that we allowed her to contribute only strengthens them.  We would not allow any harm to come to one as innocent as she.*


“That and Adam would never allow it.  Emma’s a vital part of the team.”


“Stop chattering, Bren and eat.  After that I believe that you’ll be ready for a long nap.”


“Already acting the nagging wife?”


“Who said I’m the wife?”  Jesse asked with a wicked grin.


“Already talking marriage?  Isn’t it a bit early for that guys?”  Shalimar asked as she padded into the room.  “Hey Goliath, Sheba what had you got there?”


*Steak, we’re famished.*


“I can relate, is there any more?”


“Sure if you want just split that one for Emma.”


“Emma went out, she wanted a chicken Caesar salad, which is a big move for her.  Remember she a vegetarian.”


“Oh nuts, you know she never eats around here.  I keep forgetting.”


Shalimar speared the meat and put it a plate she had pulled from a nearby cabinet.  She piled vegetables around the meat, then she poured herself a huge glass of milk.


 “I’ll just take this to my room, I’ll give you guys some privacy.”


Brennan who had been steadily eating put up a restraining hand.  He took a swallow of iced tea to clear his mouth.


“Shalimar, please don’t go.  We’d like to talk with you for a minute.”


“Alright, so what’s up?”  She asked settling herself across the table from the two men.


“How are the other’s handling Jesse and me?  I mean are they…”


“Supportive?  Yes, I knew there was an attraction.  Pheromones  provided a clue for me, I believe Adam might have had a clue.  Naturally he’s happy for both of you as am I.”


“What about Emma?”


“She was brought up in a home that did not condone such relationships.  However, she’s decided that prejudice from a mutant makes little sense.  She loves both of you and wants the best for each of you.  I think the biggest problem she has is that Sheba and Goliath bonded to you.  Of course I believe that Sheba might be taking care of that, unless my nose is mistaken.”


“Little chance in that, yes she’s expecting.”


“Expecting, what a quaint way to put it.”  Adam said as he stepped into the kitchen.


“You don’t sound surprised.”


“I’m not, the scanner was left active when Sheba jumped on Brennan’s lap.  Would anyone care to see the babies?”


*I would!*


*Could we impose?*


“It’s not an imposition, after all you’re the proud parents to be.”  Adam produced a printout and knelt so that the two big cats could get a look.  Sheba looked longingly at the cubs.

“If these were human babies, I would be able to tell you what sex, however with felines, it’s not that easy.”


*This one is a male, a female, these two are twin males.*


“How do you know that?”


*They told me.  Shalimar could you do me a favor?*


“Of course.”


*Come here and put your hand on my stomach.*


Shalimar complied. She immediately felt a twitch under her fingers.


“They’re strong cubs.”


*Ah little Sheba, that’s what I thought.*


“What was that?”


*My daughter has already chosen you.  She will be your companion and protector.*


Shalimar put her hand back where she had felt the cub, almost reverently.


“Thank you little one, it’s an honor I could never earn.”  There was another kick in answer.


*Adam would you do the same please?*


Adam placed his hand on the big cat, and felt a strong kick, then another.


*Well I’ll be washed in soap and water!  It seems that the twins have both chosen you.  Oh of course,  They say that the leader of Mutant X must be safe guarded.  Wait, no sweetheart, Emma isn’t here right now.”


“Yes I am.  I just got back.  What’s going on here?”


*Emma reach out with your mind and calm the child please, it seems that he is upset that the others have had contact with their bond mates.*


Emma cast her mind out allowing it to home in on the cub that longed for the contact.  She ‘felt’ a velvety caress against her mind and ‘heard’ a high pitched cry.  A tear slid softly down her cheek.


*It’s alright, I’m here.* She sent a tendril of thought to soothe the cub.


There was a violent twitch that they could see without the need of touch.




Emma reached out and placed her palm gently over the area where the kick had been visible.


*Ah, there now they’re all asleep.*


Emma sat down at the table a rapt look on her face. 


“Well I have to go get supplies, what food are you two accustomed to eating?”


The two cats answered together. 


*Not Cat Chow!*


Adam laughed, “I believe I can come up with something a bit more palatable than that.  Are you willing to try a prepared cat food, supplemented with regular helpings of meat?


*Yes, we’ll try it.  Thank you for caring Adam.  At the lab they just threw us that nasty corn based crap they fed to everything.*


“Well you will find that we’re not at all like that around here.  Also I want to see you in the infirmary in the morning.  Good health starts with good prenatal care.”


*At the risk of sounding rude, can someone tell me where the litter box is?*


“How about a walk outside the complex, we’re on an island there should be plenty of places.  We can setup a “cat door” if you’d like.”


*We get to go outside?  Except for the escape we’ve never been out of doors.*


“Come with me you two, I’ll escort you.”  Shalimar offered.


“I’ll take them, you’re still eating.”  Emma offered


*Yes, it would be good for Jesse and Brennan to have some “alone time”.*


“I don’t know about Jesse but Brennan is about to fall asleep in his plate.  I think I need some sack time.”


“It’s settled, you two enjoy your outing with Emma, we’ll be napping.”


Shalimar led the two felines out of the room.  The mental exchange of excited chatter could still be “heard” from down the hall as they exited the complex.


“Jesse, Brennan.  Drew O’Malley wanted me to tell you “thank you”.  He’s already been sent to a safe house.  I believe that we have made a powerful ally in that young man.  One I hope to see more of.”


*Yes he does, he wants to see a lot more of Drew!  Perhaps you should suggest that Drew be brought in on the team.*

 Sheba sent the thought to Jesse privately with a silvery laugh.  Jesse covered his mouth and feigned a cough to cover a smile.


*Sheba are you playing matchmaker?*


*Whose playing?  He likes Drew, I saw that Drew liked him, get the two together and there will be fireworks!”


*We can plot later m’Lady.”


*True, let’s leave our bond mates to their “nap”*


Jesse felt the contact severed.  Yet the Sheba remained a palpable presence in his mind.  It was comforting to know that she was with him.  Would always be with him.


*Not only her, I’ll be there too Jess.*


*This is going to take some time to get acclimated.  Do you pickup my every thought?*


*No just what pertains to me, I think.  It’s like your thoughts are being filtered just for me.  Aren’t you getting anything from me?*


*You’ve yet to stop eating long enough to have a coherent thought,  let alone one that Jesse need be clued in to.*


The two men looked at each other and laughed out loud.


“Is something funny?”  Adam asked.


“Sorry about that Adam, you were saying?”


“Just that I think I may have to have O’Malley’s help with some of these research notes, I’m familiar with the theory yet there have been major leaps ahead since my days at Genomex.”


“This is just a suggestion, you know Drew is a powerful mutant.  Perhaps we should find a place for him here.  I can think of a lot of uses for that fire talent of his.”


“You mean besides toasting marshmallows?”  Jesse quipped good naturedly.


“Hey, I represent that!  I mean resent that, stop putting words in my head.”


Adam glared at the two men.


“I also need to get some insights on this telepathic link you two are sharing now.  It’s disconcerting to be totally in the dark about an entire conversation that’s going on right beside you.”


“Sorry, we’ll try to keep a lid on the idle chatter.”


“I’ll adapt, you two get some rest now.”


Adam turned and strode out of the room.


*He’s going to contact the safe house and have them return Drew here.  That’s good he’s so lonely.*


“Well he’s a big boy and I’m ready for my nap now.” 


“Bren we have to clean this mess up first.”


“I got it, Jesse.  I’ll just finish this terrific meal first.  You two get to bed.”  Shalimar said with a feline wink.



“There you see, let’s go.”  Brennan took Jesse by his hand and practically dragged him through the complex to the personnel quarters.


“Bren, I’m coming you can let go now.”


“What size is your bed?”


“A king why?”


“And they stuck me with a double, your quarters it is.”


“Are we in a hurry to get to sleep?”


Brennan shook his head and leaned in to claim those sensuous lips in a hot moist kiss.  His hands found their way to the trim waist, he pulled the shirt from where Jesse had tucked it in his jeans. 


Jesse gasped as Bren’s talented hands roamed over his bare skin, pausing to pinch his nipples, not to hard, just enough to bring them life. 


Bren pulled back slowly, his eyes looking right into Jesse’s perhaps penetrating to his very soul.  Jesse felt that he could get lost for eternity in those eyes.


“You really want to sleep?”


“Not really.”  Jesse said then kissed Brennan.


Somehow Jesse managed to activate his door code and the two men moved as though conjoined at the lips into the room. As soon as the door was closed Jesse felt Brennan’s strong hands at his crotch, kneading the growing mound.


Brennan didn’t speak he took Jess’s and again and led the younger man to the bedroom.  When they stood by the large bed, Brennan began to slowly undress his partner, pausing as each garment was thrown to the floor to tease the newly exposed skin with his lips, or tongue. 


Soon Jesse was clad only in a pair of white bikinis which were tented out in the front.  Brennan was at his neck, sucking the sweet hollow where his shoulder and neck joined. 


“Bren, you’ve too much on.”


Brennan stepped back and quickly shucked his clothing.  When he was nude he stepped back to Jesse and gave him a gentle shove down on the bed.  Jesse cooperated wanting to be everything for Bren, his lover, his friend.


Brennan was on his knees at Jesse’s side.  He leaned down and began to lick at the pouch of the underwear.  When he covered Jesse completely he exhaled a deep breath through the thin fabric.


“Uhhhh. That’s nice.”


Brennan smiled up at the blond godling and as he skinned down the snug garment.  Jesse lifted his butt to help.  The white briefs were pulled down over his muscular legs and joined the rest of his clothing in a heap on the floor.


“I don’t make promises lightly.”  Brennan said his voice deep and raspy.


He spread his lips and took Jesse deeply within his throat. 


Jesse fought not to thrust upward, but the hot slick throat felt so good on his cock.  His fists clenched in the sheets as Brennan hollowed his cheeks and began to bob his head.


“Brennan, I want to taste you.” 


Brennan pulled off for a moment to turn around his muscular body giving Jesse access to his cock.  Brennan returned to his labor, pulling Jesse’s manhood deeply within him.

Jesse moan then lifted the large cock to his lips.  He opened his mouth, taking it as deeply inside his tender throat as he could.  It was difficult to focus on his loving task with Brennan going down on him at the same time.


Jesse felt the stirring in his groin.  He pulled off as the orgasm ripped from his body.


“Oh, gods!  Bren!  I’m ah, Ah I’m Oh gods! Cumming!”


*Oh baby it’s so good!*


*Love you Bren!*


Brennan nursed the last few drops from the spent organ. 


*Bren stand beside the bed.*


The bigger man did as his lover asked, standing there while Jesse repositioned his body.  The blond man hung his head back over the side of the raised bed and opened his mouth. 


*Oh Baby, that’s so good.*


*Fuck my mouth, Bren.  Nice and deep!*


Brennan began to thrust in slowly at first, however he soon realized that Jesse could take him this way.  He allowed his passion free reign, and began to increase his rhythm.  All too soon he moaned in throes of the pleasure the most earth shattering orgasm he had ever experienced in his life!


“Oh damn, Jesse! I’m cumming.  I’m cumming baby!”


The muscular body was assaulted by wave after wave of ecstasy.  It was impossible to form words only to allow his pleasure to be expressed in moans and gasps.


 As his feet returned to earth, Bren laid down on the bed next to Jesse.  He gathered the younger man in his strong arms.  Both men were on the brink of sleep.


They both heard the feline laughter.


*What a nap they had!*


*Sheba, give the cubs a bit of privacy.*


*Oh all right, perhaps our little ones will help the others two find what our bonds mates have.*


*Sheba on of these days your matchmaking is going to get you into hot water!*

*Yes dear.*  She answered in a tone that didn’t reassure her mate.


*Drew’s on the way back.*


*I know, let’s go in.  I need to get my sleep.*


*ah! Females!”


He heard Sheba’s laugher ringing in his mind.  “I love you Goliath.”


Goliath shook his head from side to side then turned to pad after his mate.  There would never be a dull moment, that was for sure.







If you liked this story please let me know.





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