Disclaimer:  All characters belong to marvel comics group except O'Malley, Sheba, Goliath, and their offspring. No copyright infringement is intended or implied.  I'm just borrowing them; I swear I'll put them back.


No money was made from this writing.






"Goodnight Bren."  Jesse whispered lovingly as he curled his body against that of his lover.


"Night baby."  Was the soft reply.


The two men, their bodies intertwined as well as their minds, drifted off in a peaceful sleep.


Later in the night, Jesse was awakened by the mental call of his bond mate, Sheba.


*Jesse!  I need you!*


The blond man bolted to the floor moving quickly over to the adjoining room where the two big cats made their home.


"Sheba?  What's wrong?"


*Babies on the way!*


*Jesse, it's her first litter.  Perhaps Adam's presence would help to reassure her.*


"It that what you want little mother?"  Jesse asked using his term of endearment for his beloved companion.


*Please, I know I'm being silly.  I mean cats give birth unsupervised all the time.*


*Hush my beloved mate, Jesse will get Adam.  Frankly it would ease my mind as well.  I can't for the life of me understand why, but for some reason you're very important to me.*


*Oh you just wait until I'm done here!  I'll throttle you.*


Jesse touched his ring to activate the built in comm link.


"Adam, please respond."


There was a brief pause then the yawning voice that was so familiar to all the team members of Mutant X replied.


"This better be good, Jesse."


"Adam, Sheba is in labor, she's asking for you."


Adam immediately replied, "I'm on my way."


The comm link was closed.


A few minutes later the leader of Mutant X walked into the room.  He carried a portable medical scanner.


"So how is my favorite New Mutant?"  Adam asked Sheba as he began scanning her to ascertain her condition.


*I'm hurting and scared, Adam!  How else would I be!*


"Easy Sheba, try to relax.  You've got a while before you'll deliver."


*Between you and Goliath in my head!  If one more being tells me to relax I swear I'll bite their cursed head off!*


*I hope you don't plan of kissing our children with that mouth.*


Sheba's response was a low audible growl.


"Goliath, would you be so kind to wake Bren?  I'll be right back.  I think it's going to be a long night and I need some coffee.  Adam would you care for anything?"


"No thank you, not right now."


Brennan dashed into the room.


"What do we do?  Sheba's in labor, what do we do?"


"Brennan calm down, I'll tell you what.  Come with me and you can boil lots of water and sterilize lots of towels."


"Water and towels, ok what else."


*Is he always this excitable?  Brennan, just go get a cup of coffee with Jesse then CHILL!*


*Honestly you've been around Brennan too long!  You're starting to talk like him!  Ouch!* Sheba’s thought was cut off by a particularly hard contraction.


"Everything looks good, the cubs are in position, and we’ll just have to wait for nature to take its course."


"We'll be back in a few minutes."  Jesse said then took Bren by the hand and led him from the room. 


The two men went to the well appointed kitchen.  Jesse began to follow the necessary rituals to brew his espresso.  Brennan started a pot of plain coffee.


A few minutes later both men were walking back to their room with steaming cups in hand.  They walked together in silence, not needing words to express the love they held for each other.  It was evident in thoughts they shared by way of the mental bonding with their feline companions.


When they stepped into the room they were surprised to see that Shalimar and Emma had joined in the vigil.  Emma was on Sheba's right, Shalimar on the left.  Each took turns stroking the mother to be.  It had evidently been what was necessary because Sheba was napping lightly.


"You could have waked us too."  Shalimar whispered fiercely.  "Little Bathsheba screamed in my head, she was terrified, I came down and found that Emma had 'heard' Anthony's scream."


"Men, off for coffee when there's a frightened mother in labor and unborn telepathic cubs to be soothed."  Emma sniffed at the two.


Jesse and Brennan we both taken aback, Adam who was still taking readings seemed to have the situation well in hand when they had stepped out.  And they'd only been gone a few minutes.


*They got me too!  Don't take it so hard.  They're both females and they are sympathizing with my beloved.  She and the cubs are fine, according  to Adam's machine.*


*What I needed wasn't the cold hand of technology you, you, MAN!  I swear if you think you're ever going to touch me again, I'll kill you first! You did this to me!*


Adam had put away his scanner.  He leaned over and patted the head of the noble cat.


"There there, it's alright we're here.  It shouldn't be too much longer."



Hours later when the last of the four cubs had been born, the members of Mutant X knelt by the "den" admiring the tiny creatures.


"Sheba, you have a beautiful family."  Emma said in a quiet velvety voice.


*Thank you Emma.  <Yawn> I’m sorry I ' m just so sleepy.*


"You have every right to be, let's all go and let the new mama get some much needed rest."  Jesse said motioning the visitors out of the room.


The cubs grew rapidly over the next couple of weeks.  Within hours of their birth their ears had opened and they could obviously hear the world around them.  It was only a matter of a few days when their tiny eyes opened.


All the while the members of Mutant X were stopping in to admire the tiny cubs.


Brennan and Jesse were almost as proud as the parents.  They spent every moment with their bond mates, Sheba and Goliath and their progeny.


One night a couple of months later, Jesse was holding a sleeping cub on his lap, it was Marc Anthony, twin brother to Augustus.  Brennan was asleep with the one female, who had decided to change her name to Cleopatra. 


Jesse gently stroked the wonderfully soft fur of the tiny beast.  The thought of the cubs leaving almost broke his heart.


*Jess?  What's wrong, love?* Brennan’s thought gently entered his mind.


*It won't be long before the babies are weaned from Sheba and they'll be leaving.* Silent tears made their way down the comely face.


*Baby, they've already bonded with Emma, Shalimar, Adam, and Drew.  They're not going away, they'll just be down the hall.*


*They won't be here!* 


The mental exchange had roused Marc from his napping.  The black cub looked at Jesse with a mixture of sorrow and mirth.  He meowed then bumped his nose into the blond man's chin.


*Silly!  We have to grow up.  You'll always be a part of us, just as Brennan will.  You are the bond mates to our parents.  You have been there since the first breath each of us drew.  We're not abandoning you.*


*Marc, his mind knows that.  Yet his heart doesn't, humans do not like things to change.*


*But Baba, everything changes.  It's one of the mysteries set forth by the Great Protector.  Without change, everything dies!*


"Jesse, come here baby."  Brennan said in a soft voice that he reserved for his tender-hearted lover alone.


*Hey!  There's someone down here!* Marc Anthony interjected loudly.


The outraged cub jumped down to the floor and gave himself an irrigated shake.


*Honestly!  You'd think they could control their mating habits!*


*Marc Anthony!  Go to your Mama, now!*


*But Baba!*




The little cub slowly moved from the room.  Goliath was never cruel to his children, however they knew when they had done wrong.  Such as outburst was not proper from a telepath, human or animal.


Goliath sent a private shaft of thought to his beloved, Sheba.  He informed her about their errant son and she assured him that all was well. 


*I'll explain his faux pass, he meant no harm.*


*I know that beloved, yet he must remember discipline.  Especially in the life that we have chosen for ourselves and our children.  Such an outburst around Eckhart would surely be our undoing.*


*Yes dear.  Now will you try to calm our other cubs?  I worry so about Jesse.  He's so easily moved to tears lately.*


*Brennan is calming him now.*


*Then leave it.  Brennan can work miracles with his moods.*


"Jesse, sweetheart, it's alright."


"I know, it's just that it's like they're ours.  I'll miss our family."


"No you won't with our luck they'll be boomerang kids."


"That's not funny!"


“Jesse, they’ll be with our friends.  And maybe we’ll be able to get back to being newlyweds?”  Brennan gave his lover a meaningful caress.


Jesse turned his face up to meet that of his beloved.  He accepted the loving comfort that Bren offered, allowing his own passions to be stoked by the tender sensations.


Brennan felt the tension begin to ebb, flowing from his lover’s lean body as his hands stroked the strong back.  Brennan moved his mouth down to suckle at the neck as his hands skillfully coaxed the knots from the muscles there under the soft supple skin. 


“Oh Bren, I love what you do to me.”  Jesse whispered as the man whom he had shared so much with withdrew only long enough to remove his black pullover.


Brennan renewed his tender torture, sucking the coral colored peaks of the beautiful chest.  He caught the ring in his teeth, tugging gently at first then graduating to a more forceful pull.


“Oh, Gods!  Brennan!” 


*What do you want me to do?*


*Fuck me!*


Brennan released the ring and quick movements stripped out of his confining clothing.  He pulled Jesse to his feet and made quick work of the jeans skinning them down with the tight white bikinis down with them. 


He took the mouth of his lover with his own, reveling in the return of his kiss.   He accepted the invitation as Jesse’s lips parted, sending his tongue to plumb the depths.  His hands worked the cock between those pale legs, bringing it to life.


Jesse threw his head back as Brennan sank to his knees.  A hoarse keening sigh escaped his lips as his lover took his cock deeply into the confines of the hot slick throat.  Jesse’s hands rested on those broad shoulders, not seeking to control Brennan’s movements, only to deepen their telepathic bonding by means of tactile contact.


*Do you like this?*  Brennan asked mentally as he began to violently bob.




Brennan took his lover all the way down, deeply inside his throat and swallowed.  He felt the quiver that ran though his lover as his muscles reacted to the intimate stimulus. 

*Bren, please take me!*


*Patience lover.*


Brennan released Jesse then with a gentle push to the right hip, he turned his willing captive around, pressing on the lower back to lean the blond man forward.  His tongue lapped at the cleft between the two pale firm globes, pausing to delve into the hot opening.


Jesse moaned with extreme pleasure, his hands grasping at his own buttocks to offer his lover better access.  The welcome visitor again penetrated his ass.  This time his pleasure was multiplied ten fold as Brennan used a trick that never ceased to thrill him.  An electric jolt, so small as not even to register on Adam’s equipment leapt from the invading tongue and ran up to cause his prostate to tingle.


“Oh gods, Brennan please!”


His lover stood behind him, sinking his large manhood deeply into his beloved.  He came to rest against the pale cheeks pausing only a moment before pulling nearly out, only to plunge back in.


“Is this what you want, Jesse?”


“Oh, Gods yesssss!”


“This is what you need, baby my big dick in your hot ass.”  Brennan said as he thrust back in.


“Oh yeahhhhhh!  Fuck me baby, please harder!”


Brennan quickened his rhythm until each inward thrust ended in a slapping sound.  Harder and deeper he pounded into his lover, he slapped the firm butt.  He felt the tightening of Jesse’s canal.  He slapped his butt again, this time he was rewarded by a moan.


“Yeah baby, slap my ass again!”


Again his hand came down on the pale skin, causing it to redden, his lover to moan.  This time the tightening began deeper inside, and fluttered all the way to the end of the opening, again it came and yet again.  He reached around to take hold of his lover, feeling the pulsating organ spill its hot seed as Jesse moaned and thrust back against him.


It was too much; the last of his control was gone.  Brennan felt the orgasm tear it’s way out of his body, sending his hot essence deep into his lover’s body.

*Jess,  oh Jess!  I love you baby*


*Love you too, Bren!  Oh gods so good, sooooo good!*


Jesse collapsed down onto the bed in front of them, taking Brennan with him.  The now spent organ still inside him.  The two of them relaxed, their breathing returned to the normal, slow rhythm. Brennan gently slid out of Jesse, the blond man moaned softly at the loss.  


Bren brought up a light cover over them.  He spooned against his lover, molding his body tightly to the younger man.  He gently stroked the muscled body until the quiet snores told him that his lover had drifted off, then and only then he joined Jesse in the sweet oblivion of sleep.




The next day the cubs began to eat solid food.  Sheba and Goliath stood proudly over them watching as their children devoured the meal of milk and the high protein dry food.


"Cleo, don't slurp up the milk, open your mouth and take a bite of the food ."


"Yes mama.  Like this?"


The tiny duplicate of Sheba opened her mouth and nearly submerged her head up to her ears.


"Oh Cleo, like this baby."


The mother demonstrated the proper technique, she daintily lifted a nugget of the food and chewed slowly.  She swallowed and then stepped back while urging her daughter to try again.


Jessie walked into the kitchen an almost doubled over in a paroxysm of laughter.  There was milk covering the floor, the cubs, on their parents and the nearby cabinets.


"Well how is the lesson going?"  He asked as he suppressed his laughter.


*Better than I expected.  None of them have drowned yet.*


*Oh you!  I seem to remember a particular member of the family who did almost drown in a food bowl*


*Someone held me under while they were eating their fill!*


Shalimar entered the room.  She fought back a bout of giggles, as she moved over to Cleo.


"Well my little one how is your first taste of real food?"


*Not really what I thought, it doesn't smell like the food you eat Shal.*


"It won't be long before you're fighting me for my steaks." 


The feral mutant scratched the delicate ears of her young bond mate.  She laughed as the ferious "kitten" began licking the air.


*Ohhh!  Ohhh! That's it, I couldn't reach that spot!*


"You're silly."  Shalimar said laughing again.  "Sheba, is the lesson about over?"


"Yes, they will continue to nurse for a few more days before I cut them off.  They have to be ready to survive and thrive on only solid food.  Ah are you considering what I think?"


"Perfect time for their first bath."


"Bath?"  Four mental voices asked in unison. 


"Yes a bath." 


She closed the kitchen door locking it.  The sink was a large double unit.  She began to fill one side with water, added a special soap that Adam had ordered and then picked up Cleo.


*Shal!  What are you doing?  NOOOOOOO!*


The cub mentally screamed as she was lowered into the warm, soapy water.  Shalimar began to soap the soft fur working quickly with deft strokes.


*Yuck!  Wet fur feels nasty!*


"Be quiet and hold still." 


*Are you mad at me?*


"No, you have to be clean.  This is something that you will have to get accustomed to."


The female cub was lifted into the other sink and was rinsed under the attached hose.


"There, all done." 


Shalimar deposited her cub on the floor and then captured another.

This time there was no mental scream, the little male seemed to grin and bear the indignity of it all.  He was soon released, his twin Augustus was next.


When Augie was put in the freshly drawn water he growled, his claws extended as he attempted to fight.


"Augie, stop that this instant!"


"Augustas!  You will stop that now!"  Goliath bellowed mentally.


The errant cub, was on his best behavior while his bath was completed.  He then joined his siblings on the floor.


"Come here Brutus."  Shalimar said as she lifted the last of the cubs. 


He was lowered and immediately began to splash in the water.


*I like it!  It's cool and wet and splashy!*


"Well, what do you know?  Perhaps you'll learn to swim with Drew.  He's always in the pool."


*Mama, Baba can I?*


*I guess, if you really want to...*


*Yes of course you can baby.*


"Brutus please stop splashing and let me get you washed!  Awl!"


*All done now, I'll be good.*


Soon he too joined the others; he shook to fluff up his fur and splattered the others with the excess water.


Shalimar grabbed a mop and using it dried the floor.  By the time she was done the little ones were bone dry again.  Both parents having pounced on each one as the feral mutant had released them.


*Shalimar, I believe that the cubs can join their bond mates.  They are sleeping through the night, they will still nurse but I'm always just down the hall.  Do you think the others will want to try this early?*


"I don't see why not.  When should we pick them up?"


*You can take Cleo now, she's been fed and should be fine until in the morning.*


"Cleo, do you want to stay with me tonight?"


"Yippeee!  Do I, are you silly?"  The cub leaped into the blonde woman's arms.


"I'll tell the others." 


Shalimar activated her com and spoke to each member of the team briefly.  Within moments there was a banging on the still locked door.  She unlocked the door and was almost knocked down by its opening.


Emma stepped into the room. 


"Sorry about that."


She then turned and called out to her cub, using her mental voice.


*Brutus?  Are you sure that you're ready to stay with me tonight?*


*Let's go!* 


Emma lifted the squirming body to her.  She hugged Brutus and then spoke to Goliath and Sheba.


"I'm only a thought away, and about twenty steps.  If you want I could..."


*I'll see them in the morning Emma.  I have no doubt that they will be fine, their bond mates however may not get a wink of sleep.*


"You're probably right."


Adam and Drew entered the room next.  They were always together these two; Drew's temperament perfectly contrasted that of Adam.  While the older man was quiet and reserved the younger was outspoken and always ready with a quick smile or a joke. 


They also seemed to bring out the best in each other.  Adam actually had lightened up at times, and Drew found that he could be serious when it was necessary.


*How are the two newest lovebirds of Mutant X?*


"We're both just wonderful Sheba, thank you for asking.  Ah, there he is.  Marky Mark, are you ready to leave the Funky Bunch?"


*You mean join the funky bunch; I've smelled your feet! Yucky!*


"Augie, are you ready too?"


*Certainly, let us depart.*


The two men spoke briefly with the parents, trying to reassure them that their children would be well cared for.


*For heaven's sake!  You're just down the hall, we can hear the cubs if there's a problem.  Now off with the lot of you.  Marc, you keep a civil tongue in your head.*


*Yes, Baba.*


*Be good boys, we'll see you in the morning.*


*Yes Mama.*


The cubs nuzzled their parents and strode out after their new "magical" bond mates.


*Well, that's all of them.  Are you going to be alright?*


*I'm not certain, I will miss their little wriggling bodies against me during the night.*


*Shall I sleep next to you and wriggle?*


*You're and idiot, and I love you.* She kissed his face with her rough tongue.




Goliath and Sheba lay in their bed later that night listening.  They could hear their children scattered through the complex.


"Foot Attack!"  Cleo yelled.


"Look Mark Anthony, look at the pretty colors!"


"Augie!  Don't!"


There was a distance sound of a crash.  It came from Drew and Adam's quarters.


"Nite nite, Emma."


"Nite, Brutus.  Ouch!  Those are my feet!"


*Well my dear, it seems that the quiet nights here at Sanctuary are over.*


*Yes, isn't it heavenly.*


Sheba pressed her long feline body against his and was soon fast asleep.  Goliath licked her behind the ear and then too fell asleep.


*The End*

*For Now!*


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