Sunnydale Irish Setters
Irish Setter Breeder

Picture of Sunnydale Irish Setters sale - San Francisco, California.  
One of Our Irish Setters

San Francisco, California


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We are Sunnydale Irish Setters from Sunny California. When we have puppies available we will list them here: Irish Setter Puppies for Sale, at this professional breeders listing page. Look for our puppy listing there under our name, as different breeders list there as well. You may want to read our experiences below with this breed before you purchase a Irish Setter.

History or our Irish Setter Kennel - Our Magnificent Hunting Dogs

People looking for Irish Setter puppies for sale often contact us and ask about our Irish Setters health issues. Before we purchased our first Irish Setter we did three years of research on the different Irish Setter bloodlines and American Breeders. We went to Missouri where we found a puppy mill, not someone we would buy a dog from by any means. We then checked out dogs and breeders in Tennessee, Texas, Pennsylvania, Oregon, California, Minnesota and New York, and all we found were the same bloodlines, which we most definitely did not want. We spoke to some buyers who bought these dogs and they lived less than one year and died from immune system disease. One guy bought a dog from Tennessee and did not get the AKC registration papers with it - he got what he paid for, a cheap dog, without the actual registration papers the pup could be anything - and not worth what he paid for it. I would be very weary of people selling Irish Setters for under $600! A good breeder can't sell dogs that cheap because they are following all the rules and providing their dogs with proper care.

Another person we spoke to in Oregon, bought a dog from a breeder in Pennsylvania. The first litter of puppies all turned out to be black! So beware of dogs coming out of Pennsylvania and now Oregon, they might not just be Irish Setters.

We found that most of the show breeders (a show breeder is someone who is activity showing their dogs in the show ring.) in the United States had genetically inferior dogs with many health problems due to cross breeding with other breeds, such as Afghans. So we looked at importing, but to import dogs would be extremely costly for shipping and they wouldn't be AKC registered. After doing a lot of searching, we finally found a kennel in Wisconsin that had good variety Irish Setter, that was a hunting dog breeder where we purchased our dogs. The Kennel had been in the family for two generations and they had a good reputation as a hunting dog breeder. We had our dogs tested and found them to be free from PRA, hip dysplasia and immune system diseases that affect the American show breeders. Yes, our stock is the finest bloodline around. We made a good sound investment and we have top quality dogs as a result. You won't find better Irish Setters for Sale anywhere, than at Sunnydale's. We did our research before we bought.

The Irish Setter has strong hunting ability. They are very easily trained and make excellent pets for children. Male Irish Setters are especially friendly and good to be around children and are excellent hunters.

Our Irish Setter Puppies

When we have Irish Setter Puppies available - usually every three to four years - they will be posted on the Puppy Announcement Page above. Please visit our Irish Setter Puppy Page to check for availability. Before you buy an Irish Setter you should read the information on this web site: AKC Irish Setters and Irish Setter Puppies Information Center
This site contains health issues on Irish Setters including information on PRA or Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Hip dysplasia, Bloat or Gastric Dialation Volvulus and more.


Irish Setters