June 9 : Allons au blogd daze. Je peut pas voir rien, Éled bizarre. Quand sa frappe va a travers. 2, 12 pieds plus comme 17 seconde attend 30 minute. Voyons voir se qu'on peut faire. Dessend par enbas go go, Bouge leen haut a vers-enbas. Je suis après ses comme enbas. Ses comme tu voit. Ona été correct depuit maintenant. Ses bon pour sa. Ses comme de l'énergie pour s'aider. it's my responsabilité écouter ou bien entendre tout est bien compris. Je serait la pour eux que quoi se qui arrive dans la pouvoir de la pensée je resteras a ma place bouge bouge. I got like 6 pages. Ses normal fait pas rien juste suis, le monde les aide soyez comme nous et pourrer envoyer du monde comme nous. Im smoking a cigarette. There bizarre. L'énergiz it's everything and it's work all the time for anything. Smoking i like smoking. Hum it's good énergiz. It's clean outside normally we clean. Hum i don't know what to do, let's do what we do from since the beggining. I got 4 page of what's i think. Where good to do the normal world. We think of going the nice thing. It's not like going or thinking scrary thing i do that some time for fun if you scare play with it or naturaly. It's easy i got the knowing and i chow it to everyone. Im am unique and the knowing unique. Im am always normal now, well since they ask me the site and before. People where there know everyone well it's look like there normal since the beginning. What am im thinking everything i think of nice thing not scary thing i don't have a head to that look like it. some time it's boring only when i don't think or talk at the same time of the télévision. I love the thing i thin. Look for it it's already exist. it's true all the thing we want. It's what it's telling me right now. People are the same, like everyone. Sometime you need to let your self go to do imporatnt thing. Ok im going to listen to tv until i go to sleep. In the ghetto we don't think most of the time and we don't play well i don't know. It's what im going to do. The power it's what i do i whant and play. follow the unique! Im not wicked with people. I want to go to the futur now. Hou want 12, 25 cents i know? dit moi quand venir. Vient tout suite! The unique it's 12 corders and he say oups go girlfriend say something so the know your dare. Oups everyone to. Dit moi quand tu va venir tousuite. Vient toutsuite. Yay on va avoir du poulet se soir that's mean : the unique just found everything in power to help everyone. Marijuana only have a débalancement come to wake up late. It's normal your personality and suppose. People want peace and do war(im sher war it is only a story) Peace everyone want that! Your kind and every kinds for the uniques. War is created for peace.

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