

With DrawBerry, you have all the possibilities the vectorial drawing offers you in a free, easy to use and powerful application. If you don't need applications such Illustrator or Inkscape and you want to create some simple (or less simple) illustrations, DrawBerry is for you.

With layers, powerful tools, inspectors and workspace, DrawBerry is a complete and easy-to-use drawing solution. Moreover, CoreImage filters, based on a great Apple technology, offer you new ways to improve your drawing, extending the possibilities to the infinite ...

Some great exclusive features, like the magnifying glass or the undo history, will help you to draw more and more accurately

All of this make DrawBerry a great drawing software. Just try it ...

See also the Launchpad development page of DrawBerry to report some bugs or browse the code


Vectorial drawing for the rest of us

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DrawBerry 0.8.1

Mac OS 10.5 or later