Rants and Ravings from Mournful Maniac's Symphony of Gothic Love


The year 2007 has finally come to a close. It is now 2008. After almost a decade of uneventfulness of my life I have finally found my new found joy in life. Life has been unkind to me for past decade, it was filled with deceit, hypocrisy, betrayal, denial of the religious life. Finally after leaving the Catholic church I realise how happy I am now, things begin to look up and my life starts improving in terms of career, financial, love with my passion of the arts and music. Liken to a bird that was just released from its canary, I soar the clear blue skies, looking at the world with a bird's eye view... breathing the air that is even different when I was locked up with the idiotic confines of the Catholic church teachings and doctrines. I have not sold my soul to the devil, I just want to be free.

However the curse of the vicious cycle of unrequitted love remains. I thought I have outgrown it but it comes back to torment me, at least once a year. I take rejections badly, sometimes to the brink of losing my sanity. I am frightened and started to pen down my grief through gothic poems and proses. As years goes by, the manifestations of my sexuality surfaces more prominently and I am at my wits end in conquering it. I just hope for the year 2008 I wouldn't be cast into the vicious wheels of unrequitted love as it is always filled with unbearable pain, anguish and bitterness.

As for the question of religion, I prefer to be an athenist because inter-religion leads to conflicts of interests which eventually destroys relationships. I am want I am, I want to be myself and not be confine to anything. I believe in what my conscience in which I feel it is more than sufficient to lead an honest life.

Instant Messanger (Yahoo): tanwunhui
(Hotmail): englishlords

In the stillness of the night
struggling under the warmness of the sheets
I shiver in coldness of my physique
the gnawing pain never seems to go away

Dawn of illusion
corrupt the illusion of my mind
as I pine helplessly in word and deed
Hopeless it seems to be
for where my heart still belongs to

Illusion of love and lusts
the fighting fear that strikes me dumb
the teardrops that cease the pain
as it twists and turn
the cruelty of the manifestation of true affections

Remembering how it begin
brought me immerse sufferings with no gain
I received your hurtful rebuke
where the aftermath is agonising anguish
where love pain creates pain

Blaming no one but myself
The more I pine, the intense the pain
stem only by the administration of drugs
It's like a fixation
where sufferings creates sufferings

Nights goes by silent screams in the dark
under the sheets when grieving torments
So this is love
that creates tears of hurt and misery
Remembering how it begins
threatens my sanity to insanity

I remember the happy times we had
that brought smiles to my tears flushed face
The music of the falling rain
playing in the darkness
your name I whisper from my lips

Miles apart now
I have not seen you for months
but your sweet smile etched deeply in my mind
Your voice, strong and powerful yet assuring
remembering how you pacified the frightened kid in me

But I am still crying from the hurt you have inflicted upon
it never seems to go away despite the remedies I have taken
Yearning for your affections
liken to an addiction

Recovery is long and painful
Healing is slow and filled with uncertainties
But it has begin mercifully

for Poise gentle envelopes me
and my heart embrace her caress as that of a lover
She seduce me on my weakened unbalanced state of mind
for her enchanted eyes captured my heart and soul
With bitter pain and sweet torment
I embrace her touch in search of factual tenderness
A twist of fate
brought her to my life
nursing my wound that is still fresh and raw
Engulf by the waves of depression
she held me close to stem the pain that ravage my body
My feeble hands against her strong grip
no words are worthy for this moment
and close to her is never close enough

I wish I could reborn
for where I could have start all over again
I wish I could go back to the time
where my heart was still intact
and not torn apart mercilessly

Following the diffusion of loneliness
I continue to pine for your attention
in search of desperate measures
with futile outcome

All these while
I spent trying to deceive myself
to dodge the painful reality
Under the camouflage of joy
lays the anguish agony of guilt
From grief turns to anger
and I felt myself rising to immerse hatred

I find myself losing my patience
in danger of unleashing my fury
for where the consequence is dire
Flashes memories of our happy times
staunch my dangerous fervour

Tearful nights awaits me
as blood of pain stains my pillow
only to be diluted by grief-stricken tears
It is like a curse
and a never-ending one

The mists falls with a silent sigh
cold and alone am I
the salvation which I pine,
seems so far away
It flares once, then dies,
devoured by own madness
All hopes must not endure
My heart desires no more
How could you abandon me?
for which you have torn my heart apart
it's crimson blood flows endlessly with grief
Surronded by dark emotions
I have lost my way

Sin, of all humans I was born with
Love, is a sin that spells trouble for me
Affections, is a sin that I crave for ever so helplessly
She, is whom I committed the sin of forbidden love
Forbidden Love, is the sin that is destroying me,
body, mind and soul
Despite the pain of forbidden love,
my love for her remains unchanged
Despite the hurt she inflicted upon me
my love for her remains unchanged
the sin of forbidden love shall exists between us
Ethereal, forever

Grief strikes without warning
misery is where the cross lies
pain is all it comes, merciless
Where was God?

Fighting temptations
as angels shed tears of blood
Broken are the promises implored
Why God Why?

Eyes of the Saints with the Devil's caress
salvation seems so far away
The innocently born, with a guilty conscience
paying homeage to my Sins

Fallen is thy God

The ravan jet of long tresses
flows through the cold icy wind of the night
Eternal begotton,
envelope by the Prince of Darkness
where pain beseech pain

Shedding tears of blood
Flashes memories of the dark haunting past
bringing the felt of Shame and Guilt
As night falls, the nightmares return
threatening sanity to insanity

The silence of the night
where choir voices of the howling wind
further harden the heart of the grief-stricken
Memories long gone, but never forgotten...

Misere mei!

Night fell like a silent sigh,
where darkness envelopes into eternal grief
in which pain exceeds its threshold to cope with
death seems so near
Eternally begotten...
depression sets in
threatening painful tears of sorrows
Years of hidden shame was finally revealed
healing, though painful has begin,
stem temporary by the love of a mortal,
Nothing is forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten...

Night falls
the moon, almost hidden by the dark clouds
liken to a raven spreadings its ebon wings
Morbid reminscences of the past cuts through my veins
sending me to the abyss depth of Righteous Hatred
Torment and pain is all I could feel
expressed through the opus volta of latin hymms
where its after-effects is mania depression
Worthless, a wave of hopelessness
the road of madness and lunacy
Mangled, in the pool of anguish and agony,
I plead for thy Lord's Almighty Mercy!


Back to:
Websitus Cyberarts
My Favourite Music
Subjects of Interests
Western Architecture
Jokes - Lighter moments of my life
Gothic Literacy of Sylvester
Webpage on Mental and Psychological Health
Gallery of the highest form of art
Quotes, Poems and Proses from the tormented spirit of Sylvester
The Beauty of God's Creation

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Background music is What I've Done by Linkin Park

This website was created on 5 January 2006
Website updated on 13 January 2008

This webpage was awarded Excellence in Literacy Power by the Institute of Mania Depressive Research

This webpage is designed and published by Tan Wun Hui Dawn
Copyright � 2007-2008 All poems, quotes and proses composed and written by Mournful Maniac.
All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: This site is of no intention of commercial business but merely the manifestation of the author's passion of life and mood. Please read the literacy works with an open mind and respect its flair of composition.

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